price gouging ok here?

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Limp Gawd
Mar 20, 2005
After seeing all these xbox 360 sales from 750 to 1025 I am pushed to ask, why is this ok here?

These people who buy several of these just to sell for profit, are the very reason they are hard to find. They are making HUGE profits on others misfortune that they caused. It makes me sick that mothers/fathers/etc out there want to get things like this for their children, and are forced to pay sometimes double the price because some people buy two to three for no other reason but to take advantage.

Allowing people to do this, only promotes it. Other forums such as anand do not allow this. Just curious, why here its ok.
It's just simple laws of supply and demand. Low supply, high demand = higher value price.

There have never been rules against this sort of thing and it goes on alot with computer hardware, IE: Highly overclockable CPUs, when it is rare, people can get a high premium for them

Apparrently people are willing to pay it, so there is no harm being done.
huh? I don't see why they should ban something just because it pisses you off. Sellers can set whatever prices they want, and it's up to the buyers to determine if they want to pay that much for it. If someone posts an xbox for $1000 and someone is willing to pay that much for it, then what the hell is the big deal? Unless the original buyer signed a contract stating that he wouldn't resell it, I don't see what the problem is. If you are going to be pissed of at anyone, be pissed off at Microsoft, because they control the supply.
Its more of a moral thing. Its one thing to have something valuable and sell it for more because its hard to find. It is another to go get a bunch of something the day its released, therefore causing it to be hard to find, and then selling it the next day at double the price.

jpmkm said:
If you are going to be pissed of at anyone, be pissed off at Microsoft, because they control the supply.

No. The supply would be fine if these people weren't buying more than one at a time just to sell.
I kinda agree with the OP. We wouldn't let ticket scalpers sell here would we?
People have to choice to wait for availability, no one is forcing people to buy it for hundreds more than msrp. If people were expecting to be able to buy new 360s for near msrp off of sellers days after the release it's their own fault. It was widely known that there was going to be a limited supply on the launch date, and if you didn't preorder or didn't get in line before opening then why should you expect to pay only a few bucks more for a system. People didn't wait 10+ hours in line just so they could save $50 in store instead of just buying it online the next day, because if it were that easy then no one would have waited in line.
I'd wager that even if every person only bought one, there would still not be enough for each person who wanted one to get one. Unless you can provide data that shows otherwise, of course. And if you can show me numbers of how many people bought multiple xboxes and how many people wanted one and didn't get one then I will bow before you. :p
Members can price what they have at what they want, if you have a problem with a price PM them dont post it. Just becuz it might upset you on the price thier askin doesnt make right for them not to be able to sell it here

Give it a little time, it will settle down again. Just got to ride it out
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