Powder coating tips and suggestions


Aug 10, 2009
I have a Lian Li PC P80 and I plan on powder coating the inside a flat/matte black color to cover the raw aluminum. I have never have gotten a powder coat job done before in my life, so I want to know the low down of what kinda things I should know.

Is there any type of coating amounts or some sort of over coating I should ask the powder coaters? General stuff like that I guess.
I would call them, tell them what you want, and ask them what you should do. They should be able to tell you all the little things that will help them the most.
In general, you want a thicker coat, it will be more resistant to scratching, etc... Depending on the base coating you have chosen, clear coat powder can compliment it well. For maximum quality, you can also opt for a primer. All these coats increase the price, so make your decision based on your needs.
Personally I would take apart the whole case. Then I would use a rivet gun to put it back together. There is over spray and unless he's good at masking that "powder" get's everywhere. Then he has to bake it on. So, nothing non metal can go in. Also, your paint might now hold up either.

That's why I say you're best of disassembling the whole case. You will get a better quality job that way.
Anodize the case if you have a shop near by to do it. Anodizing is better for aluminum and powdercoating is better for steel.
Powdercoating aluminum takes away the finish but with anodizing you can still see the brushed aluminum finish underneath.
The outside of the P80 is anodized black. If it was powdercoated it will look like an Antec 1200.
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Thanks for the advice guys I will keep them in mind. I am going to go in for a quote this Friday most likely. For now, i'll be taking the case apart until the bare aluminum frame is left, then i'm gonna head to the powder coat place to get an estimate of the frame, mobo tray, pci covers, hdd cages etc etc.