Post your MSI Neo2 Platinum results here

xTABx7 said:
my setup has been working perfectly for about a month, but last night it wouldnt turn on, i broke down and rebuilt it. It posts again, but gets stuck at that Platinum Splash screen, I cant hit tab or delete because my keyboard isnt booting, (usb keyboard) i plugged the keyboard into a usb/ps2 adapter and i got it to work once, but when i restarted the comp, the same issue occured, except now i cant get the keyboard to respond anymore. Any ideas? :confused:

That seems to be kind of what I'm experiencing. I don't have the graphical splash screen, I've got the tech stuff coming up at the start. It sees the CPU, memory, but then it takes forever to identify the IDE/SATA drives.

ehZn : I'm using a 420W Raidmaxx powersupply.
scorpy said:
Hey Rnsl, I don't know if this might be an issue, but the review of your board at Madshrimps says that one set of the SATA is locked, and the other set is unlocked. SO any overclocking on the unlocked SATA results in corruption. Here is the link -

Yeah, I just read that review. I'm not sure if the SATA cables that came with the mobo will reach all the way from SATA3 to the HDD, but if not, I'll buy some. Right now my drive IS plugged into SATA1.

I think they were also the review that mentioned the AGP lock is at 68? I thought it was 67... Anyone know for sure?

What is the max CPU voltage in the Neo2 bios I can crank it up to without damaging the Athlon 64? What is the max temperature that the CPU can have?
I think they were also the review that mentioned the AGP lock is at 68? I thought it was 67... Anyone know for sure?

I've set mine to both 66 and 67 and Clockgen read the speed at 66.67 at both.

With regards to your previous concern, I would think that the problem is the SATA to your hard drive as the machine posts without issue. However, you may also want to try running your memory at a lower speed to see if that is holding you back. If you set your mem's max speed to 166 in the BIOS and then overclock to 250, your memory will run at 216 mhz which is more in line with its 3200 identification. i understand that Anandtech was able to run their RAM at much higher speeds, but you have sticks that don't like higher speeds... Just a thought.
Tetsuo316 said:
I've set mine to both 66 and 67 and Clockgen read the speed at 66.67 at both.

With regards to your previous concern, I would think that the problem is the SATA to your hard drive as the machine posts without issue. However, you may also want to try running your memory at a lower speed to see if that is holding you back. If you set your mem's max speed to 166 in the BIOS and then overclock to 250, your memory will run at 216 mhz which is more in line with its 3200 identification. i understand that Anandtech was able to run their RAM at much higher speeds, but you have sticks that don't like higher speeds... Just a thought.

I've read reviews out there that say the 3200 is better at overclocking than the 4000. That's why I went with that.

Do all you OC'ers out there with similar system spex run your memory at 200 or 166?

Also, I think my voltages can go as high as 1.8? I've got it at 1.5 now.

And as far as the temps, it seems most 'monitoring' programs have their default alarms set for 70C.
RsnL said:
I've read reviews out there that say the 3200 is better at overclocking than the 4000. That's why I went with that.

Do all you OC'ers out there with similar system spex run your memory at 200 or 166?

Also, I think my voltages can go as high as 1.8? I've got it at 1.5 now.

And as far as the temps, it seems most 'monitoring' programs have their default alarms set for 70C.

Hey RsnL, I'm running at 250x10, with my memory set to auto. Setting it to anything other than that won't allow mine to O/C. But it's stable at 250x10, 3-4-10-4, 1T. And the HyperX is runnig 1:1 with the HTT. My vcore is 1.55, vdimm is 2.65.
Reducing your mem speed may help a lot, as well as moving the sata from 1 to 3. What I'm sure about is why it's taking a long time to detect your HD or not seing it at all. Have you rechecked the HD's setting in the Bios? Is the Bios seeing the HD correctly while your in the Bios? You might try disconnecting the CDRom and try a boot, to isolate.
Novablade said:
Hey RsnL, I'm running at 250x10, with my memory set to auto. Setting it to anything other than that won't allow mine to O/C. But it's stable at 250x10, 3-4-10-4, 1T. And the HyperX is runnig 1:1 with the HTT. My vcore is 1.55, vdimm is 2.65.
Reducing your mem speed may help a lot, as well as moving the sata from 1 to 3. What I'm sure about is why it's taking a long time to detect your HD or not seing it at all. Have you rechecked the HD's setting in the Bios? Is the Bios seeing the HD correctly while your in the Bios? You might try disconnecting the CDRom and try a boot, to isolate.

Well, after changing my HD from SATA1 to SATA4, I was finally able to OC. Thanks for the suggestions.

I did encounter some difficulties, however. I set all the voltages to their max yellow settings, and did 10 x 250, with the memory @ 166 with all other stuff auto and HTT @ 3.

The Prime95 tests failed after about a minute. I ended up clocking it down to 10 x 240, but everything was running very hot (but stable). My MM5 scores reached up to 59C under P95.

I wasn't too happy with that, so I put everything back @ stock. I'll be trying again, but I didn't like all the heat that was generated...

And, I thought my Crucial Ballistix PC3200 was supposed to OC better than that... It sure didn't appear to. But, maybe I wasn't giving it enough voltage.
Ballistix is designed to run @ 2.8v. Anything less than that and you may have issues.
how does that dynamic overclocking work on this board? such as setting it to captain or colonel? i was thinking about trying that with my memory on auto, and what about voltages?
not an explaination, i'm looking for like "it works great" or "it blows chunks" or "do it yourself you gay noob"
xTABx7 said:
how does that dynamic overclocking work on this board? such as setting it to captain or colonel? i was thinking about trying that with my memory on auto, and what about voltages?

I was told to turn all that 'auto' stuff off in the cell menu. I don't mess with it.

Thanks for the advice on the memory. I'll try cranking up the voltage to 2.8 to see if I can get it any more stable.

How about the CPU voltage and AGP? Can the CPU go 10 x 250 without having to jack up the volts?
xTABx7 said:
how does that dynamic overclocking work on this board? such as setting it to captain or colonel? i was thinking about trying that with my memory on auto, and what about voltages?

Sucked for me, I couldnt even do the second step up. But I also have "standard RAM" and three double-sided sticks at that. So I still got a good overclock, but I had to play around with it, raise this, lower that, etc. I think the auto overclock does too many different changes, so it makes it hard for you to pinpoint whats holding you back.
thanks for the reply, too bad it doesnt work well, would be a real easy way to oc
Man, this thread has gotten long.

I am having an issue with the Neo2 now on one of my systems.

I have 2x 512mb Ballistix PC4000. When I run MemTest86 and have both of them installed, I get many errors. However, when I test them individually, I get no errors at all. Anyone want to take a shoot in the dark and tell me wtf is going on? The errors are causing my systme to crash alot when I have both in. >.<;

When I have both installed, I have one in CHA (green) and one in CHB (purple). Should I be running them both in 1 color? Bios is still at 1.1 and all settings default. I'm not even trying to OC yet. These are stock speed errors, but only when i use both 512mb's at once.... :(
SelRahc said:
Man, this thread has gotten long.

I am having an issue with the Neo2 now on one of my systems.

I have 2x 512mb Ballistix PC4000. When I run MemTest86 and have both of them installed, I get many errors. However, when I test them individually, I get no errors at all. Anyone want to take a shoot in the dark and tell me wtf is going on? The errors are causing my systme to crash alot when I have both in. >.<;

When I have both installed, I have one in CHA (green) and one in CHB (purple). Should I be running them both in 1 color? Bios is still at 1.1 and all settings default. I'm not even trying to OC yet. These are stock speed errors, but only when i use both 512mb's at once.... :(

Can you relax your RAM timings any? Try 2t if you aren't? Multiple DIMMs make it harder to fly at low latency times. Memtest errors wont just show if you have bad ram, ram thats not operating properly at the right speed/voltage/incompatibility will also throw errors. I had way generic PC2700 that would not run at 333 on one system. Threw memtest errors, but were just fine at 333 on a different system. Give the lower latencies a try, establish a baseline with both DIMMs in, and tweak up from there.
I'm not exactly sure what I would change, as i'm a newb when it comes to these settings. Everything is sitting at default.

I did just perform a test with both in the same channel (green - a). In single channel mode they run perfectly fine. It's seems to be only the dule channel mode that is erroring. What exactly should I change?

When they are in dule channel, they are showing up as 2-3-3-8
I've got a question about the HT.

When you are overclocking, what should it be set on? Also, what exactly does it do? How does it factor into normal operation?
SelRahc said:
I'm not exactly sure what I would change, as i'm a newb when it comes to these settings. Everything is sitting at default.

I did just perform a test with both in the same channel (green - a). In single channel mode they run perfectly fine. It's seems to be only the dule channel mode that is erroring. What exactly should I change?

When they are in dule channel, they are showing up as 2-3-3-8

Are you setting those timings or is it set to auto? What about the 1T/2T option? Up your RAM voltage to 2.8 as well since the ballistix are rated for 2.8v.
Well, I don't know what happened, but when I set my memory to 2.8v now I am getting graphical glitches on screen. Even reset to defaults, the glitches are still there. Its like a refresh line that appears at random on the screen... I just don't get it. Nothing was changed with the video... it even does it while im in the bios screen now.....

The memory is raited for 2.8v so that isn't my concern. Would the memory cause these flickers? I really think this board may be bad...

EDIT: Even after shorting out the bios reset, I got flickers now. It's official... something is seriously messed up with this stupid system >.<

I'm going to play with this alittle more, but If i cant get it working I am going to shut down and install everything on the Asus AV8 board. If everything works fine on the AV8, I'm going to RMA the MSI board. If it doesn't, then I'll just hafta go back to the drawing board......
Ok so,

I swapped the memory from the other system into this system.. and guess what....

Workes flawlessly. No problems whatsoever. No errors... no glitching... no crashing. Memtest86 reports perfectly working memory in dule channel mode.

When I put my memory back into the system, the problems return. Errors in Memtest86, glitching and crashes.

So...... friggin hell. Back to the memory being the problem. I'm going to RMA the memory on monday and ask for advance replacement. Hopefully they will let me do that and pay for overnight shipping.

This is so frustrating.
Ok so I figured out my problems....

Monitor cable went bad at a VERY inopportune time. Also, my memory is bad. Memory from wifes system works fine. My memory in her system errors. And the video problems were caused by my monitor itself, looks like MEMORY it is.... >.<;

Thread with all the gritty details is here.

Crucial RMA, here I come.
Posted my 90nm results in the AMD processor forum, but thought I'd put in my .02 on my NEO2. This is without a doubt the flakiest mobo I have ever used. I can run 240 fsb, 4x HTT, and mem at 200(166 in BIOS) MHz rock stable, but try 241fsb and everything goes tits up no matter what HTT multiplier or memory or voltage options I try. Really disappointing cause I'm sure this processor would do 2.6-2.7 easily if the board wasn't crapping out. My memory will do DDR500 with 2.5-3-3-7 settings in my NForce2 board, but can't even run 220fsb in this board, so I'm having to use a divider. Not to mention the only PCI slot that works is the orange one, and only if you don't have any of the other PCI slots filled. Oh, and my favorite is how I can set OC in the BIOS and do 10hrs of stability testing at the settings listed above, but when I reset the system, it won't post again at those settings. Seems to me like these boards are real hit or miss on getting a good one, judging from some of the settings others are runnning with. Man I can't wait for the nforce4 boards to come.

Just FYI, if you do plan on getting this board for a 90nm processor, it requires BIOS v1.2 to work properly, the v1.1 it ships with won't work at all in dual channel. At first, my system wouldn't post at all with a 90nm processor, but I found that if you run with only one stick of ram, it will boot and allow you to flash to the new BIOS.
I have been considering the Neo2, but from what I read here, it has problems, am I correct?

Would anyone recommend any other m/b for use w/the 939 socket?

I have also been considering the DFI Lanparty nF3 250Gb w/the 754 socket also.

scorpy said:
Hey Rnsl, I don't know if this might be an issue, but the review of your board at Madshrimps says that one set of the SATA is locked, and the other set is unlocked. SO any overclocking on the unlocked SATA results in corruption. Here is the link -
From my experience I'd have to agree with the finding in the above link. When I've pushed the HTT past 220 and my SATA drive was atached to SATA port 1 then the drive would fail after windows had booted with a nasty clunk. On reboot a disk check indicated corrupt files and worse, bad sectors.

Has anyone been able to verify that the SATA controller for ports 3&4 are in fact locked?
GoHack said:
I have been considering the Neo2, but from what I read here, it has problems, am I correct?

Would anyone recommend any other m/b for use w/the 939 socket?

I have also been considering the DFI Lanparty nF3 250Gb w/the 754 socket also.


Of course, there have been many people for whom the boards works just fine and have even reached good overclock's. You are just hearing a whole lot of bitching about not getting a high enough oc...ignore those people unless you are going to be one of them. Pay attention to the general compatibility issues, though

And as far as this thread has gone, the SATA channels are NOT LOCKED (in any BIOS out right now) and if you plan on ocing high I would not recommend using a SATA HDD. Although there was something about one of the channels perhaps having a lock...I would reread the thread to look for it but I'm at work :D
SATA 3&4 are indeed locked. Im running 250 x 10 using a single SATA raptor and have no issues whatsoever with the HD. In fact, i can boot and run benches @ 276FSB 1:1 but its not 100% prime stable. The 3&4 are the ones over by the CPU socket.
Summoner said:
SATA 3&4 are indeed locked. Im running 250 x 10 using a single SATA raptor and have no issues whatsoever with the HD. In fact, i can boot and run benches @ 276FSB 1:1 but its not 100% prime stable. The 3&4 are the ones over by the CPU socket.

OK that's encouraging, any utilties that I can use to verify this? I'm already a bit worried after getting a few bad sectors on my drive.
Cenuij said:
OK that's encouraging, any utilties that I can use to verify this? I'm already a bit worried after getting a few bad sectors on my drive.

Well, i dont have anything specific on the SATA port, but clockgen shows the PCI bus locked @ 33.3 -

Summoner said:
SATA 3&4 are indeed locked. Im running 250 x 10 using a single SATA raptor and have no issues whatsoever with the HD. In fact, i can boot and run benches @ 276FSB 1:1 but its not 100% prime stable. The 3&4 are the ones over by the CPU socket.

Summoner, we have very similar system setup and max o/c setting. i am running 2xWD250 in RAID 0 on SATA 3&4 with Abit Serillel adaptors. I am running 10X250 @ 2500 MHz 100% stable. If i switch to SATA 1&2, the thing would BSOD on boot.

Here is my system:

AMD 3200+ S939 90nm @ 2500 MHz
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum (4x250 = 1000Mhz HTT)
Corsair 3200XLPT 2X512MB (TCCD) 2.5-3-3-10 @ 1T (250 MHz)
Gainward 6800 GT @ 400/1100
ThermalRight SLK 948U w/ Tt 80mm SmartFan
1 - HITACHI 40GB 180GXP HD on IDE 1 for booting win xp
2 - WD 250GB = 500GB RAID 0 on SATA 3&4 for file storage (The damn Abit Serillel adaptors won't let me install windows with my RAID array on the NEO2)

I used the onboard ALC850 audio as I find the sound quality to be very good.

P.S. - DO NOT install the realtek audio driver from the CD or you will get random BSOD problem with the ALCXSENS.SYS file from the driver set, instead you can install MANUALLY the nForce audio driver VERSION 4.45 from DFI site.

I find the sound quality and system stability to be MUCH MUCH better with these audio drivers from nvidia (almost as good as my old soundstorm in analog out). Just expand the drivers with winrar and update your audio driver in device manager. Then you can install the audio utility with nvmixer also.

Which processor would be the better performer on the Neo2?

ADA3200DIK4BI (3200+, 2.0 GHz, L2=512K, 1.4v, 90nm core) $218.00

ADA3500DEP4AW (3500+, 2.2 GHz, L2=512k, 1.5v, 130nm core) $319.00

Any other suggestions?

What is the best heatsink that can fit on the Neo2? Thermalright XP-90, XP-120, or other?

Jhya said:
Summoner, we have very similar system setup and max o/c setting. i am running 2xWD250 in RAID 0 on SATA 3&4 with Abit Serillel adaptors. I am running 10X250 @ 2500 MHz 100% stable. If i switch to SATA 1&2, the thing would BSOD on boot.

1 and 2 are on a different controller i think, and thats why they dont lock when you OC the FSB past ~220.
GoHack said:

Which processor would be the better performer on the Neo2?

ADA3200DIK4BI (3200+, 2.0 GHz, L2=512K, 1.4v, 90nm core) $218.00

ADA3500DEP4AW (3500+, 2.2 GHz, L2=512k, 1.5v, 130nm core) $319.00

Any other suggestions?

What is the best heatsink that can fit on the Neo2? Thermalright XP-90, XP-120, or other?


There isn't as much experience yet with the 90nm 3200+, but it seems to oc better than the 3500+.
GoHack said:

Which processor would be the better performer on the Neo2?

ADA3200DIK4BI (3200+, 2.0 GHz, L2=512K, 1.4v, 90nm core) $218.00

ADA3500DEP4AW (3500+, 2.2 GHz, L2=512k, 1.5v, 130nm core) $319.00

Any other suggestions?

What is the best heatsink that can fit on the Neo2? Thermalright XP-90, XP-120, or other?


Personally, i would buy the best one you can afford, as OCing isnt guarenteed. The 3500+ has been a decent OCer in general, i dont know about the new 90nm core ones though.

For a HS, get a SLK948U, i think they still make it. I get under 50c load with mine @ 2.5Ghz 1.65v in a warmish room, and thats measured with a probe on the HS, not the bios.
SelRahc said:
Ok so,

I swapped the memory from the other system into this system.. and guess what....

Workes flawlessly. No problems whatsoever. No errors... no glitching... no crashing. Memtest86 reports perfectly working memory in dule channel mode.

When I put my memory back into the system, the problems return. Errors in Memtest86, glitching and crashes.

So...... friggin hell. Back to the memory being the problem. I'm going to RMA the memory on monday and ask for advance replacement. Hopefully they will let me do that and pay for overnight shipping.

This is so frustrating.

Have you tried setting your voltage to 2.8 i believe thats what ballistix are designed to run at.... sorry if you already tried this
3500+ newcastle w/ zalmam 7000cu
neo2 plat
1gb ballistix pc4000
pny 6800gt @ 410-1.11
raptor for boot, barracuda for storage on 3/4
win xp pro

system stable at 250mhz 1.65v, 10x multi, 4xhtt, ram @ 1:1 2.5-3-3-8 2.8v
cant get system stable at ever 2-3 mhz increase over this just poops out after 2500mhz even with diferent multi and higher vcore. dunno if there is some issue i am over looking?
anotehr question, might win2k be faster or more stable for ocing the amd (im moving from an iantel northwood system)?

3dmark03 is 12775, does that sound about right for this system?
Well I went for the Neo2. I ordered it today from Newegg. :D

Unfortuniately, they ran out of the 90nm 3200+'s, just as I was placing my order. :(

The prices are suppose to drop next week on/the A64's, w/the 3400+ dropping down to $288, so I may wait for that. Hopefully, I can find a 90nm.

In the mean time, I need to order a heatsink and fan.

I read mention of the Thermalright SLK948U heatsink. How is it? How about the Thermalright XP-90, will it fit on the Neo2?

What is a good fan for the heatsink?

I'm running the Thermalright SLK948U, and a Panaflo 80mm fan, and my idles are 37 with full bore @ 51 with no overclocking... OC'ing got me up to 60 with the voltages upped...

I'm not too happy with 60's, and I followed Arctic Silver's instructions to the letter about application of the compound... So I dunno. My buddy who has a similar rig is OC'ing nicely with the stock HSF...
GoHack said:
How about the Thermalright XP-90, will it fit on the Neo2?

What is a good fan for the heatsink?

I have one on my board without any problems. Just make sure your video card doesn't have anything massive on it's backside that might conflict with the heatpipes (Massive custom memory heatsinks comes to mind, Zalman heatpipe heatsinks *might* have a problem). There's enough room for me to remove and add back in my memory sticks on slot 1&2 as well without taking off the heatsink. Also as a bonus the fan from the heatsink (92mm only) cools the memory as well.
Since Core Cell is way off on everything all the time and mbm5 doesn't really support Neo2 I really can't give an accurate idle/load temps with this heatsink. But it usually idles around 40c in the bios with my a64 3200+ @ 2.3 ghz with the tornado running at 2500 rpms

Good fan? 92mm vantec Tornado on a fanbus. Quiet good fan? Dunno, someone else can fill this in since I don't use slow quiet fans on cpu heatsinks.

Since I didn't see this in this massive post here's a little advice. Make sure to update your bios to at least 1.2 before trying dual channel mode (board ships with 1.1). I couldn't run dual channel mode with my hyper-x pc3200 until I updated to 1.2. (FYI, lastest bios is 1.36 beta. Check msi's forums for the download link.)
Also there's hidden options in the bios. Most of them are useless but here how you unlock them. Just hold down SHIFT + F2 and press ALT+F3 repeatedly. Then check out Cell menu and the other bios options to see if you did it right.