PR Nightmare Drawing - AMD 6400+ Black Drawing

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[H]ard sucks for several reasons. However, unfortunately cursing is not allowed and I cant preach my sermon of hate properly without the generous use of curse words. Usually I wouldn't care about measly 7 day ban threats, but if I get banned at an important time like the present I wont be able to continue my task of bringing [H]ard to its knees...from the inside. I hate [H]ard because it steals souls...and time.
1. I learned of this site in 2002 from a fellow hardware nut, and have kept current with computer hardware ever since.
2. I really enjoy the thorough tests of all hardware that crosses your benches, from graphics (classic) to the OS wars (xp vs xp x64, xp vs vista), the now-discontinued system reviews from various computer sellers, and the new format for power supplies
3. The community is tight-knit, which I have lurked on for a while, but never made an account
4. The love for our troops and community service ([H] Folding)
5. Technical news and laws that affect the tech landscape
6. The reliance on other sites to cover hardware that isn't your specialty, for displays, cases, cooling solutions.
7. Deals listed from newegg and others, such as the current giveaway. I never really checked newegg for pricing, but they're actually pretty good.
There is plenty to love and hate, so I do both equally and without bias. :D

I love how The Man (AKA Kyle) is active in the forums. So many other big sites seem to have become disconnected with their readership, but I don't get that feeling here.

I hate how sometimes IE6 will crash on certain pages. I know, I know, the Firefox love boat has left the dock. IE6 is on work computers and not Firefox (and we can't install software). I think it has to do with certain ads, but not 100% sure. The same pages seem to work fine later, but it is annoying to have the browser die like clockwork at certain times.

I love the power supply tests and how thorough they try to be. More and more sites are getting with the program, but I still am amazed at how many "reviews" I read where the guy just hooks the PSU up to his rig, it runs fine, the PSU gets proclaimed an editor's award. WTF?

I hate how the title of news blurbs bring me to the same news blurb on its own page. I'm usually trying to click on the link to the site that is quoted from, but sometimes the larger link gets clicked on.
I love [H] because the info is timely, accurate, and no bull. :p

I hate [H] because there are never enough reviews. :mad:

[H] rocks!

The [H] is great because you do your reviews differently. The goal of your reviews is to compare the actual benefits of running superior hardware, instead of just vomiting a bunch of numbers all over a page. Ex: Video Card A lets you run at 1920x1200 with 4X AA / 16X AF but Video Card B only lets you do 1680x1050 with 2X AA / 16X AF.

On the other hand, the reviews need a larger amount of hardware compared even if it's just copying/pasting other benchmarks ran under the exact same circumstances. For example, the 8800GTx3 review. Lets get some HD3870 and 8800GTX/Ultra up in there. A couple pages dedicated to overclocking the crap out of an 8800GT would've been much more [H]ard instead of comparing three pre-overclocked models. Perhaps some aftermarket cooler and volt mod action.

In short: review approach and format ftw, but needs more Celeron 300As.

...the BIG 504mhz.
What I like about [H]:

Great content, lots of news postings for stuff I care about, reviews that are extremely thorough, huge forums

What I don't like about [H]:

Graphs in reviews could be clearer & easier to rear (bar graphs instead of charts & line graphs)

What I [H]ate about [H]:

White & yellow text on black background hurts my eyes after reading reviews
Love [H], been reading for years now, and not once has the reviews led me wrong. News is relevant, and posts are timely. Keep up the awesome work and please continue to never let anyone pressure you guys with legal bs.
Love [H].

Only place you can get into a shouting match with the owner and not get B7ed right away :D Always fun watching people argue stupidly with kyle :D

Kyle loves yelling at companies after they do stupid things like (not naming any names... :O ) claim his reviews are paid for... heheh that was amusing.

The community is bloody amazing. compared to some other hardware forums ive been to, the noob:Enthusiast ratio is amazingly good :p you get help quick.

The reviews have so much bloody content. they take a LONG time compared to other sites, but DAMN theyre worth the wait, theres so much more useful info than other review sites. Realtime tests for the win. I dont have to find my best settings on my own ;) woot.

Oh, and [H]Consumer was absolutely AMAZING. no where could you find USEFUL System builder reviews. testing everything from how well it was packed, how the cabling was done, and techsupport. all systems were right off the line, not cherry picked because it was anonymous :)

So i guess the only thing i hate is that Consumer is gone... heheh

Thanks Kyle, and congrats to whoever wins :)

woohoo 200 words exactly
I first joined the [H] in February of 2005. Since then, I've come to truly appreciate the helpful spirit of the community and the way that people here continually search for the "best" in a world of consumer technology that is more about the companies' profit margins than the actual end-user experience. It reminds me a lot of the Penny Arcade gents and their massively critical viewpoint on the industry. There's an underlying sense of cynicism there, sure, but it's definitely a necessary evil when we're on the battlefield in the Consumer Wars of the 21st Century.

I'm looking forward to a bright future with [H] in it. :cool:
I love [H] for the no nonsense reviews that beat the bee hive from time to time.

I hate [H] for driving my lust for silicon, solder, and PCB. For helping me justify draining my bank account for the latest and greatest (insert latest chipset, CPU, GPU here) that I NEED to fulfill or I'll will suffer horrific lag and low frame rates. OH THE HORROR :eek:
I love this site, I must since I've continued to come for so long ;)

1) It's a one-stop-shop for pretty much all the tech-related news I want to read

2) Reviews are always high quality; I base a lot of my purchases off reviews on this site. I just wish there were more :D

3) The forums. I've only really only been *active* for a little while, but they were always interesting to browse through before that
I really enjoy [H]ardOCP and even though there are a myriad of other PC related websites and forums I find myself coming back here for several reasons:

- The people on the forums are great. They will give you an opinion whether or not you ask for it and they will tell it how it is.
- The reviews are well done and cover most of the important information that everyone wants to know, even though sometimes a few more things could be covered.
- Excellent interaction between the authors and the members. Kyle's posts are usually informative and funny, which is more than can be said for other forums where the authors never even post or communicate with the community.
- Lots of sub-forums with enough information to find what your looking for and then some.
- Keeps me up through those [H]ard nights with no sleep.

Good luck to everyone and I hope someone really deserving gives these parts a happy home! :D
I love [H] because of

-thorough, great quality reviews, even if they're not always the first ones out

-honesty/integrity -- no catering to a particular brand

-best moderated forums I've come across; I like, from what I've seen in these measly few years (man I'm getting old), how mods delete troll posts, yet leave the funny ones up, even if they're a bit off topic, for some good comic relief in otherwise serious discussions

-intelligence and wide tange of expertise in the forum members

-the news -- updated often with good reads and witty comments from Steve. How he manages not to be stale is a feat in itself

Don't mean to seem a brown noser, but I wouldn't "stay" in a community that was immature rubbish :)

The graphics card reviews are very in depth BUT they make it hard to get to the pure numbers that say card "x" is faster than card "y". While that may be the point, to force us to read the entire article and get the big picture before we make assumptions. I often find myself comparing FPS without noticing that one card used different visual settings.

No beef with any of the other review formats though. HardOCP and HardForum is where I go to keep up with the computer world.
Why would a computer hobbyist like me enjoy [H]ardOCP? For many reasons that I’ll discuss such as: Reviews, Material, and Integrity.
Reviews –
I enjoy your reviews you guys at [H] because they help me with plethora of information on the latest gear. Without it, I wouldn’t be on the edge of technology, and uneducated about the key points and detail of each product. Your opinions about the product matter as well. Honesty is key, and you guys aren’t afraid to express it.
Material –
Your website is always updated with the newest tech crazes, deals, reviews that it keeps me up to date on technology.
Integrity -
The most important thing you guys always have is Integrity. You don’t sell out, or get easily influenced by your advertisers, which some other websites don’t honestly do. Without this, nobody would be able to trust [H] and rely on the great information provided. Your still here because your audience sees it, trusts it, and will not doubt you.
Those are the 3 main reasons, why I come on here daily because you guys rock. Without you, a lot of us would have to find something else. Thanks for your hard work.

198 Words.
I love and hate this site. I love it because there is a lot of great info on hardware and great people that help people out. I hate this site because it makes me spend too much money... Also it could use a bit more porn. A porn section would be great!
I first was attracted to [H] because of the sexy black and red color scheme. My lust for [H] only increased after reading a video card review that actually gave out some useful information instead of another canned benchmark. My lust for [H] turned to love for [H] when many of my own personal PC issues were solved after reading the incredibly active forum. I'm still in love with [H] because the forum continues to be a main source of PC gaming and hardware information and because I've been able to return the favor and helped other PC enthusiasts with issues. I'll stay committed to [H] because Kyle and Steve are committed to me.

Long live the [H]orde!
I love the [H] - The front page keeps me up to date with new OS/Hardware/Gaming news + the comments to go with those news stories sometimes make me laugh

The forums are awesome too - I've solved tons of problems by doing forum searches. Plus when I've actually had to post a question, it generally gets tons of answers and comments.
I love the [H] because Kyle and the gang never stop showing how much they care about the community. Giving away prizes in exchange for sincere, unadulterated feedback, whether it is good or bad, means that they care what the people who visit this site and post on this forum think about how they do their job.

Over the years, they have gone out of their way to help people in the community through aiding customers who have an issue with a vendor. That isn't something they have to do; they do it because they believe in the community.

I'd like to add that I don't need a prize to say those things; that is the way I honestly feel, and that is why I keep coming here.
I like you site because:

1) It is updated frequently

2) The reviews lead me to believe that you are straight shooters, with no BS.
I <3 the [H] b/c for the most part, the reviews are pretty good (glad to see the "apples-to-apples" stuff back) :)

I dislike the [H] (sometimes) b/c the moderation methods can sometimes be harsh :)
Several main reasons: First the reviews are amazing! Very in depth, covering everything us the consumer wants to know prior to buying a product. The attention to details and not just numbers give the real life experience we want. Second the Forum has an amazing active community where you can find all sorts of computer/electronic/misc advice and information on products. Third reason is the up to date news tidbits and contests like these. Thanks [H]!:D
[H]ard|OCP and [H]ard|Forum: what's there to say? Lots!

I have been a member for over 2.5 years now and I have learned a lot in that time that just isn't taught anywhere. The whole forum community is like a second family to me.

As for Kyle and Crew, their in-depth and fair product reviews are excellent, as I thoroughly enjoy reading about all the new products and the fact that they welcome open discussion of the reviews here in the forum.

I've seen a lot of changes to both [H]ard|OCP and [H]ard|Forum over the years, and it's all truly been for the better. Nothing is ever asked from members (aside from adhering to some common sense rules to maintain civility), but so much is given! Case in point: this very contest. So I shall say this in closing: Kyle and the rest of the staff at [H], keep up the great work!
solid reviews with out benchmark numbers, admins with a sense of humor, and the best off topic forum section I have seen. The only thing that I don't like is the occasional smacktards that will come in and ruin the fun.
[H] is pretty much the site that got me started with building and oc'ing my own computers back in 2001. Don't know how i found the site, but even early on i knew it wasn't THG, and that was a good thing...otherwise i'd likely still be buying Dell's :p

What I don't like about the site? Not enough reviews, atleast it seems that way compared to how i remember it, but maybe I've just got a poor recollection. I'm also not a big fan of the apples to oranges reviews, though I know it's the [H]'s way to differentiate itself. I don't mind it as much as long as there's an apple's to apple's, which seems to finding it's way into more reviews, so that's a good thing imo.
I enjoy the [H]ard|Forum for several reasons.

1. First off the traffic is awesome, there are always new threads to read and new problems to ponder.

2. The class of people that frequent the forum seems to be a cut above the novice drivel that seems to swarm most forums.

3. Most of the reviews on the site are topnotch and the staff really seems to know there stuff (There have been times when I thought someone must be on crack).

4. the "Real Life Stuff" section is always helpful and tempting my tech tooth

5. The color scheme is easy on the eyes.

6. The banner adds are safe for all ages.

7. No annoying popups.

8. Give aways are always great.

[H]ard|Forums is the best collection of computer savvy that I have found on the web. No other computer forum answers my questions in a faster more complete way.

Thanks for the great forums.

- You dont kiss any ass. That includes hardware companies, advertisors, AND the readers of the site/forum. Lots of other sites can maybe claim the first 2, but not many can say they won't bow to a handful of loud readers when they don't like something. You guys decided something and stick to it. +1 for consistency

- Easy to find reviews of not only the newest stuff, but also archives of some older or previous gen stuff too. Im not always looking for bleeding edge... if I want to build a pc on a budget then I can still find information about those parts here. That includes both the H reviews and the forums.

- Pay forum sections keep the riffraff out.

- All of the line graphs in the reviews. I hate them with a passion because for whatever reason I find them hard to read. Recently you did a review that had much more friendly bar graphs and I actually liked those.

- I wish the For Sale / For Trade forums had its own built in user-review/feedback system. This is the main reason I haven't used that forum to date.
Well, I love the [H]ardOCP....let me count the ways...

1. Honesty in reviews and benchmarks. If the [H] says it better believe it.

2. Kyle? Well, no baloney taken, no bias offered. Integrity. He IS the [H]ardOCP.

3. The black/red background and light text is easy on the eyes, stands out.
Almost a trademarked design!

4. The [H] forums are the [H]ardest on the net, mostly a group of true hardware fanatics. I have been here since 2000 and have never left, and I won't as long as the [H] exists!!!!!!!!
Me Likey:
  • Honesty in the reviews and on the forums
  • Genmay's fun and worth the money
  • Hot Deals steals what money is left over after subscribing to Genmay
  • Forum design is very easy on the eyes
  • Mods that have a sense of humor

What makes Hulk angry:
  • Some of the forums don't get enough traffic, but I could just be addicted
  • I wish you still reviewed systems and reviewed laptops (it's tough to pick mobile GPUs these days...)
  • Front page design could be better
  • I'm not working for the [H]
On the whole I like [H].

I don't like you because:
1. I think you allow marketing or pay offs to influence what products get awards, to the point where I don't care what awards products get.
-I've seen you give awards to items you had nothing nice to say about
2. I'd like to see more comparisons between water cooling blocks, CPU and video cards.
3. I don't think you review enough products people actually need/will buy, who really needs a 1600W PS, honestly.
4. Keep the Windows vs. Apple crap off the main page. Duke it out in the forums I don't care what your 1 token Apple fan thinks about MS, nor do I care what the rest of the staff thinks about Apple.

But it's not all bad news
What I like:
1. In fact the news is quite good, I like the [H]ard News
2. Video card reviews are *sometimes* quite good, and I like the detail you put into testing them. though your "Bottom Line" sometimes seems a bit off from what I interpret about the performance differences.
3. The organization of the site is really good as well. I know exactly where to find anything, I never have to use the search feature.

*Edit*: in light of the latest review of the G92 8800 GTS, I changed my opinion of [H]'s video card reviews. I now think that ALL the awards are bought.
I think [H] tried to show in the review that the card wasn't that great, but the bottom line seemed like forced niceness and a phony award.
I absolutely love how you guys test using real world performance metrics instead of synthetic bull.:D

I hate that you guys don't do any reviews on HTPC stuff, and I wish there were guides, overclocking, building, etc.:rolleyes:
Love [H] or hate it

1 Love this place because of the honesty.
2 I hate this place because i'm always broke( i got 6 kids come on throw me a bone) and sometimes i see stuff given away and i never win. :( Like now i bet i don't win....
Why do I love [H]? I think it would almost be easier to list reasons that I dont love [H] for.

Years and years, and I mean YEARS ago I stumbled upon [H]. I believe it was 98, 97, somewhere around there, I was in highschool, really into computer hardware but I just didnt have anywhere to read up on the latest stuff. Thats where [H] came in. Serving everything from news, funny stories, a great forum to learn in and find deals, down to beyond indepth reviews. I have come over the years to love [H] as a source of good information, non-biased opinions, and a all around good time.

I like Hardocp due to the great job on reviews that have been done over the years and the community. It is nice to see a group of people doing real life reviews and telling you what to expect instead of doing some canned test and posting positive to only slightly bad reviews in order to keep getting their monthly advertising check. If something is bad then the review here is going to say so. If a company gets pissed off, oh well. I like being able to come here and get things they way the really are and not have them sugar coated.
[H]ardOCP is sweet because of the quality aggregate of relevant and interesting tech news, the gameplay and experience based hardware reviews, and the personality infused in each publication.
I check the website daily and love it because you provide a vast amount of technology news on the front page. I primary get tech news from two sources and this website is one of them. Keep up the good work!
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