Post your specs on MSI Neo 4-f

best [486]

Limp Gawd
Aug 28, 2005
I have a new motherboard [MSI Neo 4-f] and I want to know what voltage/FSB/Multiplier
My pc wouldn't start :confused: w/ the stock volt [A-64 3000+] at 2.4 GHz [stock=1.8 GHz]

How do i join the s939 alliance? [I'm new :) :) :) ]
I just have the bios it came with. I've heard horror stories :eek: about people who wrecked their mobo while flashing the bios [I'm broke and can't afford a new motherboard {still using voodoo 3 graphics} :( ]
Flashed my bios with no problem and got a 400 Mhz overclock on my 3500+ with only a little voltage increase for stability.

10x multiplier


3x HT

150mhz ram setting

vcore 1.55v

Stable so far at 2.6ghz
I figured it out that I need to turn "aggressive timeing" to disabled. :rolleyes:

A64-3000+ at 2.8 ghz with stock cooler and crappy thermal tape [warranty crap] :D :D :D