Problem with Dell sp2309w - Backlight??


Dec 13, 2007
Hi all,

I want to share my expirence with the 23" Dell sp2309w monitor I have been using.

the monitor's backlight seems to be defective. The screen used to work fine. but now the screen goes on for one second then it is as if the brightness setting suddenly drops to nearly zero. I can see the desktop but just barely. its all so very very dark.
I have tried to do a reset according to online manual but that does help. neither does doing the color cycle refresh (holding the 1 + 4 keys down at same times and cycling the screen).
I have tried using other computers, turning on off, out of wall socket shutdowns, etc...

the screen just always decideds to go back to dark dark dark setting after a couple seconds of normal use.

is there a solutions besides sending back to dell.
maybe a bios update somehow?

anyone have an idea?