Post your MSI Neo2 Platinum results here

Msi K8N neo2
A64 3200 90nm

all stock. MSI core center reports Vcore at 1.45v. Also my 12v rail seems low, core center says 11.73v. Im using an enermax 470w.
just in case anyone was reading my posts here, here's a tip -

DONT turn on RAID on the IDE ports that include your cdrom drives!!! youd be amazed at how many problems you get!!

but now its freezing at the verifying DMI pool data... great.
SlimShady said:
but now its freezing at the verifying DMI pool data... great.

I have that problem if I enable performance mode on the ram. You can keep optimized, but the setting below that needs to be default.
Dew said:
I have that problem if I enable performance mode on the ram. You can keep optimized, but the setting below that needs to be default.

i believe i have all my ram settings at default or normal, whichever is not performance, or aggressive timings. im thinking i just may need to find the magical number for my kingston hyperX 3200 BH-5 RAM. but i am just having all sorts of problems with this setup. i also thought it might of been how i secured the SATA cables, so i undid those a got a little bit farther, but nothing more than that. back to the drawing board...
so, ive got it up and running now. finally.

however, i am getting a lot of data corruption errors i believe. things ive downloaded and installed wont run correctly (3dmark) and will tell me files are corrupted. windows boots fine however.

i have my HDs in RAID format using the 3/4 SATA ports to prevent from using the 1/2 ports which are not locked. i am not overclocking however.

i have my SATA cables bunched up a bit, so could that be causing problems? i have heard that the cables are fickle about being bent. any other ideas?
SlimShady said:
any other ideas?

Your symptoms just make me think ram. Try setting the ram clock at 100 to seriously downclock the ram and eliminate a not enought voltage possibility.
Dew said:
Your symptoms just make me think ram. Try setting the ram clock at 100 to seriously downclock the ram and eliminate a not enought voltage possibility.

looks like it was the RAM.

Git this in another forum -
"Try this in this order 1t,2,3,5,2 in the bios, and set the voltage to 2.7v. I have read a few posts where more voltage actually caused some problems. Worth a shot."

wow, looks like we found the magical combination

ive been running this now for hours without issue. memtest ran for 6 hours without an error, 3dmark, aquamark, prime95 looks good.

now, how much better/worse is this compared to the 2-2-2-5 2t timing that i had previously? because i believe this ram is rated at 2-2-2-5 at 2.7v. or should i give it a shot at 2-2-2-5 at 2.7? previously i had it at 2.85v.
SlimShady said:
looks like it was the RAM.

Git this in another forum -
"Try this in this order 1t,2,3,5,2 in the bios, and set the voltage to 2.7v. I have read a few posts where more voltage actually caused some problems. Worth a shot."

wow, looks like we found the magical combination

ive been running this now for hours without issue. memtest ran for 6 hours without an error, 3dmark, aquamark, prime95 looks good.

now, how much better/worse is this compared to the 2-2-2-5 2t timing that i had previously? because i believe this ram is rated at 2-2-2-5 at 2.7v. or should i give it a shot at 2-2-2-5 at 2.7? previously i had it at 2.85v.

did u check cpu-z to c wat it said? (SPD tab) mines says that I'm running 2-2-2-5 still, and i have those same settings as u... juss a thought
is it possible to just overclock the CPU FSB without changing the FSB of the ram? or are they one in the same on this board?
SlimShady said:
is it possible to just overclock the CPU FSB without changing the FSB of the ram? or are they one in the same on this board?

Can't lock the ram at a certain freq, no. You can however decide on a divider based on what you know your FSB is.

Lets say that you want the maximum your ram can push with the CPU at 2.5GHz and your ram is the KHX3200.

You would want 277x9 or 294x8.5 for a 2.5GHz clock. At that 277FSB a 166MHz ram option in the bios would run your ram at 230MHz, possible to do this with enough voltage; 133 = 185MHz, etc. At 294FSB with 133 the ram would run at 195MHz. The only problem with 294FSB is you may get some instability issues because of the northbridge doesn't like running that high. It really needs proper cooling to run close to or over 300MHz. I had a box fan blowing in my case that allowed me to post at 360FSB and boot windows at 315HTT, but very unstable and the room was close to 40F at the time.

My personal intention is to run 267x9 to keep my ram at just above stock(217MHz vs 222MHz) with really low timings. With the Arctic Silver arriving Monday(should), I hope to hit 277x9 with the ram at 230MHz. Hopefully the OCZ Booster will allow this ram to meet its potential when it arrives on Monday(already at the Post Office).
Looks like the AS5 and the OCZ booster did the trick. Man is it a tight squeeze. The memory booster takes up more than slots 1&2, good thing I was running my ram in 3&4. One of the power connectors has a slight notch that stucks out and just barely separates two fins on the Zalman.

Now running [email protected] for 2498MHz. Temps are the same at this higher voltage and MHz as they were at 2400MHz and 1.55vcore. Ram is now running at 227MHz and 2-3-3-5-1T, used to run at 185MHz 2-2-2-10-1T.
Alright, so I have a handful of questions.

1) How do I flash my bios? I can't for the life of me get my system to boot off floppy.

2) Is core center just complete crap? I'm getting really strange readings. Like, it says my System temp is 6C, and my CPU Fan Speed is 0, and my 12V on my Tagan supply (voltmeter says 12.05) is oscillating between 11 and 13V.

3) Does bios 1.2 support 90nm, or should I really be updating NOW? To which bios?


EDIT: CoreCenter is also giving me a 15C rise from idle with my AMAZING THERMALTAKE CL-P0019. Note to self: "You are an idiot, why did you buy thermaltake?"
I would do the following if I were you:
Load Bios Safe/Default Settings, Set Memory in BIOS to 100MHz, set the CPU multiplier to 4x.

This should give you the most stable system possible. Run prime95 for like 10 mins to make sure you're stable enought for the bios flash.

Now, install the MSI Windows Flasher utility: (This should work for ANY board using an Award Bios, the very one I used to flash my K8N Neo2 TWICE)

You can get all the bios versions here:
Just drop the bios into the MSI Flash utility's folder and it will say which bios it is and version you're about to flash to. I personally use the 1.36 bios(the very one from Ice Nine's site which I linked).
Dew said:
I would do the following if I were you:
Load Bios Safe/Default Settings, Set Memory in BIOS to 100MHz, set the CPU multiplier to 4x.

This should give you the most stable system possible. Run prime95 for like 10 mins to make sure you're stable enought for the bios flash.

Now, install the MSI Windows Flasher utility: (This should work for ANY board using an Award Bios, the very one I used to flash my K8N Neo2 TWICE)

You can get all the bios versions here:
Just drop the bios into the MSI Flash utility's folder and it will say which bios it is and version you're about to flash to. I personally use the 1.36 bios(the very one from Ice Nine's site which I linked).

So, I have a setup right now that will run prime95 indefinitely. However, since GOD HATES ME the MSI Windows Bios Flash Util will only let me flash in DOS mode (windows mode is greyed out, no idea why), and my floppy drive apparently hates my new motherboard, so dos flashing is out. GRRRRR.
Might be that MSI Live Update installs some sort of driver that allows it.

Just install the live update from your cd and see if that helps.
Dew said:
Might be that MSI Live Update installs some sort of driver that allows it.

Just install the live update from your cd and see if that helps.

You, sir, are my hero.

Alright, I think my board is fuxxed.
It fails to recognize any floppy drive (tried 3 different drives with 3 data cables, powered from two separate power cables.
I keep getting data I/O errors on 2 different CD drives, as well as cyclic redundancy check failures when copying to/from the drives. I did, however, manage to install Windows from the CD drive . . .

Can anyone think of something that would cause all these failures other than the Mobo? Oh, the floppy is not recognized in BIOS, or windows.
etruscan said:
You, sir, are my hero.

Alright, I think my board is fuxxed.
It fails to recognize any floppy drive (tried 3 different drives with 3 data cables, powered from two separate power cables.
I keep getting data I/O errors on 2 different CD drives, as well as cyclic redundancy check failures when copying to/from the drives. I did, however, manage to install Windows from the CD drive . . .

Can anyone think of something that would cause all these failures other than the Mobo? Oh, the floppy is not recognized in BIOS, or windows.

u kant use MSI Live Update to update any of the bios or drivers watsoever? I had tons of problems with the mobo when i started. Then I started Flashing the bios up with the live update, and the utilities provided, i also updated all the drivers I could think of. Trying updating the Nvidia drivers...
has neone ever actualli timed the amount of time it takes their system to boot from the moment u hit the on button on the case, to the point where windows loads to the login screen... and when everything else loads past the login screen?

I was interested b/c i want to compare to see if mayb i am having problems, or if my expectations r just wayyy too high...

the thing is... i also have a p4 2.4.. thats not oc'd at all, that seemingly boots faster than the 3500+... im wondering if my mobo still has problems, and if i shouldnt just RMA the damn thing... cuz its pissing meeh off

Edit: Forgot to ask, if anyone has the time, can you time how long it takes them too boot?? Straight from the second you hit the on button on the case, to when it hits the login screen, then till when you boot windows fully. Thanx
I noticed that if I have CD earlier in the boot sequence than the HD that I get a 30-45 second pause to see if it is going to boot from CD. Changing boot order to floppy (still doesn't fucking work), HD, CD is such a time-saver that it's worth changing to CD first only when I need it.

To Twisted_fsomething: Installing live-update allowed me to flash my bios from Windows, but I still have problems. The floppy is just never going to work. This is a nuisance, but frankly, I won't RMA the board because of it alone because the rma is such a hassle, and I'd rather be weaned from floppies. However, if the board is a poor performer, I will RMA it.

The DVD "cyclic redundancy check" errors appear to have been a strange artifact of the firmware on my Plextor PX-712A combined with this specific motherboard. Upgrading the firmware on the DVD drive fixed that problem (so far), but this board is definitely pickier than any other board I have ever owned.

However, as almost every part in this build is new (PSU was run on another build for 1 day, as was the plextor, FD other CD drive and HD are old and tested, all other parts are brand spankin' new), I am still not comfortable blaming the MB for everything, though I certainly don't trust it.

EDIT: Nope, the IDE channels are still giving me trouble.
i would check the timings on your ram. i was having very similar problems (data corruption, etc) but when i played with the timings on my RAM some more, im running very stable now.

in regards to the floppy, i would double check your cable connection. i always put it on wrong, as it can go on either way. easiest way to check is to see if the activity light is consistently green.
etruscan, I'm having the exact same problems with my IDE HDs drives right now as well. Weird thing is it just started doing this this past weekend. No problems at all for 3 weeks and bam this shit happens. :mad:

My SATA drives are fine as well as my IDE cdrom drives (I think, at least I can install XP off of them no prob). It's just when I try to install/copy stuff onto my IDE drives off of the SATAs or networked drives corruption city happens.

I've tried with no luck:
Trying 4 different IDE cables (just bought a new one today with no luck)
Swapping PSUs (fortron 530w & Antec 430 true power)
Memtest86 comes up with no errors with relaxed memory settings
Relaxed memory settings (2.5,3,8,3 2T @ 200fsb with memory that does 2,3,6,2, 1T @ 200fsb)
Moving the memory to slots 1 and 3 & 3 and 4
cleaning out the case and reapplying AS5 to the cpu
3 Reinstalls of WinXP

Only thing I can think of now is the board just crapped out on me and it needs an RMA.
tw1s73d_f673 said:
Forgot to ask, if anyone has the time, can you time how long it takes them too boot?? Straight from the second you hit the on button on the case, to when it hits the login screen, then till when you boot windows fully. Thanx

This is by far the fastest booting machine I have ever owned. It takes a bit on my POST because I have everything set for long checks and quickboot disabled. Once it hits the Loading WindowsXP screen it is less than 20 seconds to firing up games and playing.
Dew said:
Might be that MSI Live Update installs some sort of driver that allows it.

Just install the live update from your cd and see if that helps.

Actually LiveUpdate will allow a BIOS flash from windows. Flashed mine from 1.0 to 1.3 last week and the only issue it caused was a reshuffling of the boot order and the boot order of the HD' seems to want to see the IDE drives first so I had to go in and tell it to look for the SATA drive where xp is.
Dew said:
This is by far the fastest booting machine I have ever owned. It takes a bit on my POST because I have everything set for long checks and quickboot disabled. Once it hits the Loading WindowsXP screen it is less than 20 seconds to firing up games and playing.

wat is the hdd ur booting off of? when booting off of my Barracuda, it takes a good 40-60 seconds before i can hit the games [EDIT] from the loading XP screen
When flashing this board do it through DOS. I went from 1.2 to 1.3 with live update and made my system very unstable. HTT frequency would lock in bios too. All i did was reflash in dos and everything works again, including HTT frequency. A nice chap told me this over at amdmb and im glad he did, because now my rig is now rock solid at 2.4 ghz.
HybridHB said:
When flashing this board do it through DOS. I went from 1.2 to 1.3 with live update and made my system very unstable. HTT frequency would lock in bios too. All i did was reflash in dos and everything works again, including HTT frequency. A nice chap told me this over at amdmb and im glad he did, because now my rig is now rock solid at 2.4 ghz.

He give you a reason? I know DOS flashing is the safest way, but doing it through windows worked fine for me. It could have just messed up the once that you tried it.
HybridHB said:
When flashing this board do it through DOS. I went from 1.2 to 1.3 with live update and made my system very unstable. HTT frequency would lock in bios too. All i did was reflash in dos and everything works again, including HTT frequency. A nice chap told me this over at amdmb and im glad he did, because now my rig is now rock solid at 2.4 ghz.

I tried it, but it didn't change anything, my board is just fried. I wish MSI would offer cross-shipping, guess I'm without for two weeks.
Hey guys, this is my first post here at HF. I came across this thread when doing research about the Neo2.

I got my system put together yesterday and so far all is great, except for the fact that I can't get my monitor to display at the highest refresh rate.

I'm running a Radeon 9800 Pro, Sony 21" G500, Win XP Pro. My eyes are very sensitive to low refresh rates, so I know if something isnt right.

When I go to display properties and set the refresh rate to 100 (the highest my monitor can take at 1280x1024), nothing nothing changes. If I uncheck the box that hides rates my monitor can't display, and choose 120+ still nothing changes (and I should be getting a "refresh out of range" error on my monitor with 120 and above). It shows these numbers as being the selected refresh rate, but it's definately not the case!

I've updated nForce drivers, installed SP2, Installed ATI Catalyst drivers, installed monitor drivers... am I missing something? The refresh rate was fine on my old machine.


Fixed the problem... I installed Powerstrip and micro-adjusted the refresh rate from within it. All seems to be good now.
Alright, I'm about to lose it.

So, I had this problem on my old board where the HTx multiplier was stuck, any attempt to change it froze the bios. I went out and got it RMAed because MSI said it was defective.

My new board was fine, until I MSI Windows flashed it to 1.36, now it has the same problem as the last board. Any thoughts? Oh, and I would avoid windows flashing.
I hope that wasn't the only reason you RMA'd your board, because as I said in your other post it's a known 1.3x bios bug. For others too lazy to read his thread :D the work around is to just use page up and page down to change the HTx.

For anyone that was remotely interested on what was going on my board, MSI replied that the controller probably went bad and that it needs to be RMA'd. So hopefully by next week I'll have a new board to test out.
Thanks to PsySabreW, I've been able to start with the OCing. My first go:

275 FSB X 9,0 multiplier.
Memory at 1:1 (2.5,4,4,10)
So far I've been prime95ing since 20 minutes after his post (had to play some videogames).

SiSoft gives 7208 Int, 7108 Float.

Oh, and my floppy drive works with this board.

By tomorrow morning, I'll know it's limits, but for now, it's looking nice.
Thats strange, I just went into the bios, raised the FSB to 230, and increased the vcore to 1.6 or so, and raised the vdimm to 2.7 Left multi at 10. It wouldnt even post? :confused: am I doing something wrong?
EmptyWallet said:
Thats strange, I just went into the bios, raised the FSB to 230, and increased the vcore to 1.6 or so, and raised the vdimm to 2.7 Left multi at 10. It wouldnt even post? :confused: am I doing something wrong?

Did you drop Hypertransport to 4x? Because you won't get over 205 with HT at 5x.
Thats another thing, for some reason, when i try and change it, it opens up the smaller window (in bios) and its just blank, then it locks up. i might go back to 1.2 bios. Hmmm.
Empty, I somewhat had that problem with mine except it was at 235 with the 5:6 (166mhz) ratio. But when I set to it 133mhz memory speed I could still go higher FSB wise until I came close to 166mhz with the memory again. I still could go even higher then once I dropped the memory to 100mhz but the same problem arose once I got close to 133mhz.

Weird shit but I think you might have the same problem. Try dropping the memory speed to 166 or 133 and see if you can go any higher FSB wise.
EmptyWallet said:
Thats another thing, for some reason, when i try and change it, it opens up the smaller window (in bios) and its just blank, then it locks up. i might go back to 1.2 bios. Hmmm.

PsySabreW just answered this problem for me. Don't open up the window. Use page up and down when HTx is highlighted, and avoid ever opening that window.
Got it. Thats what I did. Ok, HT set to 4. I'm at 10x230 so 2300. vcore reported by corecenter is 1.46. My memory voltage is at 2.6 I suppose I should try and do someting to the ram timings no? This EB ram is really loose, but I can't quite understand where i need to change it at. DRAM settings, but I don't know what I should try, maybe 2.5?