Pondering an upgrade


Apr 1, 2007
So I'm thinking about shelling out for an EVGA 8800 GTS 512.

NCIX has one with Crysis for $340 after MIR.

I am currently running:
Asus P5B Deluxe
E6400 @ 2.8 ghz
Silverstone Strider ST75F

so I don't think power/bottlenecking should be an issue. So far I have only played the demo of Crysis.. 1024x768 on medium got me 20-30 fps. I know this card can't max Crysis but I'm hoping for a considerable improvement. Also looking forward to maxing out COD4, GoW, and maybe using fraps to record some good ol' fashioned Halo multiplayer... What do you think? The only thing I'm worried about is Nvidia releasing something substantially better shortly after the step up runs out, which I guess would be around the end of March. I know we're all in the dark here regarding when new hardware will be released but I just wanted to bounce this off you guys.

Any opinions?
A GTS 512 should handle Crysis at your native resolution (1680x1050) on HIGH. Do it. Get EVGA as well so you can step up should you feel the need.
Keep the 7900 for GS KO for a while longer. I just bought that exact same card for a new computer for my brother and dad. Use Rivatuner to overclock it. It can give a whole lot more. There are multiple reviews all over the net saying how high they could go.
I never recommend upgrading for a single game, especially one like Crysis. The next best thing will always be coming out in the future, but nvidia's next release is extremely close. Your call, but I myself would hold out until spring at least. The new 9800GTX or whatever they choose to call it will definitely be pricey, but the $340 you are shelling out for the 8800GTS could go towards it.

If you were upgrading to enjoy multiple games at significantly better resolutions or graphics, I would say go for it, but if I were you I wouldn't jump ship just yet... Just my .02