Post your workstation 2008 !

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Hey Bladeiai, what brand desk is that your sporting? Very nice looking.
I've had mine for about 6 years now, it's nice if you need to move alot (5 times for me so far).

bladeiai you seem to like the color blue...

Not especially, I just like uniformity.

I think the setup looks sick but I personally would have gone for a solid and non glass desk because of cable management. When you can see through everything you can't hide anything. The cables being strung behind the desk would drive me insane. I don't see a modem anywhere. Do you hook that badboy up with a wireless card or do you have your house wired for ethernet?

You can actually hide almost all of it, however having your monitors against a window makes considerably more challenging and since I'm moving in 5 months I didn't think it was worth the trouble. And it is actually plugged into a router, plugged into a modem, it's on the other side of the room under the lizard
BTW, I love your setup, it's progressed similar to mine, but I don't have pictures as far back as you do. I used to have a huge desk and stuff everywhere and I kept that for a long time until middle of high school probably where I began to realize I wanted quiet and minimal and I'm almost there now.

And well, I've asked for an LCD TV for christmas/birthday (dec 9th); and it's my 21st so It's a big one :p

Finally I'll get to treat my 360/PS3/Wii to some HD goodness! And I'll finally feel like playing GoW2/.hack//G.U./FFXII/Twilight Princess/etc.

Tyty, yeah, hopefully Christmas I'll get enough moolah to finish up on EVERYTHING. I'm only 19 so yeah :[
Hi, Fire fox 90, tell me, how did you get your screen like that i see you said to Toobookoo about placing rubble feet on it...but how do you get the right angle.. if you know what i mean, i have mine placed like that at the moment but the top half is darker than the bottom, and i don't want to put any more of an angle on it just incease it tips :S.
Replay if you can
Been in this house for a couple of months now, only just got round to taking some photos of my room though.


Hey shastings, the media shelf on the left is exactly what I'm looking for. Where did you get that?

Really enjoy you guys' post. Clean out my dust box last night and took some pics to share:


Built the table making sure plenty of leg room.


Removed the GPUs for blow out.


Yes, wiring management; but not much I can do to this case.


Added a fan on the front.
Nice setups guys, heres mine

5 months ago:[IMG]



Hehe, loving the calendar. ;)
haha thx i had the gundam for about 3 years now and the calender i know its mad ASIAN lmaoo=)
G15 (ver 2) and G9.

I'm a bit of a Logitech fan boy lol.

The first G15 (blue one) was a much better keyboard but unfortunatly it got most of a can of UDL poured all over it lol. Couldn't find a version 1 anywhere so I had to get a new one.

EDIT: Thought I'd chuck in a quick shot of the other gundams



OK you need a lesson in posing Gundams >.<

nice setup btw :D
Very Dacy, lol I love it. Is that Bias lighting behind the moniter? if so what kind. Or is that just the glow from your case :p
Dacy, what is that hard drive plugged into? In the third picture, it looks like it's on top of a modem.
Not 100% sure that is the exact one he owns, but that is what I have. It is a hot swap SATA to USB adapter, works great.
mnewxcv, are those M-audio speakers the AV30s? How do they sound?
I am thinking of replacing my Klipsch V2.400 that I have had for almost 9 years.
Grats on the new monitor! I have one as well, and love it. Does yours buzz btw?

at any brightness under 98 :rolleyes:

and these are av40s, not av30s, they sound pretty good for my needs(movies and games have good deep sound)
Here is my Rig, it is old now, will update with the my new computer as soon as i have taken photos. Let me know what you think!

My new jerker desk I just bought off of craigslist for $60.



The wires really do not look that bad in real life. You honestly can't really see them, it's just that the flash makes them stand out. And yes that's my kitteh. She's almost 18.
Hi XboxodX, the shelf table looks really nice. For $60, it is a steal. Cute kitty is enjoying it.:)
Hey fyshawk, you have two people using that workstation? If not it seems like a little bit of a waste, you could easily move those two rigs closer together, lose a chair, and maybe use synergy to control both from a single keyboard/mouse setup?
Moved them around. I saw another [H] members desk who's was just like mine, and i really loved how he had his. So, here is mine

small 15in on the left is running Linux mint w/ fluxbox, and the other 2 are vista



Here is my Rig, it is old now, will update with the my new computer as soon as i have taken photos. Let me know what you think!


What's up with the lower portion of the laptop frame? It looks ... curved.
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