Prices keep rising for the 2900xt !

maybe it has something to do with about 10 major hardware analysis sites recommending the new gpu from ati... i mean maybe. i dont' want to have to list them all over again lol
maybe it has somethin to do with a consumer's ability to be circumspect and not rely solely on 1 review.

I think it is a great card but it has one fatal flaw, it runs HOT. I have a crossfire board and really want an XT, but people are posting that it runs so hot they can't overclock their Core2Duo. One guy said it raised his case temps by 20 degrees.
Gee, maybe because the GTS isn't exactly both of those things? :rolleyes:

... but it is! It's as fast or faster in most benchmarks out there, it's cheaper by anywhere from $30-40 and that's before MIRs which increase that to $70-80 cheaper, it requires less power, runs cooler, and by most accounts is quieter as well. And I'm talking about the 640MB GTS which also has more RAM than the 2900XT. The 320MB GTS which also bests the 2900XT in some benchmarks is a solid $100-125 cheaper.

I'm only waiting for the 640MB GTS to drop to around $325 without rebate before I pick one up.
:rolleyes: @yacoub35

But do enjoy the GTS640 when you get it. It's a nice card too if you can get it for the price you're aiming at. ((Yeah, I loath MIRs too. I really don't count them into the price and treat them like found money IF they actually come through.))
Most new cards do rise in price when they first come out. Then settle down to normal prices, followed by a dropping of price. This isnt new.

Some of these cards have a free G15 mouse, some have Stalker for free, and some (all?) have the Valve black box, which will give you TF2 and EP2 for free.
ATI/AMD is probably already at or near their minimum profit margin
It's called the break-even point

with 2 day shipping it's still cheaper than everywhere else just about. keep in mind the free shipping could take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks [blah!]
I just got some DVDs I had ordered the other day in two days and they were scheduled to arrive on the 23 (3-5 days shipping, go figure :eek: ), cut Amazon some slack.

I think the card is going up in price because AMD/ATI is suckin up the dirt and trying to get off the ground :p This competition between Nvidia and ATI goes back to when everyone thought DX10 and Crysis were coming out at Christmas. Nvidia released their cards a lot sooner than they needed to, as everyone now sees, but ATI got stuck in a rut when everyone bought Nvidia's card. I wonder how many people, if any, wish they had waited on getting a Video card from Nvidia way back when, instead of getting an AMD/ATI one now; the people with the older Nvidia cards got to use them for what, 8 months? and most of their cards are STILL better. Cmon, AMD/ATI slipped this round up, bad.
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Sometimes, when I order from Newegg, I can taste chicken. Don't get that with any of the other etailers.

One day I looked at my purchase history on NewEgg and added it all up. If I had never discovered their site, I'd be RICH Bitch!
I think it is a great card but it has one fatal flaw, it runs HOT. I have a crossfire board and really want an XT, but people are posting that it runs so hot they can't overclock their Core2Duo. One guy said it raised his case temps by 20 degrees.

yes, u should definitely not buy it in that case.
Hmm after I took out my X1950 pro and put in my 2900XT my cpu is running about 2c cooler, I wonder if the card exhausting the heat out of the back has anyting to do with it:rolleyes:
Hmm after I took out my X1950 pro and put in my 2900XT my cpu is running about 2c cooler, I wonder if the card exhausting the heat out of the back has anyting to do with it:rolleyes:

That is very interesting. Are you sure the temps went down? If that is true I might give the card a try.
yeah I'm the same way about MIRs =)

You guys are making me nervous, I just sent a MIR into Crucial and I got another going to Corsair today. :(

I think it is a great card but it has one fatal flaw, it runs HOT. I have a crossfire board and really want an XT, but people are posting that it runs so hot they can't overclock their Core2Duo. One guy said it raised his case temps by 20 degrees.

96.7865% of all rumors are fake, just an FYI. :D
Let the people who want a 2900 get one. Seriously. It's their money. Besides...I would get one just to see how far I can overclock it...could be fun.
They should lower the prices when there is a demand to keep the crowds comin in ;).

Thats kinda rediculous about a videocard causing a cpu to raise 20c. Must have been an air tight sealed case. If it did cause it to raise that high then he wouldn't even have had the chance to post on here lol. It would have fried ages ago ;).
Gee, maybe because the GTS isn't exactly both of those things? :rolleyes:

Besides red's a lucky colour don't-cha-know? Some people just eat up cheesy red plastic with gold flames. Yeah, I don't get that either. But then I don't have have a window in the side of my case or UV-reactive cabling. ;)
The GTS isn't cheaper wtf are you smoking?

You can get one for around $320.

Also the GTS trades blows with the 2900xt a lot. The fact that it is cheaper, uses less power, and produces less heat is definitely a better buy.
Many of the 2900 detractors seem to be 8800 owners trying to make themselves feel better about what they already have. I also think the 8800 series is better, but for me the main problem with the 2900 is the heat issues, not IQ or other features between the cards. I don't care if the heat is in my case or being exhausted into my computer room. It's still heat I don't want.

People that buy $400+ video cards aren't concerned about $2 extra on their electric bill each month so this shouldn't be a discussion item. Any IQ problems with the 2900s will probably be fixed soon with newer drivers. There may be some tech things, that some people will make use of on the 2900s, that aren't available on the 8800s.....

Yes, if you already own an 8800 then be happy with your purchase (I certainly am). You may even be able to gloat a tiny bit (at least to the nvidia detractors saying to wait on the 2900s or you'll be sorry). But for those people that have faithfully waited for the 2900s, the card may be an option. It's certainly not as bad as many people in these forums want to make it out to be.
I said it isn't both those things. As in it isn't cheaper AND faster.

That'd be a rather weird semantic argument. Sounds more like backpedaling. ;)

Besides, it is cheaper, no possible argument there. And there are a plethora of benchmarks available that show it currently loses to the 640MB GTS in many scenarios. And at lower resolutions where the extra memory doesn't come into play, it also loses to the 320MB GTS which is even cheaper.

It's also inarguable that it uses more power, produces more heat, and has a louder fan, as those have all been reported by multiple sites as well.

So really, why are you so adamant to defend this card that you ignore reality and the overwhelming majority of reviews from which those facts are drawn?

Certainly I think the card's performance will improve as drivers mature. No one's arguing that. We're discussing the price of the 2900XT as it stands today and how it competes with its closest NVidia competitor, which is the 8800GTS.


And yes, you do see an NVidia product in my sig but my three previous GPUs were ATi products (four technically as I had to buy a second 9800 Pro when my first burned out).
Here's my GPU-related history as I can remember: 3dfx Monster Voodoo 2 3D Accelerator -> Matrox G200 -> 3dfx Voodoo 3-3000 -> NVidia GeForce2 GTS -> NVidia GeForce 3 ti200 (or ti500 I forget) -> ATi Radeon 9600 Pro -> ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128bit -> ATi Radeon X-800 XL Ultimate (Sapphire w/ Zalman cooler/fan stock) -> NVidia 7900GT KO.

If ATi wasn't so obsessed with hot running, high wattage, loud fanned GPUs these days i would have continued buying them, especially since until the 8800 series they had much superior IQ. Couldn't bring myself to get an X1800 series or X1900 series due to those issues and here again the 2900XT is hotter, louder, and sucks more power than the NVidia alternative. So I'm just waiting for the 640MB GTS to drop to what I feel is the right price (or for the 8900 series announcement to see what they will bring in the refresh).
Your post makes no sense so, yes, it's perhaps best you be moving on now.

You can't even bother to read my post in its entirety and grasp that I was taking apart your claim one piece at a time. The 8800 GTS is cheaper, performs better, requires less wattage, is quieter, and runs cooler. That is the summation of my post - not just the first line where I began to take apart your claim starting with cost.
You can't even bother to read my post in its entirety and grasp that I was taking apart your claim one piece at a time.
Oh I grasped the whole thing, no problem. Just is it had the feel of a big steamy dog turd. It's the same silly crap that is getting played here on an endless loop over and over and over and over and ..... :(
Your post makes no sense so, yes, it's perhaps best you be moving on now.

You can't even bother to read my post in its entirety and grasp that I was taking apart your claim one piece at a time. The 8800 GTS is cheaper, performs better, requires less wattage, is quieter, and runs cooler. That is the summation of my post - not just the first line where I began to take apart your claim starting with cost.

The 8800 GTS is cheaper: yeah, a bit. so?

performs better: false, plz.:rolleyes:

requires less wattage: so? since when was power draw a factor in buying a video card? if your so poor that you worry about power draw you shouldnt be buying a high end video card in the first place.

is quieter: so? what does that have to do with anything?

and runs cooler: so? what does that have to do with anything?
The 8800 GTS is cheaper: yeah, a bit. so?

performs better: false, plz.:rolleyes:

requires less wattage: so? since when was power draw a factor in buying a video card? if your so poor that you worry about power draw you shouldnt be buying a high end video card in the first place.

is quieter: so? what does that have to do with anything?

and runs cooler: so? what does that have to do with anything?

Umh, if none of those matter to you, that's just strange. Those matter to most enthusiasts, and they certainly matter to me.

Instead of just copping a nonsensical apathetic attitude, could you actually explain what matters to you when you buy a GPU, since the most important areas of consideration - price, performance, noise, heat, and power requirements - apparently don't matter to you?

I would love to see some consistent benchmarks from reviews that show the HD 2900XT outperforming the 640MB GTS because that would help influence my decision to reconsider it. Or is it just anecdotal evidence that you prefer to what has been published on hardware review sites?

Are you just being purposely ignorant or is there any substantive support for your attitude that brushes aside the reviews from the major review sites that show the 2900 trailing the GTS in most benchmarks? :confused:

"What does that have to do with anything?" you ask. Every one of those areas is a reason why such a card would not be worth an equal price, let alone a higher price, and if I look at the title post of this thread it's about how the 2900's prices are rising. I was noting that it's especially strange given that the card falls short in every major area of importance (well, important to everyone except you perhaps). Dwight wanted to argue with me about my original comment but has yet to make any sense. Then when I asked him to make sense, he decided he'd rather run away, but then he quickly came right back into the thread to drive-by flame me. Then you post to downplay or write off every significant aspect to determining the worth of a GPU.
O....kay. :rolleyes:
obviously, "what does that have to do with anything?" means that item DOES NOT matter to me.

not everyone is like or thinks like you, new concept for you eh?
Im shaking my head at all this.

If I was ignorant to believe that it comes down to pure fps in 3Dmark, then sure, I may consider the 2900XT...but since I prefer [H] real world testing, 8800 GTS is a better buy. The 2900XT may surpass it now and then, but most of the time, the GTS is a clear winner.
Going by the [H] numbers, last years Nvidia card spanks the 2900XT.

Power consumption isnt as issue in terms of my energy bill...but stressing my PSU to the max just to get this card to run is a waste.

Temperature is a huge issue. I want a fast and quiet PC. Heat seriously degrades the life of computer components and when your overclocking, every degree counts. To keep things cool, you gotta move more air, and sooner or later, things get loud. The amount of heat the 2900XT puts off is crazy considering its lackluster performance. I might as well just put a space heater in my computer instead. And no driver is going to help the heat issue unless they crank down the performance.

But hey, if people want to get a lackluster videocard that runs loud, hot and slower then other cards then sure....just goes to show that if you toss all kinds of free crap with a product, fanboys will buy it.

All that being said, I tip my hat to those who purchased the 2900XT because of its new features and innovative technologies.
price+performance is all i take into consideration. If the XT came out with a $500 MSRP I would have bought the GTS. With the free games + free G5 mouse + $25 discount I got from newegg, the XT will have cost me well under $400, Im guessing somewhere around $350-$365. And it performs better than the GTS in most cases, esp high resolution. So thats why I bought it.
ah, Id argue that the GTS beats the 2900 performance wise
Why are people buying the card with the 8800gts is faster and cheaper.

More features ?

The 2900XT isn't that expensive, considering it came out barely a week ago. It's sold for as cheap as $380 already. How much is a GTS ? $350 with rebate ?

As for performance, they look very close to me. I certainly don't think it's anywhere near the FX fiasco. Nvidia was charging $399 for card that was beat in DX9 by the $199 9600pro. If I were buying a card, I'm going with what I like more. 40 bucks isn't a dealer breaker. I could see someone justifying the money for the extra tech features.

I still think DX10, namely Crysis, will answer the question of GTS vs XT performance. I don't care about benches at 1920x1200 X8 AA etc. in DX9 games. Lost Planet Demo I don't know....not sure I trust Capcom to code a reference dx10 PC engine.
Im sure Im not the only who thinks that by the time crysis ships, that none of the current hardware is going to suffice.
Im sure Im not the only who thinks that by the time crysis ships, that none of the current hardware is going to suffice.

sure it will, but for optimum ingame performance, I have a feeling even the Ultra won't provide it.

Have you read over any of the info about COD4? They apparently have nixed anything in game that makes it dip below 60FPS on their reference card. Visually amazing as well. I imagine that game is going to take the cake.
What does everybody here have against the 2900XT ?
It out performs (or scores the same) the GTS in pretty much every game and in some it even beats the GTX. Sure there are bugs and not all games are working as they should yet. But thats just a matter of drivers. It costs about the same as the GTS but you get more for it. That it doesn't outperform the 6 months old GTX in whole doesn't mean its a bad card. This is in no way like the geforce 5 series which didn't only sucked but had very bad value aswell.
imo it's A LOT like the x1800xt. it was late, ran hot, consumed lots of power, and was very noisy (I would have assumed ati would have learned it's lesson given the x1950xt adressed the excessive noise, but i guess not). it also doesn't hold any real performance advantage over the GTS, even losing to the sub $300 320mb GTS in certain instances.

@msrp or slightly above at it's release, it was overpriced (when prices fell to mid-low 300's, it was a good value).

there's also a good chance it will quickly be replaced (like the 1800 was by the 1900), leaving all those who paid full price without a very good value.

unlike the x1800xt, it doesn't have a distinct advantage over it's nvidia counterpart (x1800 had much better IQ due to it's HQAF).
actually i owned a x1800 xt and the 2900 xt is not as loud. it might be decibel wise, but it has a much deeper tone. the x1800 was lound AND had a high pitched whine which was kind annoying. also, when in 2d mode the 2900 xt is silent, my psu is louder.
What does everybody here have against the 2900XT ?

It loses to the 8800GTS 320 MB in quite a few tests, and that card was going for $215 a month ago. I'm guessing that's why some people aren't very impressed.

Sure, it's about equal to an 8800GTS, and may pass it once drivers improve (assuming 8800 drivers don't improve at the same time), but if you're vendor neutral, it's not very compelling.

The 8800 series stole a lot of ATI fans. I don't see R600 stealing away any NVidia fans.
True its not the product we expected (and hoped) it to be. But still.. I think its a better buy then a GTS640. I dont think drivers for the nvidia card will change much more in the performance but if you look at the last few drivers for the 2900XT you see big performance improvements. I think the 2900XT will be ok. As for GTS320 for 215 dollar.. damn I wish i lived in USA :( Goes for about 300 dollar here. If i coud get it that cheap i'd buy it and replace it with a R650 card in Q3.
The 8800 series stole a lot of ATI fans. I don't see R600 stealing away any NVidia fans.

Good point. Like space and time, hardware is relative. If you currently have an 8800 GTS/GTX/Ultra, why get a 2900? But if you had an X1900 series card back in November 2006, more of you switched in that situation I guarantee.

We enthusiast simply want the best product at the best price at the time. With the 8800, well there was no need to look at it from different angles, or have to come up with any type of arguments as to its abilities. The 8800 in November 2006 was THE BEST (maybe a few ostriches out there as with anything)!

With the 2900, at least now there is some competition to lower end 8800’s, but it’s far from an overwhelming victory, which the 8800 achieved back in November.

That's the problem with the 2900. Enthusiasts are not drawn to products that “show promise for the future” or “feature technology that will be useful for the future” or “new drivers in a couple of months time will bring good performance gains”. We want it here and we want it now, because we know what the future holds. Completely new hardware!