Price aside, NEC PA301W-BK for enthusiast gamers?


Limp Gawd
Sep 3, 2004
Anybody game on this monitor?
Maximum PC references this as their ultimate monitor. In one issue, they built a rig with 3 of these in portrait mode.
But due to its price point, a lot of folks dont buy it.

I wonder how it would do compared to other IPS monitors for games like BF3?
Thats my biggest concern.
Also, how is the AG coating on these?

Any body have any feedback from a gaming perspective?

Note: I love color accuracy and high quality even as a gamer. I hate TN panels. I love the higher resolutions and pixel densities.

It's overkill in the wrong direction if you're only looking to buy a nice 30 inch monitor for gaming and nothing else.

If you were also some high end CAD and professional graphics person and you had a lot of money, I'd say: Sure, go for it and more power to you.

I'm basically in your shoes for the most part.

I'm very happy with my NEC 2490wuxi with AW Polarizer. Pretty hard to beat that IMO.

Back when I bought it I got a great deal on it and I felt great about the purchase and still do. I think I got it for around $800 give or take. Whatever the price was, it was no-brainer at that time.

When you get to 30 inches , the prices just really blow up it seems like.

In a fantasy world if I had money to just blow left and right, sure, I'd buy the NEC PA30 I guess although if you read up on it vs a Dell 3011 or an HP zr30W...if you're ONLY shopping for a good 30 inch GAMING monitor...the NEC PA gives you NOTHING over those other two monitors. That's what my research has yielded me. Maybe I missed something.

So what I'm seeing for myself is: If I decide at some point to jump to 30 it simply makes a lot more sense in terms of value for dollar/performance to look at either the Dell or the HP. I'm not a graphics professional.

Just my two cents.
Outside of the incredible color control, and excellent warranty there isn't a great "gaming" reason to buy one of these screens.

For same input lag and good multiple color/gamut support, a U3011 is popular. For hardcore gaming with low input lag the ZR30W is the best.

Anti-glare on 30" LG panels is pretty much the same for all these screens, ie. relatively noticeable on bright, solid blocks of color/web page backgrounds.
I have the NEC PA271W @ 2560x1440. It's 27", higher pixel density, and costs a lot less than the 30" version. I lose 160 lines, but that's no big deal. The 27" and 30" should be very similar in quality.

I'm very pleased with the monitor, since I am a web designer/developer. Photoshop is great on it and it's so nice being able to code on one-half of the screen and have a browser open on the other half. At 2560, you are truly able to use two FULL size windows.

I've also had no problems gaming with the monitor. Image quality is just fantastic. And whatever downside there is with the slower IPS technology is easily outweighed by the superior image quality you see in your games.