POST takes 5-7 seconds to begin


Jan 14, 2005
My new EVGA x58 motherboard takes 5 to 7 seconds before the post process begins. I power on, wait, wait, then it does it's beep and starts booting. No other problems as far as I can tell. Could this be an issue with the motherboard or possibly the powersupply/ram? Unfortunately, I don't have any spare parts as this is a new core i7 build and all my older stuff isn't compatible. Just strange as I've never seen or heard of this happening before.
Occasionally on my ASUS mobo's I'll have a pause like you describe but from what I recall it's more like 2-3 seconds. I think it only happened when I first turned it on and when I disconnected everything for an upgrade.

What PSU do you have?
So this happens after every shutdown and startup?

I'm sure others will chime in but I wouldn't worry too much about it if everything else seems ok. If there were some power issue I would think you would have stability problems popping up.
So this happens after every shutdown and startup?

Only on startup! It's quite possible it could just be a quirk (aka normal functionality) of the board, I just thought 5-7 seconds was a bit excessive for it to be doing seemingly nothing, other than the fans turning on.
Yeah, nothing to worry about :) Only issue I have is when doing a vanity, power-on to windows speed test :p
I have the E458 and this is normal. When I first built my new rig, I though there was something wrong with the motherboard but I was simply not waiting long enough for it to boot.
I know the classifieds do this, I guess it's a "feature" of all EVGA mobos.
I get a similar pause when I try to boot with my USB 16GB Corsair flash voyager plugged in.
It also resets my effing overclocks, every single time I boot with it plugged in.
760 classified is the same

i thought i missed a cable or something turns out i needed to go make coffee and come back and it would hit the bios screen lol
i think all x58 boards do it. I know my gigabyte x58 board does. It was a little unnerving the first time.
My X58 SLI board did this, and so does my Classified.

Power on.....about 10-15 seconds later, beep, then the POST sequence starts.

I got used to it.:D
This is a known fact of the x58. It's not that frustrating until you realize the longest part of your system's boot is the x58's sloooooooow POST. It's great in every other way though.

I believe the reason I heard for the long POST was something to do with all the pci-e slots crammed onto the board.
I'm thinking of getting this board... or is there a better board around this price? and should i worry about the 1 year warranty?
my old asus p5n32e does this too.. my gigabyte DS3 before didnt. T_T
i had the same problem when the virtualization ON with my X58 Tri-SLI.
you can turn it off in BIOS.
I have the EVGA x58 SLI LE and every time I turn it on I'm like jesus just get on with it already