Pro Tennis to Pro Gamin'

Dude, I will be the 733+'s ±æ◄◄'s in the [_}niverse !!!!

Mad Dean - Pioneer of new " leet speak ", soon to be the next Andre Agassi.
Digital Oxide said:
Eh, there's not that much correlation.. It's totally different.
Indeed it is. I can't see how running around a map shooting people behind a keyboard "... requires the same sort of ideas as tennis..."
There is much more strategy involved than you think in Q4. The guy is trying to say that the strategy involved is similar to that in tennis. In tennis, you don't hit the ball directly to your opponent, in Q4 you don't just run around the map like a headless chicken.
That article lost all credibility to me when the guy said that if you're a 200 ranked tennis player that you can get sponsors, but that you have to be in the top 20 of gamers to "make a living more or less" and that therefore, gaming was easier to live on....
Any article that in some way mentions Fat@l!ty (or however his name is spelt) has no credibility.
Rogue4mula said:
That article lost all credibility to me when the guy said that if you're a 200 ranked tennis player that you can get sponsors, but that you have to be in the top 20 of gamers to "make a living more or less" and that therefore, gaming was easier to live on....


Few pro-tennis players manage to make a living at their chosen sport.

What he means is that it's easier to get sponsors for tennis, but there's no money in it. While it's harder to get sponsors for gaming, there's much more money available.

Why does everyone hate Fatal1ty? So what if he makes a living playing video games, and endorsing shitty products? That's capitalism. Half the country does that.