Portal question


Aug 29, 2002
So, I like Portal (yeah, I know this is old news, but whatever)

I just finished all of the advanced maps. I guess I'll do the challenges now.

I had a question about "achievements" though...

I didn't knock down all the security cameras. In order to do that, am I going to need to go back and knock them all down? (i.e. replay the game???) I didn't even look at the achievement list when I was playing the game...

And, if I need to do that, is it worth it? If I get the game 100% complete, do I get some more levels or something? Is there a cool reward? lol
yes you are going to need to start from the beginning to get that achievment since the counts reset when you go back and there is no reward apart from the achievement
well that's gay.

I guess I'll just beat the challenge maps now, and call it done.

what a great game though.... I've been playing games for a long time, and this is definitely a good freakin game.
Is there a deathmatch mode for multi-player?
You could probably run through the game in about 2.5 hours if not less, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal to get the achievement.
yeah, you're probably right.

the satisfaction of having a 100% complete game is probably worth it, too.

Have you guys listened to the developer commentary for the game? I think it's pretty cool. It definitely makes me appreciate their hard work.

I think if more game developers did things like that, not as many people would pirate games. Naaaaaah, that's probably not true lol