Post your HeadPhones!

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here's my sweet, brand new Sony MDR-15's!
ElektronikSeraph on 6/25/06 said:

That's my HD280's headband. For those who aren't familiar with them, there's supposed to be plastic covering that. That's a nice 1-1.5" chunk that broke off, all from normal use. They're on their way to Sennheiser now.

Well, got my replacements in today. Not repaired - replaced. Didn't cost me anything (except $12 to ship to them), and didn't take an unreasonable amount of time (they sat at Sennheiser for maybe 3-4 days).

The new ones seem a bit weird, though. The pleather seems... stiffer. Less soft. And the padding less squishy. The squish part, at least, is probably because they aren't broken in, but the pleather sure seems cheaper. Oh well!
ElektronikSeraph, did your new HD280pro come with a different design headband, or is it the same as your old one? My poor dad's are starting to break on both sides, and his warrenty is up. Would cost him between 17.50$ - 33$ to get them fixed.

By the way, if it's a new design, mind posting a pic or two of it?

Cesium, please tell me you don't use those as your main headphones :eek: :( :eek:
I just picked up a pair of Senn EH150s from Circuit City an hour ago, and they really aren't too bad! Everyone says that the DT-770 is the bass king, but these seem to actually have more bass (although a bit more flabby & uncontrolled). Highs & upper mids seem a bit recessed, but these really kick ass for $40 :) Time for mods :D
towert7 said:
ElektronikSeraph, did your new HD280pro come with a different design headband, or is it the same as your old one? My poor dad's are starting to break on both sides, and his warrenty is up. Would cost him between 17.50$ - 33$ to get them fixed.

By the way, if it's a new design, mind posting a pic or two of it?

Cesium, please tell me you don't use those as your main headphones :eek: :( :eek:

From what I can tell, it looks like it's the same, but it's been a while since I had my other HD280s so I'll post pics anyway. I remember some Head-Fi folks said their replacement 280s had a new headband, one of them even claiming they got a call from a Sennheiser service rep saying the new one didn't break like the old ones... maybe they changed something not immediately apparent.

I left them at 1600x1200 to not omit detail, so I'll link the pictures.
Not really headphone related unless you consider the role the source plays in the grand scheme of things. :D


Bus powered Alien USB DAC. ;)
Mister X said:
Pft... I am all in.
What kind of capacitors are black and gold again? ;)

Panasonic FM caps? :p
hey, I like those DACs... look like some DIY projects. Can they be modded to use a digital coax input? if so I'd really like some info on them! :D
z3r0-, sounds like you will have a pretty sweet setup soon ^_^. Enjoy it.

As for me, just a quick update.
Got my HeadAmp DPS for my G-Lite.
Not shown in this picture is my new HTS3500MKII.


larger pic

Wide Shot

My little setup keeps growing :D

Soon to come, some isolation feet for my speakers.
Towert7: noticed you had a coiled cord on your 770's.. are those the 250's?

Tell me more about the DPS. I had the GS-1 but was really close to pulling the trigger on the Glite + DPS.. what are the differences?

I ask because I remember documenting the rather large difference between the GS-1 and the GLite alone on headfi.

Oh boy, i've only had the DPS for 5 days now, and havn't got around to doing comparisons between it and the stock Elpac power supply.
What I can say though, is that when I turn on the G-Lite, the snap/click sound is much quicker. It also gets noticibly warmer (but still not hot) with the DPS. Justin said this is because the DPS runs at a slightly higher voltage.

When I get around to comparing the two, i'll let you know.
towert7 said:
When I get around to comparing the two, i'll let you know.
Well, I tried some A/B comparisons this morning for an hour or so.
Despite my best efforts to notice differences, I just couldn't aside from the first two I mentioned.

So, take that for what's its worth. Maybe I just can't notice much of a difference (ears not trained enough), perhapse my equipment is not revealing enough, or perhapse it has to do with the quality of power to my house.
I personally would edge toward the first two being at fault. ^_^

Maybe when I get an external DAC and better headphones it will become more clear.

towert7 said:
Well, I tried some A/B comparisons this morning for an hour or so.
Despite my best efforts to notice differences, I just couldn't aside from the first two I mentioned.


Then you better return it.. if no upgrade is to be had... then it's useless. What's the point of spending $200 on something that doesnt add anything to the experience? Return it and get something that actually does something for you.

I got it for a decent price used, so I'll stick with it (didn't buy it new from Justin).
I will also keep it in the hopes that down the road, when I have more revealing equipment, it will have paid off (which I expect to get fairly soon).

Plus I like it because now I don't have to use that clunky Elpac power supply (that thing was huge! I was afraid it was going to break one of my outlets when laying horizontal).
towert7 said:
I got it for a decent price used, so I'll stick with it (didn't buy it new from Justin).
I will also keep it in the hopes that down the road, when I have more revealing equipment, it will have paid off (which I expect to get fairly soon).

Plus I like it because now I don't have to use that clunky Elpac power supply (that thing was huge! I was afraid it was going to break one of my outlets when laying horizontal).

Revealing equipment or not... I could tell the difference between the GS-1 and the GLite using iPod earbuds. Justin assured me that the GLite+DPS was equal to the GS-1 in sound due to the equality of the power supplies.

If you cant hear it, you're not going to hear it on any other equipment.

Focus on the vocals... the DPS should make the vocals stand out more... removes the fuzz around it. Plus, with the DPS, try turning it real loud, the DPS should balance out the sound to the point where you can turn up louder than you used to without the DPS and still have your headphones sound coherent.

For more GLite vs GS-1 (which is basically the GLite + DPS), refer to my big review thread on headfi under Joey_V.
Sony MDR-NC50 Noise Canceling Headphones. I need them here @ work in the datacenter =(

Good Guys clearance + 50% off tag price = happy me
Pinipig523 said:
Focus on the vocals... the DPS should make the vocals stand out more... removes the fuzz around it. Plus, with the DPS, try turning it real loud, the DPS should balance out the sound to the point where you can turn up louder than you used to without the DPS and still have your headphones sound coherent.
Ah, sadly that's one type of music I don't have a lot of: female vocals.
I will try to pay attention to the way vocals are presented next time I compare the two.
Also, at the moment this is my reference setup, so I need to get used to the improvments.

For more GLite vs GS-1 (which is basically the GLite + DPS), refer to my big review thread on headfi under Joey_V.
I think I read your review about a year back, but I'll check it out again for sure.

Well, this is my third set of under $100 cans. Let's hope these last a little longer than the others.

defiant007 said:
Sennheiser HD570's, most comfortable headphones i have ever used
Where out of the blue did you pull that one out of? I can't even find anyone mention the HD570

defiant007 said:
Sennheiser HD570's, most comfortable headphones i have ever used

Interesting - I find my W1000s pretty confortable - but I have to say the tri-ports are the most comfortable headphones I have erer tried on (although anyone who values quality in headphones will probably laugh at you if you actually buy them)

Mullet Hybrid Amplifier + Cheap NOS DAC kit + Grado SR225's with Sennheiser HD414 pads = :cool:
fox_au said:
wat do think of the sonys
weak bass but even mids. bass isn't that loud as other sets i've had.

I setup a custom EQ which really fixed things. Good fitment. Great cord legnth.

I like them. Ordered a cmoy off ebay for $50. We'll see how that goes. =)
Time for a source upgrade. :p

EDIT: Oooh... with my new monitor my signature is only 3 lines long. :cool:
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