Post your badge for the give away 2nd Edition


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
No badge, no winner.

Please see the for info.

Do not
Post here asking questions, see the other thread (link above).

Also, New folders, If you can, Make sure your running the SMP and/or GPU clients. You will get WAY more points and do more science!


Started folding for the first giveaway. Currently at 191,731 points and 85 WUs.
I'm glad you guys are doing another one, but I'm going to withdraw. I'm moving in the with the gf and I don't want to scare her with the electric bill! :D
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In again...Need to replace the unstable GT 240 rig I've got running or upgrade it.

I've been out of the folding game for too long. Been off and on folding since 2004. Might as well squeeze some juice out of the HTPC and my new lappy.

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Started folding again for the [H]orde. Haven't recieved a point since 2006. Does it count I am a new forum member? I'll keep the work PC crunching.

I started for the last one, I should have enough points to enter this time around. Thanks for the additional opportunity.

I'm in...just started on the 1st, and at 17k points...I should make 75k no problem.

I haven't really 'stopped' since I started up for the last one but here it goes again. I shall brave the awful summer heat ;)
