Price Gouging on HA-RX 700?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 9, 2002
I've read up quite a bit on the forums, I want to get a decent pair of headphones. My old headset has shorts in it and is just a run of the mill $30 best buy type purchase.

It seems people want nearly $60 for these headphones now? Amazon and the like are either sold out or selling them through other vendors with shipping costs

I thought about just getting the HA-RX 900. I like that I read it was semi open and appears to be comfortable for longer periods with a better band. I know some people prefer the 700's, and to be quite honest the proximity in price at this point kind of proves that.

Anyway, they are not very cheap. Approaching ATH-AD700 prices, not exactly, but if the JVCs are a "poor man's" these, just closed, maybe I should just pay the extra. If the HA-RX 700 were the prices I heard, $35 to $40, I would have just gotten them. Knowing i can always buy up later.

I added auto notify at newegg. Are these hard to come by now, or maybe I can just wait this out?
Yeah. They are worth $60 compared to most other headphones but...If the AD-700s or the harx 900s are close in price, there is no reason to get the 700s. I remember when I had them. Great sound and pretty tough w/ a long cord. Good deal for $30 for sure.
I have seen the 900's flucuate in price some recently. I got mine on amazon for 55$ shipped. Great pair of headphones and they are said to have more bass than the 700's. That being said I'm glad I didn't get anything less. Make sure you have a good source/amp to really let them shine.
They're definitely gouging, maybe it's an outgoing model or something... I got mine at Newegg for $33.97 (w/free shipping) on 6/22/2009, just looked it up. The 900s fluctuated between $50-80 at the time.
Inflation would be the answer here, not gouging , everything is going up, its the ebb and flow of the world ;)
100% in inflation over less than two years? More like supply and demand I'd guess, maybe JVC didn't expect the model to be so popular and they just haven't kept up with production over time? I dunno.
This head phone is not all that to me. I'm not even an audiophile type person, just a regular person. tight fit, no bass, long ass cord ,mine just been collecting dust since last christmas.
It could be that JVC has raised the whole sale price of the RX700/RX900.
Check Google Search, Techbargins, Bountii and eBay for best prices.
This head phone is not all that to me. I'm not even an audiophile type person, just a regular person. tight fit, no bass, long ass cord ,mine just been collecting dust since last christmas.

Sell it!
This head phone is not all that to me. I'm not even an audiophile type person, just a regular person. tight fit, no bass, long ass cord ,mine just been collecting dust since last christmas.

What are you playing it out of? That is not how that headphones is supposed to sound. Tight fit, yes, it clamps but the pads are pretty cushy. No bass? That is why I ask what you are driving it with. Makes no sense.
What are you playing it out of? That is not how that headphones is supposed to sound. Tight fit, yes, it clamps but the pads are pretty cushy. No bass? That is why I ask what you are driving it with. Makes no sense.

at the time i had a dell xps 1645 now i have the dell xps 15. Do i need an amp or something to make it sound better? or a REAL sound card? Also was using my zune but an mp3 player is not what you want to use with this since the cord is like 10 feet.
Laptops are bad yes. The Zune should have been ok though. Did you try the other cable or check and see if it is screwed in all the way? Otheriwse, no idea. I do know it has plenty of bass normally. The AD700 is certainly bass light but not the JVC700.
Yes Grado are great for music, especially rock guitar. However, not much of a sound stage with the lower end models. Great for jamming but not so much for gaming /movies. Depends what you want your headphones for.
Figured I'd check Amazon today, and even though I'm as broke as hell right now, they were 36 and some change so I bought them. Thanks for the advice. Waiting paid off.
Alright so onto the next stage! I got a X-Fi PCI, for now. The Xtreme Music or whatever, without the extra ram, and from when they came out, no fancy stuff. Do you guys think it's worth going with that $30 Asus Xonar DG to power them? The X-Fi "good enough"?

Definitely won't be doing that until I have more cash. I could justify the card's cost knowing if anything, from here on out, I will be upgrading if anything.

If I plug the phones into the headphone jack on my logitech z4 control pod, is that still being powered by the Audigy X-Fi?
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the answer in no- the control pod is powering the headphones, and probably not very well. plug them directly into the sound card. an x-fi is pretty strong as far as sound cards go. i have a modded x-fi and a xonar dg, not much difference power-wise