Powerbook HDD concerns


May 25, 2001
The HDD on my 1.5 Ghz Lapzilla seems to be making clicking noises. The noises are from the area to the left of the trackpad - it doesn't look like a fan is located there. With my past experience on drives that start clicking have an impending drive failure I am pretty concerned. The system does have AppleCare. Does anyone know if this is a part replaced at an apple store or does it get shipped off? Do I need to wait for it to die before exchanging the HDD? Am I just confused and it is actually a fan in that location?
I'm not sure if it's actually the hard drive or something else (it's possible that it's a fan...) but a friend just had a hard drive die on his PB. He took it in under AppleCare and they are doing an in-house repair, though they still told him it would take a week.

You probably do need to wait for it to die, so in the meantime just back up all your data. Of course, the Apple people might be feeling generous so they might not make you wait *shrug* so it's worth a try, but defintiely back up anything important.