Prey crashing- Demo ran fine?


Aug 3, 2003
Get pretty far into the game then freeze, black screen and re-boot. MS error report shows serious error vid card driver (using 91.33) and/or set hardware accel back. See problem similar on other forums with no consistent solution. Tried setting nVidia SLI control to nVidia auto select and SLI application control (tried forcing alt rendering but no solution). Also using Creatives new Prey drivers. Seems to always happen at a spirit portal???
the only issue I had with the game was changing the refresh rate in the console. It locked everything up. Apart from that, no crashes or blue screens.
Try the 84.21 or was it .24 anyway the whql 84 series driver....
Rename Doom3 profile Prey and insert SFR into the type of SLI you use.
This has worked very well for me. Keep allthe other Doom 3 stuff the same.
You could do the same with the Quake 4 profile.
Appreciate the suggestions. It appears Prey may corrupt the drivers as I reinstalled the 91.33's and everything seems to be running fine now. Got my SLIx8 setting and 1600x1200 resos back without any apparent problems.
Yeah. Game keeps BSODing me.

Thought it was a different problem since 1 other game crashes on me relatively often (Wolfenstein Enemy Territory).

Don't know if those two problems are related (usually just get lockups and reboots with ET, but when Prey locks up, I usually get a BSOD).

And yet, I still prefer PC gaming over consoles.