Possible Partition disaster


Dec 20, 2005
I have a new.used MB Pro, I used Migration to move everything from old MB to this one. I then went to disk utility to make a 60GB partition for my windows bootcamp. Then I went to Bootcamp assistant and it told me 'dummy, you cant bootcamp this drive cause it has more than one partition on it already!'


So I went back to disk utility and removed that partition. Then went back to BCA and made the slice there. Then I noticed that I was missing 60 GB total available space.


Went back to DU, there is a big purple area that is dead to me on this drive. Cant claim it cant partition it to a new drive, cant merge it back to the original.

Any ideas? Here's what it looks like in this condition:
So you have 300GB total, 176 used for your Mac partition, and then 60GB on the boot camp? If that's what you're saying then I guess I'm confused because that boot camp partition is huge in the map (from the picture you posted). I have a 320GB drive too, but when I make a 60GB partition in it, the map ends up so much smaller than yours. I would say delete the boot camp partition and try again.
Yeah, but never mind I figured it out, I used that little slider drag thing to pull the top down over the other section and now it reports correctly. dunno why it was confused.