Problem with 81.94, JRE and Dual Displays


Jun 20, 2001
OK, I have an interesting problem and I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem. I have a 6600GT and I just updated to the latest Nvidia driver. Now when I try to do anything that uses the Java Runtime Environment, my computer completely hard locks. I have to hold the power button it to turn it off. If I disable my secondary monitor in the driver, I have no problems at all. I was using the 78.01 driver and had no problems at all. I have used Driver Cleaner to remove the driver and reinstall, but no luck. I have also tried reinstalling JRE, but that didn't help either. I am about to run driver cleaner again and go back to my old driver. Just wanted to know if anyone has had this problem and if they have, do they know of a fix?

BTW, the rest of the system is in my sig.

Is there distortion on the screen?
- top corner of the desktop only being displayed w/after image of the desktop
- mouse cursor being skewed (click on middle of task bar but start button gets pressed)

The only solutions I've had was logging off and back on (if I was able too) and then I read a post where if your forcing any AA or AF...set the driver control panel settings to Application Controlled.
The screens would flicker, and then it would hard lock. When it hard locks, the only thing that I can do is turn it off and then back on. It is so odd, nothing in the event viewer at all.

I just went back to the 78.01 and everything works perfect, so it must be a problem with latest driver. I guess that I will wait for the next driver release and see if it fixes the problem.
Well, this problem still happens with the 81.98 driver. Back to the old driver yet again...