Power Out


Jan 31, 2003
Ahh I'm so pissed. The power just went out for 2 hours. All my computers down. I was going crazy until the power came back on.

2 hours of not folding. I was getting really mad.

Sorry just had to vent for a second. Thanks for listening (reading).
Been there, done that, even have the T-Shirt. I totally understand your frustration.

Glad you got it back :D
Heck, this is the first time in a year that I left for four days and the power didn't go out immediately after I left, long enough the UPS's shut down the boxen, and not reset.

I am totally amazed :D

I have faith in Idaho Power, that is why all the boxen are on UPS systems and won't start back up until I KNOW that the power is going to stay on. Cost me two motherboards last year, now it is just lost folding time.

With 20 boxen the restart is a pain.

But some much easier than fixing boxen, :p
My UPS likes to not work and reboot my computer when the power dips as I found out last night... Good thing I have F@H set to save progress every 3 minutes :)

Edit: Ok within a minute of me posting that the power just dipped twice!! Argh! Does anyone have some suggestions for good uninterruptable power supplies? I was just looking at http://www.staples.com/Catalog/Browse/Sku.asp?PageType=1&Sku=486251 and it seems too good to be true for its price when compared to a similarly priced APC (which I've heard good things about) model.
I had something similar happen a couple of weeks ago. Power went out and my main system started back up, but for some reason didn't start F@H again. It was something like 18 hours later before I was able to get to my friend's house where the system is and get it folding again. That hurt my production a bit.

Scheizekopf said:
How do you do that?
On the GUI version I use on my home comp it's called "checkpointing frequency" under the advanced tab on the F@H control panel. It has a sliding bar to select the frequency of the checkpoints from 3 min to 30 min. If I remember correctly the console version also has this option under the advanced configuration when you're setting it up. It defaults to 10 mins between checkpoints otherwise, I think.
Scheizekopf said:
Cool. Thanks. I'll put mine on 5 minutes.

Is there any disadvantages of this?
Whatever computations/writing to disk it needs to do when making a checkpoint will be done more frequently compared to your previous setting, but that's really nothing to wory about, IMO.
Your houses must get really hot folding on 20 computers at once :p

I've got two Dynex UPS with AVR and I love them. I'm not sure if Geek Squad, the Best Buy brand that replaced them is OEM'ed by the same people who made Dynex, but if they are, its worth looking into.