Possible 360 death?


Assault then RUN AWAY!
Nov 12, 2002
I bought a new 360 slim last xmas (December 10) and the cd drive has stopped working. I will put in games, DVDs, CDs, nothing will work. I insert a disc and the system will say reading but I can't hear the disc spinning, and about 1.5 seconds goes by and the option changes to "Open Tray".



Now, I've lost my warranty info, no idea where it would be, but I think I'm still covered. Not sure.

Is this fixable? I doubt I can replace the drive on my own, I saw a guide online but it was for the old giant 360.

Microsoft has a diagnostic walk through for this problem and said that it has to be looked at by a pro, everything I tried didn't work.

The rest of the xbox works fine, connects to live, can play games off the HD, netflix etc. Just the cd drive.

What should I do?
replacing the dvd-rom is not a simple task.
best bet is to just call MS
As long as you registered it with MS they should be able to find all your information in their system. Again call them and you should have a new one in a few weeks.
Register it now, Goto xbox.com and do it with the serial number on the back.

If you can play normal DVD movies and CD music, then it's likely the lasers pot(-entiometer) that needs adjustment (to feed more voltage to the laser).

But, since I don't recall which selection of drives are used in the slims, I'd rather not recommend you down that path. Not to mention, it's a fair amount harder to open the xbox 360 S case without damaging it (relative to the xbox360 normal case, IMO - may just be my inexperience with the newer cases).
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thanks people. I think its the mechanism that actually spins the disc. i'll register it soon and hjopefully have my baby back
That's a rare failure as well , most of the time issues are related to overheating components.

I'm sure MS can still fix it for you. Hope you get some swift service.
i have a slim that did the same shit. bad thing is i had all the games i play installed on my flash drive to save the dvd drive.....it really worked out well. had to send it in for repair under warranty. just log onto xbox.com and register your system. it will tell you when your warranty expires. I didnt register mine but microsoft knew when i purchased it from best buy and the warranty started that day.
notas uncomon as you think .Ive had to replace 3 dvd drives not a hard task if you have any computer buildining experience. guides are readily available on the internet, main thing is to get the correct drive there asre at least 3 differnt types usualy identified by theshape of the openining on the tray., the drives themselves are available for around 35 dollars. It is a do it yourself job if its not under warranty. I had no warranty as these were used machines i got for nothing because they had dead drives . sold them for about 75 each made a little profit .
When my non-slim, Jasper 360 did the same thing to me, I found a quick fix online. Basically, all I had to do was load a disk, close the tray, and knock on the side of the system as it began to try to spin the disk. It worked like a charm, and I haven't had the error come up again (over a year). I don't know if this would work with a slim model, but it would be worth a shot. If you're under warranty still it is probably better to just send it off though.
notas uncomon as you think .Ive had to replace 3 dvd drives not a hard task if you have any computer buildining experience. guides are readily available on the internet, main thing is to get the correct drive there asre at least 3 differnt types usualy identified by theshape of the openining on the tray., the drives themselves are available for around 35 dollars. It is a do it yourself job if its not under warranty. I had no warranty as these were used machines i got for nothing because they had dead drives . sold them for about 75 each made a little profit .

Well compared to overheating issues with 360's , DVD drive issues probably still fall under the "rare" category.
true that on the rrod overheat issue Ive had 6 360s do that all older chipset models, no rrods on jaspers yet .The dvd issues were also older chipset models as well. Seems the hardware has gotten better .
lol I don't have a lot of 360s I'm referining to ones my nephews have as well as ones I've had.
notas uncomon as you think .Ive had to replace 3 dvd drives not a hard task if you have any computer buildining experience. guides are readily available on the internet, main thing is to get the correct drive there asre at least 3 differnt types usualy identified by theshape of the openining on the tray., the drives themselves are available for around 35 dollars. It is a do it yourself job if its not under warranty. I had no warranty as these were used machines i got for nothing because they had dead drives . sold them for about 75 each made a little profit .

You need to spoof the drive keys, its not a case of just swapping them around.