Print Spooler will not run


Jan 5, 2004
I've tried everything, running Print Spooler, spoolsv.exe, and making sure it's checked in MSConfig. However, it still wont start, which sucks cause I've got stuff I need to print. Anyone know anything? Running AVG check as I type.
did you check the eventviewer for any messages? it's hard to say why it won't start without any other details.
What kind of printer models do you have installed or have you had installed in the past. I know from experience that certain Lexmark models install with their drivers certain unwanted and unnecessary monitoring services that install a dependency on the print spooler service such that if they are stopped or removed then the spooler will not run. Certain rebranded Dell or other OEM printers can actually be Lexmarks and use this crappy driver setup. Check the dependencies of your spooler service and see if that's the case. If so you should be able to find instructions on how to remove the dependency from your registry either on Lexmark's site or through Google.

Good luck
Have you edited any of your service startup states?

Check the event viewer, as mentioned. It should have an error.