Portable Headphones (not IEM)


Dec 23, 2007
My third pair of half-decent IEMs broke after its share of abuse, and I am looking for a portable pair of headphones. I put all my headphones through hell, and I dont particularly pamper them. After daily use of IEMs on the train, at work, and at the gym, they give out at some point. Oddly enough, all my IEMs seem to stop working because the wire either got cut, loose, twisted, pulled too hard, etc... Long story short, no more IEMs, tired of them breaking.

What I'm looking for, is a portable-ish headphone, that is not IEM, and is not full size. So that I can carry it around in the train/plane/wherever, and use it at work (ipod headphones will suffice for the gym).

Headphones with my sound signature style is as follows: DT770 is my hero. LOVE the klipsch IEM sound. Not a fan of "openness" and large soundstages. Sennheiser sound in general is "meh" (IMO, senn fanboys don't flame me :p) . I listen to a broad spectrum of electronic music, but it tends to focus between experimental hip-hop, post-dubstep, and trip-hop (i.e. Flying Lotus, Burial, Massive Attack, and Aphex Twin.... basically, deep clean bass).

No idea where to start with this, and I realize head-fi would be a better place to ask, but I'm in no mood to open yet another account elsewhere.

Two headphones I've been looking is the audio technica ES7 and M50. Though the M50 looks like its basically a folding DT770 like headphone, a little big perhaps? I hear that ultrasones would be best suited to me in terms of signature, but I haven't tried any of their products, any thoughts on this?

Lets say a budget of $250. No amps.
Well it doesn't sound like any other style of headphone will help with your problem, Go cheap and grap a pair of Sportapros the sport designed portapros.

EDIT: changed styled to designed.
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Have you taken a look at the DT1350? I'm not too familiar with them but I've heard good things.
Something like the AKG K26P might work.

Even though you don't like the Senn sound, I'd consider the Sennheiser HD25-1.
I think it depends on the sound vs. money you want to spend (i know your budget is good, but portables tend to get beat up so YMMV depending on how you treat them)
Cheaper - Koss's (KSC 75 / PortaPros)
Mid - Ultrasone Zino's
High - Sennheiser HD-25 / Beyerdynamic DT1350
One thing about the HD25 I forgot to mention: it has replaceable cables.
I own the HD25-1 II's love the clarity and the bass is so whole and crisp. I love it so much but the cable is a bit short but yes, removable cables. People say that the HD 598 wire makes it sound better but I've never tried it myself but I might soon. The only thing I hate about it is the soundstage is really small but do try listening to them first, they're very fun to listen to and though they look weird and cheap they're not and they don't leak. And they don't give out a lot of outside noise. <3 them.
Why not get something portable that you like that either has a detachable cable or modify the cable into being detachable. That way you aren't saddled with an obnoxious repair every time you fuck up the cable. This way you either repair the cable by shortening it or simply make another one, and you can even reuse the same connectors and sleeving each time.

Ultrasone Pro 900 is a great example, although it's out of your price range, but you can easily get a lower end headphone and modify it with a 3.5mm female jack and modify the cable to 3.5mm male. All you would need to do is open up the headphone, remove the stock cable, drill a hole for the output jack, solder it up and then put it all back together.
Why not get something portable that you like that either has a detachable cable or modify the cable into being detachable. That way you aren't saddled with an obnoxious repair every time you fuck up the cable. This way you either repair the cable by shortening it or simply make another one, and you can even reuse the same connectors and sleeving each time.

Valid point, but the way I see it, it's pretty tough to break the cable on a pair of full-sized cans, or something that's not IEM/ear buds. IEMs are fragile in the grand scheme of things, they are small, its easy to tangle the wires, and the pulling/tugging involved when shoving IEMs down your pocket can get a little too much for them to handle. I was thinking that because I'm going for a more "heavy duty" pair of cans, the cable would be a little more durable, and a little less of a problem.

Durability is important to me, with everything, not just headphones. I'd so much rather have something ugly rugged and tough, over something pretty but fragile. The only headphone brand that so far has been able to score high points on that regard is beyerdynamic. It doesn't matter how I treat them, they are built so tough and rugged, it doesn't seem like it's going to break.

Lots of great suggestions in this thread! I'll look into it.

The contenders:
ATH-M50 - I read nothing but good things about this, its a little big, but if it's that good and cheap, then well....
DT1350 - Looks like a solid option
T50p - Not as good as DT1350 apparently
K26p - A contender, a little tough to find though?
Ultrasone 650/750/780 - Very curious to hear how these sound
HD25-II - Seems to come up over and over, so I figure I should at least give these a chance

hmmmmmmmm, seems like I have lots of reading to do.
Well, in that case you need to add V-Moda to your list of things to check out. They're built like tanks and if you can handle the aesthetics they are great cans.
+1 for the V-Moda M80/V80. Another pair I might recommend is the Philips Citiscape Downtowns, which are getting decent reviews @ headfi. The ES7's aren't too comfortable, btw.
Totally forgot the AIAIAI TMA-1's are probably perfect for you. Indestructible and replacable cable (there is a version with 3-pole mic/iphone style cable but you know, audio grade not apple crap grade)
BTW, while I love my Ultrasone 750's (Speedy, tight, and I love S-logic) they are portable only in so far as in transportable from place to place, they are just huge on the head, especially if you think the M50s are big.

The other option you might want to look into saving up for is custom IEM like JH13's. I commute on the train every day (Tokyo) and there is no replacing the audio bliss of having a demo room walk around with you, they really are perfect and just disappear. Considering how much I have spend on IEM, earbuds, etc over the years and just how far away they all are to my JH13's sound, well they are the best bargain in audio. Spend the grand once and never look for music headphones again. I'm still trying to replicate 7.1 movies with headphones (again live in Tokyo so no 7.1), closest are my Ultrasone's.
Beyerdynamic DT1350 if DT770 is your "hero" can than the DT1350 is the "Justice League" of that. On the ear and great sound. It will require a portable amp to sound its best though. Or Sennheiser HD 25 or Grado SR 80i if you want a different kind of flavor and or you love rock/metal. V-Moda V80 is also another great choice , very sturdy little can.
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^ If the sennys are comparative to the grados, then its definitely on the opposite side of the spectrum of what I'm looking for. Grado, while they are highly respectable and well built/sound great, primarily cater to rock type music, which I listen to none of.

Oooooo @ aiaiai! I've briefly read around, and this might be the one I have to say! Never heard of them (been out of the loop for a while), but the reviews seem like this is exactly what I'm looking for. All the reviews say good things and bass! Thanks!

I might have to agree with you on the ultrasones. After some comparison pics, they do seem a little big, as much as I'm tempted to get one.

Nah, no more IEMs for me. If I'm going to bash $1k on headphones, I'd rather go the T1/D7000 route =\

edit: After reading around abit more, the AIAIAI seems to be it, built tough, reasonably priced, nicely sized, deep clean bass, and as a bonus, doesnt look half bad. All in all, i think my mind has been made. TY!
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I still don't see how one cable is gonna outlast another... Sure, bigger headphones tend to have thicker cables (tho not always), but if you're manhandling the things then no cable is gonna last you very long. I've always heard that almost every part of the HD25-1 II is replaceable tho, since a version of them is used a lot in TV broadcasting etc.

I think ultimately you're better off with something that has an easily replaceable cable (or something modified to that), or just buy a dozen cheap Koss KSC75 or Sportas... Altho you could always learn to take care of your gear. :p IEM cables shouldn't be randomly breaking from use unless you're putting them thru a boxing match at the gym or something...
I still don't see how one cable is gonna outlast another... Sure, bigger headphones tend to have thicker cables (tho not always), but if you're manhandling the things then no cable is gonna last you very long. I've always heard that almost every part of the HD25-1 II is replaceable tho, since a version of them is used a lot in TV broadcasting etc.

I think ultimately you're better off with something that has an easily replaceable cable (or something modified to that), or just buy a dozen cheap Koss KSC75 or Sportas... Altho you could always learn to take care of your gear. :p IEM cables shouldn't be randomly breaking from use unless you're putting them thru a boxing match at the gym or something...

For sports/gym yes, I do agree, and I'll go the cheap route on that end, but I'd still like something good for the commute, work, and travel. I do like my music, like we all do.

I dont abuse my gear per se, but I dont pamper them either. I dont put headphones in the little pouch it comes with, I dont neatly organize it into a loop before storing them away or anything. I simply shove them into my bag/pocket, and pull it out when I need to. Having said that, with IEMs, doing that continuously everyday between commuting and the gym, it tends to be a little hard on the wires, and it will give out at some point (~1/1.5 years), as they have, 3 times over.

Compared to full-sized, which have been through worse, have lasted many years, and are still going. A smaller full-sized portable headphone is merely a happy middle ground between the two (granted, I take a HUGE hit on the size factor increasing from IEM > portable).
I make a figure eight between two fingers (pinky & index, as if rocking out) with my IEM's cable and the last two inches of slack I wrap around the center of that figure eight, you can then run the plug thru one of the right holes (or not, if they're in a pocket it doesn't make a difference).

Frankly I do it as much to avoid tangling as I do it to keep them safe, works a heck of a lot better than a single loop.
I've spent all day reading around, and I have decided on the beyerdynamic DT1350, order has been placed.

The AiAiAi does indeed look like a fantastic pair, but it is just a little on the bigger side of things, being non-compactable doesn't help either. At that point, I'd be better off going a little bigger and getting a full-size. I cant forget the objective was portability in the first place.

I've read around comparisons between the HD25 and DT1350 and it seems the DT1350 sounds better in the sense that its more lively, where as the HD25 is just more nuetral. The metal build quality is a huge bonus as well, and from previous beyer cans, I believe it.

Should get it next week, and will update.