Powercolor 4870 Newegg $229.99AR, Free ship

That's off the hook. 4870 is really a great card and for this price... awesome. I can't wait till PC games catch up with our hardware.
No.. It is 279.99. Before any rebates...

Then 30$ mail in rebate...

Then 20$ instant rebate from promotional code in OP's post.

- 30.00
Highly doubt the 4870x2 will cause the price of 4870s to drop to sub $200 range. I imagine they'll still hover around 250-300, with the x2 costing 4-500

Your probably right, the release of the 4870x2 may not cause the 4870s to drop to sub $200 range but if the 4870x2 is MSRP at $500 and MIR and deals pushes it close to $450, it will put pressure on the gtx280 possibly causing it to drop below $400 no MIR. If that happens, it may put pressure on the gtx260 causing it to drop and ATI in response drops the 4870 ever so slightly. This is all hypothetical ofcourse and the 4870 is at a great deal at this price, but the 4870x2 is out in 3 days... does it hurt to wait 3 more days? The next graphically intensive game is Crysis Warhead and thats out on Sept 10.
I think it has more to do with the price of the GTX 260 dropping... Since Nvidia made the big cut, 4870 only has lost about $10-20 off its price (before MIR). I would expect HD 4870 to go down to $250 (before MIR) upon release of the X2.
Good price, although my 1920*1200 monitor is eagerly waiting for the 4870X2.
The HD4870x2 looks like a better deal due to the 2x1GB. But not sure if I want to drop $400-500 on a gfx card though.
The HD4870x2 looks like a better deal due to the 2x1GB. But not sure if I want to drop $400-500 on a gfx card though.

With all of the competition and plethora of really good video cards on the market there is no need to spend that much. No good games have come out lately which even challenge most cards.
With all of the competition and plethora of really good video cards on the market there is no need to spend that much. No good games have come out lately which even challenge most cards.

Wow and I thought the recent price drops and extremely competitive prices for the current cards was due to only because ATI was releasing very cheap cards. Your absolutely right that 0 games have been released that even challenges the new cards (besides Crysis ofcourse). If ATI hadn't released the 4000 series, I highly doubt Nvidia could have kept selling their cards and their original MSRP prices (gtx260 @ $299, gtx280 $650). With no new games to utilize their new cards and a weak economy, it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to convince anyone to buy a new graphics card when food prices, gases prices (not right now, but a few months ago) were continuing to rise and home prices dropping.

Personally, until Crysis Warhead comes out, I doubt I will even consider purchasing a new gpu (have a 8800gt) unless the deal is absolutely "hot."
Awesome deal OP. I just wish ATI partners will start releasing non-reference boards soon at around this same price and I will definitely bite.