Possible bad PSU....need some advice


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2008
When I go to turn on my machine this morning it powers on and starts going through its bootup then I hear the computer beeeeeeeeep going off. I look at the motherboard through my side fan and it says a C1 error on the LED. Turn the computer off and tried again, same error. Used my laptop to look up the code and its a memory code. Tried turning the computer on again a few minutes later and it flashes power then turns off. Seems like it's shutting itself down (short protection?). Motherboard LEDs for power and ram power will still stay lit but nothing else will be on...but we all know it takes next to nothing to power an LED.

Last night the system ran just fine; no weirdness when I shut it down for the night. I do not have a spare power supply or computer to try this unit in. I got the unit in Feb, but I did not put it in the system until the end of march (waited for processor to come out). I tried pulling out one of my video cards to lessen the load but still wont start up (lights come on for half a second then go out).

My specs are in my sig. Any help would be appreciated :confused:
Memory code? Why not try one ram stick at a time (assuming you're using a kit) and see if that's the problem.
Suggested to get another power supply also even if it turns out your is not bad , it never hurts to have a spare sitting around
Its either the motherboard or the memory. Your best bet is to

a) Like meamoldman said buy a new PS and test with that. Either way its good to have a spare.

b) Buy new RAM and test with that If the RAM is bad you just bought your replacement, if its not the RAM just return it.

c) If a and b don't work, replace the mobo. I just had that happen with my abit board. RAM would fail memtest, but it turned out to the board, not the RAM.

Good luck!
The memory code is just what it stopped on for those boot attempts. And it only got to that code twice. Now it refuses to power up at all. Fans will start up and spin and then it all goes down. If it was the memory I would keep getting the same post code instead of the symptoms I have now.....or so I would think.

Let me know if this is incorrect. I think I am going to pick up a 2nd PSU and see if that fixes it, and RMA this one if that does it. Thank you guys for the help, and any other advice you can give.
you could always try the paper clip trick and see if the PSU turns on all the way. Then again, a second PSU to test is better and handy.