Powercfg.exe (?)


Jan 28, 2005
Looking for some help regarding this tool dispatched in the SP2 package. I was at first of the understanding that this tool could be used to edit the power settings in Windows XP Pro across all profiles at once. I just discovered after trying it that this is not the case. Apparently, it only edits the power settings in the way you specify for the profile that you're logged on to at the time you run the utility.

So my Q is... is there a way to use this tool - or any other tool, for that matter - to set the power settings across all profiles simulataneously? We're wanting to do this in order to keep a conference room PC from sleeping or turning off the monitor in the middle of a presentation, when the PC might be "idle" for 15 minutes or more while discussing any particular slide. Presently, whenever someone new logs into the PC to use it for a presentation, they get the default power settings, which are set to toggle the monitor and/or hibernation feature after about 15 minutes, which is totally unacceptable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.