Poll: Do you get paid for being on call?


Apr 5, 2001
If you are an IT employee and work on-call, what kind of compensation do you get?

For instance, I'm salary and get an extra 100.00 a week to be on call 24/7. This also involves calls every Saturday morning at 8:45am to reset passwords from people who partied too hard the night before.

Do you get paid per indident, or just a flat fee? Gas included? I had to drive in twice this weekend so I'm asking about that.

Just trying ot get a feel for what the going rate is, and what kind of after hours load you experience.

Before or after the "Great fuckup of 2005" ?

I am salaried (I'm an executive, we can't be hourly)
I'm on call, 24/7 also. no added bonuses for that.

My guys though, get paid "time and a half" for extra time.

Basically, they are salaried up to 40hours a week. anything they work beyond that they get overtime.
it's retarded, and probably illegal. But hey, my guys get their vaca, sick days, benefits, pay, and extras when they get shit on by emergencies.
The job is to keep things running and there's no time limit on that. Salary and nothing extra for call. I'm the only IT guy though so it might be different with people doing rotating call and such.
I'm the only IT person for a company of about 25 people.
I do everthing from print issues to DB maintenance and backups. I get calls almost every weekend and very early/late in the day and get nothing extra.
I am not oncall yet, but I think I might be shortly. There is no extra oncall pay, but I really want the job, so it doesn't bother me. Plus, its a rotation, so its only 1 week a month typically.
Hourly employees at the helpdesk get extra money for being on call. They are on call for a week at a time and get an extra 300$ or so, I think. I'll ask them. They get paid 3 hrs pay automatically if they have to come in. Even if they only stay for 5 mins.

Salaried Sys/Net Admin's go on call for a week and get paid nothing extra. Cheap skates!!
We get l day off for l Week on call

There is a study somewhere I read that Showed 250$ for l week on call and x $ per Call

I dont know where I saw it at though
When i worked at the helpdesk I got an extra $1 an hour so about $2000/ year.
But i only had to be one call for 2 weeks out of every 6. so pretty much $3/ hour extra for the time on call. Plus Cell phone (personal use allowed) and 5 mbit cable at home

Now I am network admin, am on call 24/7 (pager/cell phone), still get the cell phone and internet, just not the bonus pay.
Typical on call rotation. One week every fourth. Salary and no extra pay. Part of the deal and get taken care of with other perks like 4 10's so every Monday off. Training class or convention every quarter. There is some unofficial comp time if you get hammered continually the week your on call but nothing policy wise. We get treated very well so there is absolutely no complaints about not getting paid to be on call. On call should be addressed during any interview and compensation should be factored into the salary IMO. If your on salary. If your hourly then obviously there is built in compensation. I work on a team that supports 400+ servers in an 80 billion dollar company. On call is just a part of the deal and you will get some love when your week rolls around. There is no doubt about. Just got off a call in fact. No problems with my on call duties. I actually embrace the responsibility..
If you are not geting paid per incident (per hour) you are getting ripped off. I don't know about you, but i get paid for my time...
Paid hourly, so I am directly compensated for being on-call if I get called up, indirectly compensated for being on-call in the first place because my hourly wage was negotiated with on-call status in mind. Time starts when I get the call, time stops when the issue is resolved and I either step away from my PC at home and go back to whatever it is I was doing, or I close the front door of my place when returning from the site.

The other IT guys I work with though are all overtime-exempt salary, so no direct compensation for them. Their salary was negotiated with on-call status in mind as well, though.
My on call works like this. Weekend days, hours 8am - 2pm, $500 for the day. Holidays, same hours, 8am - 2pm, $750. Plus my regular salary. During the week normal hours at 9-5, no on call then.
Like Kaos, I am an Exec, I dont get over time, but if I work any days extra I get a extra payed day of Vacation, plus I get a Full t1 to my house, cell phone(with 5000 minutes) That I can use to talk to anyone, and a ski pass to any Vail owned resort. and I also get little things, like when every we order anything from dell or newegg, I can get things for my computer. I basically get a new computer every 6 months. If they make you work the extra time I would put it in your contract that you expect to be comp for time worked. I'm sure they will accomidate you in someway.
I am one of 3 IT techs who stand on call from the following times

M-F 6pm - 9pm
Sat & Sun 9am - 6pm

We rotate the phone every week & I don't get paid for this :mad:
We get comp time... if I spend two hours on a Saturday doing on-call stuff, I come in two hours late sometime during the week. However, I'd rather get paid $100 a week, especially if I only got calls for an hour period on Saturday mornings.
We don't have defined on call times where I work, but on occasion I will have to provide weekend support. If it ends up requiring quite a bit of time on the weekend, my boss will usually have me take a half day off the next week the make up for it. I'm salaried, and don't get paid overtime, but my boss realizes that it's nice to get some sort of compensation when you have to give up some of your weekend.

All my work can be done from home, so it's not really a big hassle to be on call.
I think that most salaried employees are not paid for being on call. The things is that if you are not willing to agree to the terms then there is always someone else who is. That's real life, I guess we need to see what our comfort level is for this kind of grey area. :)
We get 8 hours paid time off each week we're on call. Rotation is 1 week in 3. That comes to ... let's see... carry the one... 17 extra vacation days every year. We can only have 40 hours of on-call PTO saved up though, so no month long hiatus.
I'm on call 24/7 but I at least get paid for my time: 160/week flat while on call. That is above and beyond my normal salary. The original intent of our on call was to switch off with another person since we're a small shop but I've been on call contiguously for the last three and a half years at least. Overall there's not a terrible amount of problem with it tho so it doesn't bother me too much.