Post your pc screen shots!

Mandriva One with Compiz on a Compaq M2000, Specs: Turion 64 ML-37 2ghz, 2x512MB OCZ DDR1 SoDimm, 60GB ide, 15.1 inch Non-Wide, 1024x768.






Srry if its slow im trying to host it from my site and i have these special things called torrents running :)

couldn't resist, wish I had a copy of photoshop so I could do a better job tho.

You got a link to the original? Figured it would be in the air force picture section but I didn't find it.

Yeah, sorry about that.. it's hard to find. I just spent 20 minutes looking for it again, lol. But, I was successful. It was on the Air Force photos and you had to search for "B-1B".
Here's my latest... nevermind the icons up top, they're part of a new icon package I'm working on for the docks and Windows... I've finished all the Start Menu, file types, folder, etc. icons... only the dock icons are left... I think there's around 250 icons so far :D



I'll post more screens when I get everything done.
Mandriva One with Compiz on a Compaq M2000, Specs: Turion 64 ML-37 2ghz, 2x512MB OCZ DDR1 SoDimm, 60GB ide, 15.1 inch Non-Wide, 1024x768.

Srry if its slow im trying to host it from my site and i have these special things called torrents running :)
off topic..but, do you just have your sound off or did mandriva not find those drivers out of the box? just curious cause i have a similar setup...
looks nice by the way..
off topic..but, do you just have your sound off or did mandriva not find those drivers out of the box? just curious cause i have a similar setup...
looks nice by the way..

I had my sound off. And also my screenshot is not the same because i ran the software update which ended up making my system unstable so i reinstalled and didnt feel like setting everything back up.
Here's my latest... nevermind the icons up top, they're part of a new icon package I'm working on for the docks and Windows... I've finished all the Start Menu, file types, folder, etc. icons... only the dock icons are left... I think there's around 250 icons so far :D


I'll post more screens when I get everything done.
wallpaper link please?:)
I have absolutely no idea where this wallpaper came from :confused: I have about 5000 wallpapers... however, if you'd like me to send it to you I can.
is there a transparent reflective icon generator online?

I know theres but you have to have a background color.
damn, p4gs, I'd take it if it didn't have the stargate atlantis watermark. Then again, takin it from 4:3 to 16:10 autta clip it if not remove it. Can you link me?

again, anyone reading this thinking about posting, just include a link to it if you can!
Well... Just made a "quick" wallpaper (I could have taken some time with it but whatever) up since my wallpaper has been black for a little while.

Also grabbed rocketdock today :)

Well... Just made a "quick" wallpaper (I could have taken some time with it but whatever) up since my wallpaper has been black for a little while.

Also grabbed rocketdock today :)


Where did you get those dock icons from?

And that wallpaper is great - not over the top, nice and clean.
Where did you get those dock icons from?

And that wallpaper is great - not over the top, nice and clean.

They've been asked for recently. Check back a few pages, you should come across them.

I miss using adium. Best chat client ever, bar none.
They've been asked for recently. Check back a few pages, you should come across them.

I miss using adium. Best chat client ever, bar none.

Well, I've been following this thread for awhile now (and just checked back a few pages) and havent seen them, at least not the ones with the reflection. Could anyone link me? :)