Post your "rate my cables" here

Flip that drive around. it's possible in that case i've had one. Remove the little end of the rounded cables, it really helps. aside from that, nice.
Behold Tsunami...

Only visual changes as such are g.skill 2gbhz and the top HDD moved to the highest spot, so the silencer gets more cool air. Haven't taken good pics of that yet. My first post here, so I wasn't sure of a good size for the pics, I can make them bigger upon request.

Small cases are hard to work with. ;)
Captain Slow said:
Behold Tsunami...
Only visual changes as such are g.skill 2gbhz and the top HDD moved to the highest spot, so the silencer gets more cool air. Haven't taken good pics of that yet. My first post here, so I wasn't sure of a good size for the pics, I can make them bigger upon request.

Small cases are hard to work with. ;)
welcome to the [H]!

I wish this was genmay so we could welcome you for real but alas, i'm forced to behave out here.

anyways, a pretty decent job for the first run. There is more you can do, for example reverse the HDD. Now before you start saying the fan, the fan take a look at this:

I had the same problem in my Lian Li PC-7 but ordered these and re-mounted the drive and it was gold.

To tell you the truth, this looks like you put everything in the case and THEN tried to move around the wires. To be perfectly honest, if you want a nice wiring job you have to pull everything down and put it together again. It makes the world of difference and you'll be happy with the result.
Ah yeah, that is pretty much what I've done. Put together in a couple of hours. I probably won't be working on the Tsunami any more, though I'll keep your tips in mind for the new rig in a Lian-Li A10B. I'll have that done right after xmas.

Thanks for the welcome, as well. I think I'll enjoy it here.:)
Hello everyone! This is my first post here. After stumbling onto this forum from dfi-street, I came across this thread and it inspired me to redo my wiring.

Firstly I just want to say I really wish I had a Lian Li case, they just f-ing beautiful. The tsunami wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Reversed all the hard drives, routed all the psu wires behind mobo tray, and connected almost all the fans to a fan controller. A few things still bother me, such as the floppy & molex going into the mobo and the power cable for my video card Any suggestions? What else should I do?

Pharoahe808 said:
Hello everyone! This is my first post here. After stumbling onto this forum from dfi-street, I came across this thread and it inspired me to redo my wiring.

Firstly I just want to say I really wish I had a Lian Li case, they just f-ing beautiful. The tsunami wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Reversed all the hard drives, routed all the psu wires behind mobo tray, and connected almost all the fans to a fan controller. A few things still bother me, such as the floppy & molex going into the mobo and the power cable for my video card Any suggestions? What else should I do?[/IM][/URL]

Really nice job! How much clearance is there between the flipped drives and the front fan? I tried flipping the drives around, but it wouldn't fit for me. Maybe I should try again :p
Pharoahe808 said:
Hello everyone! This is my first post here. After stumbling onto this forum from dfi-street, I came across this thread and it inspired me to redo my wiring.

Firstly I just want to say I really wish I had a Lian Li case, they just f-ing beautiful. The tsunami wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Reversed all the hard drives, routed all the psu wires behind mobo tray, and connected almost all the fans to a fan controller. A few things still bother me, such as the floppy & molex going into the mobo and the power cable for my video card Any suggestions? What else should I do?

Nice Work, that a TT Dream Case?
Have the same way for my G/F PC
Nice Work Though
Wish i had the time and patience to do that good of a job, I always say just screw it and dont care :p
What is this black stuff padding the walls I see in some people's cases? Ruben's appears to have it.
phantomEVO, it looks very nice but one thing I can recommend is putting the cables behind the motherboard tray then coming out when you need them, like the main motherboard power cable, it looks cleaner this way imo. Very nice though : )
skudmunky: I removed the intake fan and that purple fan mount before I connected all the hard drives. I had to do a little cutting to get the IDE cables to fit. Then I connected the fan directly to the case, without that purple thing and It just barely clears all the connectors :D
After redoing the watercooling and some of the wiring. Note the wiring to the 6800 Ultra, which requires two seperate 4 pin molex connections.

Wiring on the 6800 Ultra. Note the custom made molex extension cables with right angle connectors.

Backside - messy wiring :eek:
Guys, I need help. Bad. This is my first computer build ever and tried to push the leftover wires in the unused upper HD drive but for some reason, the main bulk of them wouldn't go there. And I see all these pics where it looks like just a mobo is in the case with no wires and I think to myself how?

The wires needed for the video cars and the mobo were all over the place and frankly, I had no idea what to do. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction because I have no clue.

I built this rig primarily for cool temps, and low noise but right now, my Core 1 temp is 49C and my Core 2 temp is 56C at 50% Processor Activity. Even with the huge Ninja fan, it's that high. And I think these temps have something to do with my not so grand wiring job.

Antec P180 + Non modular gi-normus Seasonic 600W PSU = Nightmare.

Here are some crappy pics.

Close up of the central mess.


Lastly, do you guys think where you store a computer has anything to do with the temp? Because right now it's in one of those little cubord cabinet things behind a door. Think that has something to do with it?

Here's a pic.

I realize my post is a bit long, but I wasn't sure if I should make a thread about wire managment since there are numerous already made.

Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much!
Chowder Head, I've tried stuffing cords in HD cages before and it just doesn't work very well, in my personal experience. What you'll need to do is stuff them all back behind the drive bays/cages. If you can on your case, take the right panel off, the one the motherboard is against, and that will help you safely tuck your wires back there. Just route the wires you need out so their not in the way, like I have my 24 pin connector resting against the top of the motherboard, but it doesn't look like the layout is even nearly like in my case. I'd recommend just letting the 24 pin connector just go right up, with all the slack still back down with the power supply. If the whole thing doesn't have sleeving, just use a few twisty ties or something to hold it together. That probably won't work, so just stuff it in those top bays somewhere, as its heavy and bulky enough to probably stay in there. As for you hard drives, you can try taking them out and then sliding them back in backwards if your vase allows it, and plug them in that way where there's there's easy access to the wires. If you can't do this, just feed the wires you need around the back of the cage and through and plug them in that way. If you need anymore details, tell me, and I'll post some pictures of my case.
L1ght said:

Sweet rig man. Shrink that pic down when you get a chance though. We don't all have 21" monitors.
Chowder Head, i'm not surprised that you have that temp

according the pic, Ninja's fan throwing air to the inside of the case. while rear exhaust fan does nothing, the top fan takes part of that Ninja fan's air, i guess...
Reinstall that fan, in the front of Ninja, and in right direction that it will throw air to the rear of the case.
Doh. Thanks for pointing that out dimashk, I feel like an idiot. I'll rotate that fan as soon as I can, which will probably be tonight or tommorow.

Lone_Star_Lynch, thanks for the tips. I never tried stuffing behind the mobo because it seemed like there wouldn't be enough room but at this point, I'll try anything. And if I do shove them back behind the, can any wires touch the back side of the mobo? It doesn't seem like any should but I was just curious since it seems like a daunting task to get the bulk back there. And yeah, I'd love to see pics of your rig if you don't mind.:)

Also, are there any tricks to better cooling with the P180 such as leaving this fan off, switching this fan to high/med/low, placing a fan here, etc.

Lastly, do you guys think the physical location in a cubbord cabinet has anything to do with my temp? Sure, there's space behind it where I pulled my desk out a little so it would have some air to expel but I'm not sure if that's doing much at all.

Any other opninions/comments/etc are still welcome, thanks guys.
When I had a tower in a cabinet like that I just took the back off the cabinet, usually it's just cardboard anyway. If noise is a concern (judging from your enclosure and heatsink choices) then a thin piece of foam from any hardware store on the facing wall will reduce reverberation coming out of the back of the enclosure - and being it's behind the desk you won't even see it.
I just decided it's new home will be out in the open, next to my desk on a wooden rectangle piece of furniture. That way it's more visible, might improve air floor, and if I have to dip into the case at some point, it would be royal pain in the ass to take out thanks to the your-going-to-break-your-back-trying-to-lift-me-out rubber feet.

Now since it will be in a new home out side, I could come back to it and get some more wire management done, step by step. Now besides flip the fan around on the ninja so it's blowing towards the back, what else can I do? Mainly that huge clump of wires in the middle. You think I can sleeve those bad boys and stick em behind the mobo?

Any more ideas from anyone would again be greatly appreciated, thank you!

It sounds like you're making good progress. I think relocating the case and fixing the CPU fan issue will improve your temps.

If you want to go one step further, try removing and reseating the heatsink. When you remove it, check the distribution of the thermal paste to make sure you had good contact. If not, take extra care in getting it seated this time.

Regarding the wire management, there's a couple of things working against you. First off, the P180 is a great case but it's not the easiest for wire management because of the compartments. Second, it's just not easy to do after the fact. In order to get a really clean build, you have to take everything out and plan the wiring runs before you put the components back in.

If that sounds like too much to tackle right now, I would just bundle the cables as best you can with wire-ties, and try to route them away from the fans/airflow.

i like the paintings on the bottom of the case..... nice custom touch... cables arnt that bad eather!! maybe the cpu cable can be tucked under the board.. and the cable above the video card looks like it can be tucked some where too...

over all very nice