Presto88's Garage Sale Style WTS mild mannered extravaganza


Limp Gawd
Sep 19, 2005
So, its been awhile since I've been active on the forums here and it feels good to be back! At any rate, I have various items for sale. I'll be honest though, its basically the stuff I have laying around that I just need out of the apartment.

Heat: Coreyp319
Best way to get ahold of me: [email protected]

Zune 30Gb (Blue/black) overall good condition, still used though.- $60 shipped

AMD X2 3800- $40 shipped (Pending)
Part of a rig that I believe has a fried mobo, to that end I'd be willing to ship first to those with solid heat and expect payment only upon verification of its operation.

2X 1Gb GSkill PC3200 Ram (Matched pair)- $40 shipped (SOLD)
Same deal as the X2 3800, same build, payment upon it working.

Evga 7800GT with Zalman Cu cooler (No Warranty)- $10+shipping
Solder points for one of the DVI connections appear to be fried

Xbox 360 Power Brick- $20 + shipping (SOLD as a Bundle)
Functional, yay!

Xbox 360 VGA Chord- $20 shipped

RROD Xbox 360- $15+ Shipping
There are a couple screws that were stripped in the attempted reapplying of thermal paste. I'll make no bones about it, this thing may very well be borked.

This is entirely odd, but I'm going to add my *potentially* cursed Chef Pig butcher block. If nothing else, you may find this amusing. This past christmas, my company had a yankee swap. I got to go first and I got Terminator Salvation on blu ray, I was pretty happy with it until I saw the beautiful (subjective as all hell) Chef Pig butcher block, it came from a good will around Boston. To me it looked like a happy pig, to my girlfriend upon arrival home, she instantly hated it. She had said that it reminded her of a clown, it disturbed her so much so, that it drove her to tears. We argued about my perception of her deficit in logic to no end. When I wasnt in the kitchen she would face it to the corner and when she wasn't in the kitchen I would turn it around.

Fast forward to the next day, I had decided that a nice ham dinner had sounded delicious so I invited my brother over for the whole thing. I threw the ham in the oven to bake and the the bag of potatoes on top of the stove to await peeling and cooking. I had decided to turn my computer on (the build above) to use some beautiful XBMC. Pushed the power button in, nothing. Started to take it apart to investigate, SNIFF SNIFF, something is burning. The ham had been in the oven for no longer than 25 minutes and smoke started to spew out of the oven. I remove the ham and smelled the plastic of the bag of potatoes burning. Great that burned spontaneously as well. So, in the matter of 16 hours this pig had caused my meal to burn on all counts and my custom built computer had died. Since that time, I have left it facing the corner where I have not had any problems similar since.

To be honest, I'm a generally a very skeptical person when it comes to this sort of thing, so you can either point to the situation and say thats either a botched dinner by this guy with a dose of bad luck on the computer's part or perhaps there may be something more to it. I cannot guarantee that this pig will choose to mess your stuff up, but on the other hand, maybe it will. Who knows. Pics if requested when I get home. - $50 + shipping



I'll take pictures if interest warrants it.
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I need to see the pig now....bump
it's....calling me

lol, go bacon!
That pig has a kind of leer on his face. That is creepy. I can see why your GF was not happy.

Bump for an entertaining story. :D
bump for evil pig! Seriously, looks pretty scary, I was lured for a second, then I saw its eyes. O_O
I've taken to the thought that the chef pig appears as your soul is. When I first laid eyes on him, he was happy because I was happy. So in that sense I guess he kinda peers into your soul. So, 0__0 indeed.