Post Your 7800GT overclocks

Postal Dude

Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2005
As the title says. Post your MAX stable overclock of your 7800GT. No artifacting, no lockups, game playable. Also give details on brand, cooler and mods. If this thread already exists. point me that way. if not. carry on.

Mine is...
Leadtek 7800GT
Stock cooler and volts

Heres The long awaited chart of member plus clocks, plus brand

Postal Dude: Leadtek Standard 515/1220 no mods
GoldenTiger: eVGA non-cu non-co 486/1160 no mods
leSLIe: XFX 668/1660 Phase cooled (to be confirmed)
RogueTrip: eVGA 500/1180 no mods
GFreeman9: eVGA 500/1200 no mods
MrSlacker: (No brand given) 500/1152
Budwise: eVGA CO
Entropy: BFG OC 460/1180
Elias: XFX 478/1090
CrimeAndEvil 515/1200
I have this in my SFF SN25P system:

eVGA 7800GT non-copper non-CO version
Stock cooler and volts
XFX 7800GT SLI setup, with phase cooling, there are two evaporators right on the GPUs
and are connected to the memory with a heat speader

668core/1660mem both cards are at the same speed
Thats a good overclock, most i have tried for was 500/1.18 and it ran fine, have the original card cooler on it.
im currently working in a cryogenic phase change setup, it would go around -120ºC, i would have to use special insulation. I might try some peltiers too.
leSLIe said:
XFX 7800GT SLI setup, with phase cooling, there are two evaporators right on the GPUs
and are connected to the memory with a heat speader

668core/1660mem both cards are at the same speed
With somethin like that you gotta have a thread postin pics of it? care to point me in the right direction? would love to see that beast! what benchmark scores u hittin?
Postal Dude said:
With somethin like that you gotta have a thread postin pics of it? care to point me in the right direction? would love to see that beast! what benchmark scores u hittin?
Ya we needs pics!
want pics, buy me a new digital camera!!, mine is in the bottom of the sea! don´t ask!
i would definitly post something (but that would be in overclocking/extreme cooling) when my new project is complete, i would have to "BORROW" a camera though...
mine is 500/1152 i believe, was playing around with GS for like over a week so forgot my OCs :mad:
Mine are 460/1.18 IIRC, BFG OC, stock cooler/volts.

I can push up to 480Core but it starts to lock up after 1/2Hr or longer of gameplay, I'm thinking its a heat problem.

I wish this card would break 500 core, but I begin to get problems in FEAR.
leSLIe said:
XFX 7800GT SLI setup, with phase cooling, there are two evaporators right on the GPUs
and are connected to the memory with a heat speader

668core/1660mem both cards are at the same speed

I'm calling BS on this, no proof no care :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
AppaYipYip said:
I'm calling BS on this, no proof no care :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I want pics.

Built a system for a customer who wanted it OCed alittle, got the GT to 515/1200.
EVGA 7800GT 601/1300 H2O Vmod. (515)

Just got my second card the other day.. Once I finish with the vmod on that one and get my bridge. I will be going SLI.. :D
CrimandEvil said:
I want pics.

Built a system for a customer who wanted it OCed alittle, got the GT to 515/1200.

yeah, 515 seems to be about the avg high OC for the 7800GT core w/o a vmod. then around 600 with a vmod... 668 is really pushing it...

anyways, to leSLIe

no pics no proof... move along now. ;)
revenant said:
yeah, 515 seems to be about the avg high OC for the 7800GT core w/o a vmod. then around 600 with a vmod... 668 is really pushing it...
The card was stable at about 525/530 but since the case didn't have the best airflow I thought it was best to go with 515 for the long haul to make sure there wasn't any problems with heat.

Too bad the card was one of eVGA's loud GTs, had to lower the fanspeed with a fanmate to an "acceptable" noise level (damn thing was loud enough to be heard from my bedroom to the living room :rolleyes: ).
You guys would be better off with the NV Silencers..
Or wait for these:

The first GPU Cooler from ARCTIC COOLING with Heatpipe Technology

The silent Accelero offers better cooling than the former ATI/ NV Silencers.

Swiss cooler manufacturer ARCTIC COOLING launches new series of Graphic card coolers named Accelero (X1 for ATI X1800/ X1900 Series and X2for NVDIA 6800/ 7800 Series). Vibrations caused by the rotating fan are absorbed by a patented vibration muffler. Complex airflow simulations were conducted during developmentof the fan, the results were incredible cooling performance at extremely low noise levels as aresult of to 6 heatpipes.

ARCTIC COOLING offers for this series a 6 year limited warranty.

Both models will be available by end of February 2006. The MSRP is each only USD 33.-.
BioVader said:
You guys would be better off with the NV Silencers..
Or wait for these:

The first GPU Cooler from ARCTIC COOLING with Heatpipe Technology

The silent Accelero offers better cooling than the former ATI/ NV Silencers.

Swiss cooler manufacturer ARCTIC COOLING launches new series of Graphic card coolers named Accelero (X1 for ATI X1800/ X1900 Series and X2for NVDIA 6800/ 7800 Series). Vibrations caused by the rotating fan are absorbed by a patented vibration muffler. Complex airflow simulations were conducted during developmentof the fan, the results were incredible cooling performance at extremely low noise levels as aresult of to 6 heatpipes.

ARCTIC COOLING offers for this series a 6 year limited warranty.

Both models will be available by end of February 2006. The MSRP is each only USD 33.-.

Link to that?
When I get home... that is if my internet is back up.. I just got the news release the other day...
Since i pushed my CPU overclock another 100Mhz and bumped my Vdimm up a little bit. my case temp has risen somewhat and i started artifacting at 515 on the core. That 1.5v mod is gonna happen soon. GTX killer :D

If anyone could linky to that new AC thing please do. I checcked their website and found nothing
I have an eVGA 7800gt, the one @ 445/1.07 "stock". I installed coolbits 2.0 and oc'ed it and temps were fine (barely went up, like 1 degree? It idles around 40 and maxes out around 60) but I did notice some artifacts? Like in CSS I noticed some weird things in the distances happening and some other things that werent there before. Any ideas? Does this mean I'm screwed on oc'ing.

I'm thinking about getting a zalman but it doesn't seem like a temp problem, like i said idle 40, load around 60.

What is a good procedure for ocing graphics? Should I just go up like 10mhz @ a time? Like go from 445 to 455 but not changed memory? I guess I'm expecting like 490/1.16? I guess there is no gaurantees! I'll try it out tonight.

Btw what is a vmod? Where to buy? etc...

Thank you for the advice.
I'm getting 400/1000 stock. Threw in coolbits and got it up to 470/1.27
I don't think it really matters once you vmod otherwise your going to have trouble going any higher without the extra volts...
leSLIe said:
XFX 7800GT SLI setup, with phase cooling, there are two evaporators right on the GPUs
and are connected to the memory with a heat speader

668core/1660mem both cards are at the same speed
No digital camera for you im afraid. Instad. Please post screen shot of temperature in NV driver screen. Everest GPU overclocks with rthdrible running on screen. No proof, no belief
just did a bios mod to my 7800GT CO, and went from max OC of 487/1250 or so to 505/1260...