Post your "rate my cables" here

you can cut whatever you want as long as you close up the ends well. each wire just ends anyway, so cutting them shorter to the just end somewhere else isnt any different. the difference is that now they are in those neat plugs, which keep the wires inside from making contact with the case or components or each other. if you do choose to cut the wires youll have to do something to ensure that each of those wire ends is reliably insulated or you could possibly get a short at some point and ruin components. it's very unlikely you would get a short, and the ends are really easy to insulate with shrink wrap or electrical tape or something, but it would be a lot of work and void your warranty and also could prevent you from using the PSU in a future build if you took off a connector you need. i would leave it personally, and find another way to hide the cables.

EDIT: you CAN cut them with scissors, he's saying you can't just leave it at that you have to insulate them. and also, MAKE SURE IT IS UNPLUGGED AND HAS BEEN UNPLUGGED FOR A FEW MINUTES BEFORE YOU CUT ANYTHING. that way you can be sure any capacitors are discharged. i would also recommend cutting them with plastic handled scissors or wire cutters if you have them or else wear a glove. cant be too careful. :)

Ok thanks for the advice :) Next time I am getting a better case than the Antec 300 and a PSU that is actually modular. What is interesting is that the M in TX750M stands for modular :mad:.
Ok thanks for the advice :) Next time I am getting a better case than the Antec 300 and a PSU that is actually modular. What is interesting is that the M in TX750M stands for modular :mad:.

You can cut cables, just make sure you heatshrink the individual ends of each wire so they can't short anything. I did it with my non modular Antec 630 Eco. I cut mine pretty close to the PSU itself and opened up the shell of the PSU itself and tucked away the cut ends so they were no longer sticking out of where the rest of the cables come out of. I only needed one 5v/12v line for drives anyway, so that was 3 sets of 3 molex/sata power connectors I was never going to use. Even then, all of the 5v and 12v wires were on the same rail... so I wasn't going to overload anything by using splitters if I needed to.

Handy tip: Before you cut: When the system is shut down, unplug the PSU from the wall and then hit the power button on the case to discharge all stored power.

The 300 ain't a bad case. I still think it's one of the classiest looking cheap cases out there. (Never was a fan of the windows and angles that plague more expensive cases) So if you're fine with how the case looks, just trim the unneeded lines for drives and tie strap the rest to notches on the back of the 3.5" bays to tuck the cables out of the way.
AMD Athlon II X4 620
PCCooler H80
DDR3-1333 Kingston 2GBx2
NVIDIA GeForce 7050 Integrated
HDD Hitachi 3.5" 320GB 7.2Krpm
PSU AeroCool E85-M 550W


















Just ordered a full sleeve set from bitfenix. $150+ DAMN.

Anyone know whats the difference between the bitfenix quality vs home DIY?


Just got my PSU and PCI-E cables in. More than likely down the road I will also get the USB cables in white.

Wow people have real nice setups..
Not quite pretty or neat as most people but ill post mine..
Need to do some organizing soon.....


My Antec 300. It's a great case but I'm really wanting one of the Corsair Obsidians but they are just too high for my budget.

I can't stand it not being completely black.
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Two words for you Josh: Spray and Paint.

Lol right.

I'm actually thinking about ordering the Corsair Carbide 300r off of Newegg. They have it for $49 after MIR.

It looks pretty slick in my opinion and $49 seems like a damn good price.
I finally got my main system back together with a new video card and sound card, as well as some other changes. Hopefully my grounding issue is resolved. Sorry for the terrible pictures. I haven't had a chance to set up my new camera so I took these with my phone.







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That a great case. I just got my S3 in that im going to mod.
Looks like you went with the top window. What kind of side panels did you choose. Also, did you get any 2 tone colors, or did you get all black.
Here's a couple pictures from my last build.


I find it amusing that 15 years ago we did everything we could to bundle our cables to eliminate individual wires, now we highlight them... lol. How things change.

/thread jack

Very well done, by far the best job I have seen done with the individually sleeved corsair cable kit. Most people leave it all hanging out like spaghetti :eek:

My rig is similar:
Very well done, by far the best job I have seen done with the individually sleeved corsair cable kit. Most people leave it all hanging out like spaghetti :eek:

My rig is similar:


I wouldn't be able to stand that. Actually though, it's not one of the Corsair cable kits. This is MDPC-X. I didn't even know about the Corsair kits until after I did this. And yeah, they're very similar minus the hard drive bays being missing from yours. Very nice as well!

I wouldn't be able to stand that. Actually though, it's not one of the Corsair cable kits. This is MDPC-X. I didn't even know about the Corsair kits until after I did this. And yeah, they're very similar minus the hard drive bays being missing from yours. Very nice as well!

Did you sleeve them all up yourself? Very impressive job, far too daunting a task for me. I settled for some NZXT cable extensions instead, cheat method but it looks good :D
seems mine got skipped over but its ok because I just made some changes, I'm trying to find a more creative place to put the one 3.5" for now I made a mount for it from a gutted hard drive cooler. I have seen some heatsink looking enclosures people mounted to the floors of their case but I don't know where to find them.

here is the current state

I will end up sleeving that sata power adapter before long

I answered my own question it is the Himuro from scyth
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That a great case. I just got my S3 in that im going to mod.
Looks like you went with the top window. What kind of side panels did you choose. Also, did you get any 2 tone colors, or did you get all black.
Here's a couple pictures from my last build.

It's actually just an all black, solid side panel version. I had been waiting so long for the case to come out I couldn't stand waiting for the custom color lead time. I also ordered it so quickly on release day that there was no windows option (it was before they took down the website to update it that day).
Perhaps if/when I upgrade to something cooler to show off, windowed panels on all three sides, some real watercooling or something.
I cut up and sleeved the wires in the stock psu of my Lian Li PC-Q12B. Photo is rushed since this is my torrent box and I wanted it back online asap. I still need to dim/replace the power led so I will get back to it!

Did you sleeve them all up yourself? Very impressive job, far too daunting a task for me. I settled for some NZXT cable extensions instead, cheat method but it looks good :D

Yeah, and I suggest that's what most people do. At least to me, it's a real PITA, but I'm willing to do it. Either that or pay someone else a lot of money to sleeve them for you. But the extension route is a lot cheaper. I don't like it for two reasons. I'd still be able to see the unsleeved sections that go into the PSU and you can only choose from flat colors. You can't customize.
My hackintosh

Probably the worst case in the world for cable management, but looks great with the side panel on lol. Any input greatly appreciated. ( btw triple booted with OSX 10.8.3, Win7 Ultimate, & Ubuntu 13.04

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Part of me wants to post the inside of my laptop as a joke, the other part of me realizes that everyone's stuff in here is 10x cleaner than my laptop inside :p
It would be nice if I could sleave the cpu fan cable and the cold cathode control cable, but that's more work than I want to do right now.

Might wanna resize those pics man. They're more than twice the width of my monitor.