Portal on the iPhone?

Real or fake its gay either way.

So are people that get boners from their phone.

Go tweet about that shit.
Not very sure, although I believe the 3GS is capable (although the game looked incredibly AA'd).

Ill believe it when I see public display of the Source engine running on OpenGL and ARM. Or did everyone forget that the developer ported the source from two major platforms?
Real or fake.. who the fvck would ever want to play portal that way? Keep playin yer marble tilt game, ladies.
I believe the video is real.

Hopefully the person isn't running Portal on an iPhone 3G S for any extended period of time...
You posted "Fake" and that's it... I think you ripped yourself apart.

I posted more than 'fake'. I posted the fact that I own the phone and I've seen hundreds of apps that run on it. No way some1 ported portal to run under the iPhones OS. No freaking way. You can bend over now and smile.
I posted more than 'fake'. I posted the fact that I own the phone and I've seen hundreds of apps that run on it. No way some1 ported portal to run under the iPhones OS. No freaking way. You can bend over now and smile.

Nobody is claiming to have ported it. Watch the video of it running on the iphone. Does that look like any version of Portal you've seen before? No, it's a small demo that has been made from scratch for the iphone.
Is this still HardOCP? I'm getting sick of the constant Apple crap on the front page. There's nothing Hard about Apple. Maybe Kyle should register SoftOCP for the Apple stuff.
The 3GS should be quite powerful, as I think John Carmack have also said, and enough to run portal at least at downgraded graphics for iPhone. Can't say that video is real, but the game could be possible to port over in somekind of version.
K... Anyone who owns a iPhone definitely knows this is fake... The cube has dynamic lighting. The cube alone has more polygons then any other game for the iphone and it looks like super AA. I got a 3G and there is definitly no way in hell. A 3GS is still not powerful enough to run it with AA like that with a smooth frame rate. Also... it definitely would take a lot longer to load on the phone.