President Addresses Tech Industry And Discusses Encryption At SXSW


Aug 20, 2006
All of the media outlets are giving their takes on what the President had to say at the South by Southwest festival, and here is the full discussion so you can form your own opinion on what our leader thinks about encryption and other tech-related topics.
"All your data are belong to us"

I hope no one thinks this guy is on the side of the little guy. He's like every other demagogue politician that thinks everything belongs to the government and they can decide what we keep for ourselves.
"All your data are belong to us"

I hope no one thinks this guy is on the side of the little guy. He's like every other demagogue politician that thinks everything belongs to the government and they can decide what we keep for ourselves.
Link to where that was in the video? I don't recall that statement.
Want to be fair to independents? Is that why they handcuffed Jill Stein to a chair for 8 hours after she crashed a debate asking she be included in the debates?
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For a president to actually say back in 2007 "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution." and then do this type of crap... well.. he's an Asshole....and a liar...

If only people had warned us back then that.........................oh wait they did.
obama is a terrorist and I do not see why we need two articles about him in the same day. Both refect his assedness.
obama is a terrorist and I do not see why we need two articles about him in the same day. Both refect his assedness.
Leave it to conservatives to complain about something that didn't happen (i.e. there aren't 2 articles on him today).
obama is a terrorist and I do not see why we need two articles about him in the same day. Both refect his assedness.

You just accused the President of the United States of a capital crime. If this country ever executed its first President or former President, who also a happens to be its first black President, yep, Canada is looking pretty sweet.
What a hypocrite. Lauding the government's NEED for backdoor to citizen's property while the First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are trampled like so much toilet paper under foot in a backwoods outhouse.

President Nothin'...don't the door hit your ass on the way out.
You just accused the President of the United States of a capital crime. If this country ever executed its first President or former President, who also a happens to be its first black President, yep, Canada is looking pretty sweet.
Canada has strict immigration laws. I doubt you would be able to emigrate.
What a hypocrite. Lauding the government's NEED for backdoor to citizen's property while the First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are trampled like so much toilet paper under foot in a backwoods outhouse.

President Nothin'...don't the door hit your ass on the way out.
Hey, I'm mostly on your side (as in I want it locked), but his statement was very nuanced and what he said is virtually identical to what Tim Cook has said on this subject. In short, it's better to figure this out now when there's not an attack than to wait and get a Patriot Act version. And on that front, they're right. The devil is in the details.

I absolutely think Apple should prevail in court, but if congress is going to pass a law, then do it before everyone is scared, so we can have a robust debate on the details, because like you I seriously distrust the government on this topic and I do question what this means for places like China.
They don't seem to be too worried about it though.
Canada has a population around 35 million. About 100k people are illegal aliens in canada.
Us has a population of 318 million. About 7-20 million are illegal. Lets say 13 million.
Doing the math, canada has a illegal to legal ratio of .28%
Us has a illegal to legal ratio of 4%

The US has an illegal alien problem that's 14 times greater than Canada. That's probably why they don't really care too much while in the US it's a big problem.
Canada has a population around 35 million. About 100k people are illegal aliens in canada.
Us has a population of 318 million. About 7-20 million are illegal. Lets say 13 million.
Doing the math, canada has a illegal to legal ratio of .28%
Us has a illegal to legal ratio of 4%

The US has an illegal alien problem that's 14 times greater than Canada. That's probably why they don't really care too much while in the US it's a big problem.

I get it. But fresh blood is kind of thing that drives many great nation states. Hell the US was the greatest freest land ever that for some bizarre reason needed slaves. To make it free? But only because other great nation states has slaves? So vicious circle I guess?

However high Trump doesn't get his wall built, the hotel room isn't going to be cleaned by Bob Smith.
I get it. But fresh blood is kind of thing that drives many great nation states. Hell the US was the greatest freest land ever that for some bizarre reason needed slaves. To make it free? But only because other great nation states has slaves? So vicious circle I guess?

However high Trump doesn't get his wall built, the hotel room isn't going to be cleaned by Bob Smith.
Fresh blood = legal immigration
The rest of your post borders on inane rambling. The US didn't become a superpower until way after the civil war. It was mainly an isolationist country that was allowed to grow.
1898: The Birth of a Superpower - Short History - Department History - Office of the Historian
Link to where that was in the video? I don't recall that statement.

You're right, he didn't say that.

You don't take the guy at his word, do you?

Here are 1,179 well sourced examples of Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.

In the link above, #194, #244, #251, #252, #266, #279, #456, #461, #487, #499 all apply in this case, and that's just out of the first 500!

But don't take my word for it, research it yourself, or just be a mindless sheep like the rest of the electorate.
We are talking about [H], not news of the world. I'm sure there are several articles on him on the web (probably on RCP alone)....and those are both reports on the same story from different sources.

He didn't say he saw both articles in the forum did he? Google it yourself if you want other articles.
You're right, he didn't say that.

You don't take the guy at his word, do you?

Here are 1,179 well sourced examples of Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.

In the link above, #194, #244, #251, #252, #266, #279, #456, #461, #487, #499 all apply in this case, and that's just out of the first 500!

But don't take my word for it, research it yourself, or just be a mindless sheep like the rest of the electorate.
That's not what I asked for is it?
He didn't say he saw both articles in the forum did he? Google it yourself if you want other articles.
What site are we on? Are you actually arguing that people should complain that the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post both wrote a story on an event at SxSW in a thread about a video link posted by the editors of [H]?

Sheesh, use some common sense. The guy was wrong, a troll or both.
I get it. But fresh blood is kind of thing that drives many great nation states. Hell the US was the greatest freest land ever that for some bizarre reason needed slaves. To make it free? But only because other great nation states has slaves? So vicious circle I guess?

However high Trump doesn't get his wall built, the hotel room isn't going to be cleaned by Bob Smith.

Lets back it up a little bit. Slaves existed to do physical/repetitive/menial work. Harvesting anything is hard work that most people do not want to do. Just doing it on a small farm is bad enough, but do it on a mega plantation requires some serious labor. Now-a-days it seems like a no-brainer that you treat people "with respect". But that concept is very new in the history of mankind. There have always been humans that did the menial work, often times with little to no compensation.

Think about this way. You have a clothes washing machine and a dish washing machine right? Do you feel bad for them that you bought them solely to do 1 job with no compensation? Of course not, they are machines. And it's ok to have no feelings or respect for machines because they are not humans. Well, what did you do before machines were invented a couple hundred years ago? The same things had to be done. You used the only other thing on this planet that could do such work, other humans. And those people back then distanced themselves from the "lesser" humans so that they could be carefree just the same as you are about your machines.

We created machines as a solution to not having humans do the same work. This is why there is already philosophical questions about how will we treat machines once it seems they are like us....if they ever can be. It is history repeating itself.

On to your second point. At my place of employment, we have mexican, black, & white janitors. My kids school has a white janitor (they only need 1)....he cleans up all kinds of fluids that come out of other humans.
And that is where your statement lost all its credibility.

Terrorism is a very broad term. It's not hard to fit in it anymore. It's useful to consider that terrorism used to refer to the government scaring it's people, but has been changed over the centuries.

Just like it's not hard for an average person to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Terrorism is a very broad term. It's not hard to fit in it anymore. It's useful to consider that terrorism used to refer to the government scaring it's people, but has been changed over the centuries.

Just like it's not hard for an average person to use a weapon of mass destruction.

I remember going to the NASCAR race in Dover Delaware on Sept 16 2001.... they refused to allow us to bring in ICE CUBES to the track for fear someone would blow us up with some type of frozen liquid explosive...Personally we just went down to one of the ice cube fridges the refreshment stands used to store ice and stole a bag to take to our seats... within a half an hour, so had everyone else in our So yea, the average person can do a lot of damage, especially when they are NASCAR fans with warm beer....I guess i was a potential terrorist who reformed into a career ice cube thief... but the beer was cold, so i can handle that