problem with any download wireless ...


Jun 3, 2004
im going insane with this crap anytime i attempt to download anything off of a static server, in example, i try to download say drivers for my vid card off of nvidia's website using their normal servers it will get to a random percent and freeze it almost pauses even after hitting pause then resume on firefox's download manager or even when using internet explorer it doesnt reconnect, and it freezes like just sits there .....
Using a Linksys Wrt54g adapter and linksys 54g router.
Windows firewall and the router's firewall are disabled.
Attempted to connect it with a standard cat5 and had no problems, but since my router is downstairs and its near impossible to run a cable through the ventilation or even up the stairs, because it would just be annoying to have cords laying around the house and that looks like crap obviously....
Ive only had this problem since I switched to a wireless card
I have a 97% connection on average and right now as well.
All drivers are updated as well as the fermware bios n such...
Windows vista x86 Ultimate, before i upgraded to vista with xp32 and x64 the problem still persists. Ive tried to change wireless channels even open ports on my router and in windows manually, set on open for just the purpose of general downloading.... Yet theres no change, it still randomly pauses.. well freezes. Its not showing any packet loss with a packet sniffer or even running traceroute or pinging any webserver or download server .. really anything to test bandwidth and download bandwidth... it just seems unstable or something really doesn't make any sense to me... Ive gone as far as manually resetting voltage levels in my registry to boost my signal to a clean 100% and even then it still locks up...... it freezes any download at random... some days it will work other days it wont... it just doesnt make any sense .... its driving me absolutely insane ive called linksys and they dont even know what the problem is, any tech i get on the phone is like "have you checked to see if you are connected to the router and internet?" or "is your firewall cuurently enabled... this is how to disable it." It almost seems as if the more linksys techs or comcast techs i talk to they just keep getting dumber... and yet dumber.... the last 1 i talked to asked me if my router was plugged in and insisted on saying it wasn't connected properly..... really if it wasn't connected how would i even be able to attempt any download????? gah! .... anway any help would be greatly appretiated thanks :) .. on a side note ... WTB [SpellCheck] pst... :)
I apologize for not reading your whole post but I would recommend turning off windows firewall. Especially if your having issues with whatever connection your on. Happy holiday hunting for your solution
as noted in my previous post.. all firewalls are disabled... tried tweaking the network bios and driver to possibly increase network stability... still doesnt effect anything.. still pausing and such.. dunno whats going on googled it and i guess theres alot more people having the same problem, and still every outcome is to turn of your firewall(s) and yet .. firewalls are disabled even with them on or off theres no difference.. i dunno if its a linksys problem or possibly of a compatibility or conflicting problem eventhough other adapters are disabled when im running wireless... maybe theres another network monitoring or adapter stability prot. i could install, spx/ipx is instlled and any other proticals for network monitoring are installed... i could just be overlooking something that i may think does nothing but makes all the difference
linksys QoS feature may have something to do with it yet ive tried every option even disabling it and theres no change from any option.. theres gotta be a solution to what im experiencing... god this is driving me crazy.... :(
Had the same problem with a new Ativa router. Updated to the lastest firmware and turned off the routers firewall, and certain downloads stared working again.
Likely the router is locking up for one reason or another. Possible candidates include overheating, shitty firmware, and the router slowly dieing.

Try: DD-WRT. This is a 3rd party firmware that should be compatible with your router.
Try: Removing the plastic casing from the router to allow for better ventilation.
Try: Buying a new router.
updated the fermware and pos still locks up.... it could be the adapter but my room mate is having the same problem as well now... its gotta just be a crappy linksys router.. im about to take some thermite to it mmmm explosions mmmmm burninate .. sexy!
gonna try a few more things and possibly look into a new router or adapter hmmm we'll see what happens soon enough..