Problem with eVGA 6800GT

Hmm, I've had my GT @ 410/1100 for a little over a month now. I had this problem once when my card was at 412/1120. Would raising the 2dcore be a wise thing for me to do? I have a copper heatsink and good case ventilation my gpu temp is 50idle 69C max load using RHTDRIBL fullscreen with the skull for 20 minutes. Right now I've put my card back to stock because I don't want to fry my memory running it too high in 2d mode. BTW last night I raised the 3dcore to 1.4 and got a optimal speed detection of 438/1.17. I ran 3dmark03 with it and it was fine but I got an odd lagging problem with CS:S so I flashed back so I'm just wondering if doing this would help me out any.
I have Nvflash tool 5.1 and tried the same thing. Went to run - CMD - bios folder and typed "nvbios --save mybios.rom" and get the message "ERROR: PCI BIOS NOT PRESENT" "NOTE: THIS PROGRAM CAN ONLY BE RUN UNDER DOS". Anyone get the same thing? I also treid downloading a dos bootdisk and can't seem to find one. Anyone have a clue how to edit the bios?
agar there is a windows command line version of nvflash 4.42 you need to download to get it to work.

This is odd. I flashed my 3d to 1.4v and my 2d to 1.3v and now my optimal detection is nowhere near what it was last night when I only did the 1.4v 3D mod. My optimal detection now is 410/1120 when it was 438/1.17 last night. I tried clocking to 425/1100 but it failed the internal coolbits test. Anyone know what could be the cause of this? I'm worried I might have messed up my card somehow, hence the lower detected optimals. The only difference I can think of is now is my gpu is 44c idle and last night it was around 54c idle. Oh and I also installed this nvforce 2 cooling driver that lowers cpu temps.

I'll try uninstalling the cooling driver to see if it fooled around with any voltages.
Well, it wasn't the cooling patch, I tried out 1.1v 2d and 1.4v 3d again and got an optimal of 435/1.16, I take it the extra .2v given to the 2d is too much for my psu (Antec TruPower 430W) to handle with that high of an overclock. Short of buying a new psu is there any way around this?
Lots of people on the big thread about changing your GT's BIOS have reported negative results to higher voltage, hasn't really been determined if it's a PSU problem or not but many were running pretty decent PSUs. Guess maybe some cores just can't handle more voltage. /shrug
Ugh... hate to make this thread longer but what the hell happenned to Batman's directions? :( I think that's the name. They seem to be gone.

Anyone try a BFG bios on their GT or something like that? I was thinking I'd just try a new one rather than edit now that Bat's advice is gone, but the only success story in this thread is a leadtek ultra bios I'd rather not try.
Have you guys checked the PSU? I killed 3 PSUs including Antec true550w with my 6800U and now settled w/ Enermax 660W. (b/c I am sick & tired w/ the same problem like what you guys experienced)
texuspete00 said:
Ugh... hate to make this thread longer but what the hell happenned to Batman's directions? :( I think that's the name. They seem to be gone.

Anyone try a BFG bios on their GT or something like that? I was thinking I'd just try a new one rather than edit now that Bat's advice is gone, but the only success story in this thread is a leadtek ultra bios I'd rather not try.

Hm no my post is still there. Actually you're the second person to mention that you can't see my posts [hope you see this].

Download the nvFlash v4.42. Link is now dead. I had to search for an hour on google to find the program again, and I found it on some obscure asian website. If anyone needs this file tell me I'll gmail it to you.

Save this file to C:\>bios. In other words goto my computer, c drive, create folder named bios. Now you have to make a backup of your stock/original bios. Do this by going to start menu, run, type in cmd to open up the command promt. Now navigate through dos to reach the bios folder (C:\>Bios). Now type in nvflash442 -b mybios.rom

This will make a backup of your original bios in the bios folder and the file will be named mybios.rom. Alright, now that you've made the backup it's time to edit it for which you'll need the program omniextreme edit fx.

Download it from here.
This is an old version now. Latest version is called Nibitor 1.7 [name change]. GET THAT. The older version had problems mislabeling the voltages [which fucked me over nice and good as I was running 430/1200 under 1.3v thinking it was 1.4v]. This program is easy enough to find, just google it.

Use omni to open up the bios file you backed up bios file [mybios]. You do this through windows btw, not dos. There you should see voltage options for 2d and 3d cores. Push up the 2d from 1.1 to 1.3. You might also want to push 3d from 1.3 to 1.4 [it'll help a bit with the OC]. Now save this edited bios [I named mine bestbios.rom]. Don't give it the same name as your original backup bios, that's your backup should anything go wrong. Also make sure you move/save the bestbios file in your c drive bios folder.

Alright now you've finished editing your bios it's time to flash it which requires some old school dos knowledge.

Start by going to start menu/run/then typing in cmd.

This should bring up the commmand prompt. type in cd\ to get you out of your documents folder and into your root C directory.

Now type in cd bios. This should open up the bios folder.

Now type in nvflash442 -p -u -2 bestbios.rom

It'll ask you to confirm by typing in YES in all caps. Do it, then watch as it flashs for you. One complete reboot your system. Viola, you are done and it should take care of your instability problems. If it doesn't or if it's even worse, just flash it back to the original bios (nvflash442 -p -u -2 mybios.rom).

Good luck.

Update: Flashed to eVGA Ultra Rev3 Bios. Has taken care of my problems [though 2d still hitches every now and then, but at least it doesn't reboot]. This bios enables me to set seperate speeds for 2d/3d. Also it's helped with the OCing...I can goto 440/1200 now [though after the crap my GTs given me I'm happy with 400/1100].
This is weird. First it seems the Batman's instructions are gone. Now it shows he is the last person to post in this thread... I can't see it. Search for all posts by user... nothing. I logged out too to try that. Not accidentally on my ignore list either. I imagine his post might be right above this and you can all wonder if I've taken LSD. :rolleyes:
I hope the batman didn't get banned... for good this time, that would suck. :eek:
If you need the flashing insructions I can post them for you, I was lucky enough to save them.
centvalny said:
Have you guys checked the PSU? I killed 3 PSUs including Antec true550w with my 6800U and now settled w/ Enermax 660W. (b/c I am sick & tired w/ the same problem like what you guys experienced)

Hate to double post, but did that new power supply solve the problem? If thats the case im gonna get one and bill nVidia, cause they say "350w or better" and I have 450w.
pistola said:
Hate to double post, but did that new power supply solve the problem? If thats the case im gonna get one and bill nVidia, cause they say "350w or better" and I have 450w.
Problem solved.
pistola said:
I hope the batman didn't get banned... for good this time, that would suck. :eek:
If you need the flashing insructions I can post them for you, I was lucky enough to save them.

Yes... please do... freaking weird. He sent me a PM... that's blank. Again it says he has posted but I don't see it.... twilight zone for sure. Seems you guys can't see the posts either. Thanks for trying Bat!

I want to read it again... I remember wondering why 'vcore' would fix the ram problem if we are indeed talking about vgpu... unless they are tied together or something. Thinking I may just try a third party bios.
hmm... might have to contact an admin or something. Never seen something this "funny" on the forums before.
texuspete00 said:
Yes... please do... freaking weird. He sent me a PM... that's blank. Again it says he has posted but I don't see it.... twilight zone for sure. Seems you guys can't see the posts either. Thanks for trying Bat!

I want to read it again... I remember wondering why 'vcore' would fix the ram problem if we are indeed talking about vgpu... unless they are tied together or something. Thinking I may just try a third party bios.

Hm no my post is still there. Actually you're the second person to mention that you can't see my posts [hope you see this].

Download the nvFlash v4.42. Link is now dead. I had to search for an hour on google to find the program again, and I found it on some obscure asian website. If anyone needs this file tell me I'll gmail it to you.

Save this file to C:\>bios. In other words goto my computer, c drive, create folder named bios. Now you have to make a backup of your stock/original bios. Do this by going to start menu, run, type in cmd to open up the command promt. Now navigate through dos to reach the bios folder (C:\>Bios). Now type in nvflash442 -b mybios.rom

This will make a backup of your original bios in the bios folder and the file will be named mybios.rom. Alright, now that you've made the backup it's time to edit it for which you'll need the program omniextreme edit fx.

Download it from here.
This is an old version now. Latest version is called Nibitor 1.7 [name change]. GET THAT. The older version had problems mislabeling the voltages [which fucked me over nice and good as I was running 430/1200 under 1.3v thinking it was 1.4v]. This program is easy enough to find, just google it.

Use omni to open up the bios file you backed up bios file [mybios]. You do this through windows btw, not dos. There you should see voltage options for 2d and 3d cores. Push up the 2d from 1.1 to 1.3. You might also want to push 3d from 1.3 to 1.4 [it'll help a bit with the OC]. Now save this edited bios [I named mine bestbios.rom]. Don't give it the same name as your original backup bios, that's your backup should anything go wrong. Also make sure you move/save the bestbios file in your c drive bios folder.

Alright now you've finished editing your bios it's time to flash it which requires some old school dos knowledge.

Start by going to start menu/run/then typing in cmd.

This should bring up the commmand prompt. type in cd\ to get you out of your documents folder and into your root C directory.

Now type in cd bios. This should open up the bios folder.

Now type in nvflash442 -p -u -2 bestbios.rom

It'll ask you to confirm by typing in YES in all caps. Do it, then watch as it flashs for you. One complete reboot your system. Viola, you are done and it should take care of your instability problems. If it doesn't or if it's even worse, just flash it back to the original bios (nvflash442 -p -u -2 mybios.rom).

Good luck.

Update: Flashed to eVGA Ultra Rev3 Bios. Has taken care of my problems [though 2d still hitches every now and then, but at least it doesn't reboot]. This bios enables me to set seperate speeds for 2d/3d. Also it's helped with the OCing...I can goto 440/1200 now [though after the crap my GTs given me I'm happy with 400/1100].

Update2: Nope it crapped out on my inside a week [and corrupted windows while it was at it, had to do a repair]. Back to me default bios now at stock speeds. I'm very tempted to RMA my card out now.
WTH is going on? I did exactly what you said regarding nvflash. D/led v442 and opened cmd, went into c:\bios and typed nvflash -b mybios.rom. It gives me the message

"NVIDIA Flash Rom Utility

Version 04.42

ERROR: PCI BIOS not present
NOTE: This program can only be run under DOS"

It has done this with every version I d/led.
Also, just another added note. Has anyone flashed the new eVGA 6800GT Version 2 bios yet? I wonder if that fixes any issues.
agar said:
WTH is going on? I did exactly what you said regarding nvflash. D/led v442 and opened cmd, went into c:\bios and typed nvflash -b mybios.rom. It gives me the message

"NVIDIA Flash Rom Utility

Version 04.42

ERROR: PCI BIOS not present
NOTE: This program can only be run under DOS"

It has done this with every version I d/led.

There are 2 versions of the program. The Dos version is about 200kb whereas the windows version of over 400kb. Like I said in my last post, I spent a good hour hunting down the windows version. Was a bitch to find.
wtf are you people talking about.... Now i didn't read the whole thread but the first page pissed me off so much i had to just post then... there is no way that evga would sell a card that need bios flashing right off the bat... so let's back up and think... now why would this bios flash solve the problem... well the problem is lack of power. So the gpu vcore is dipping too low and the card is becoming ruined because of inconsistant voltage. This happens because YOU HAVE A BUNK POWERSUPPLY...

i know i know you have a nice antec.... yeah well i saw 2 antecs fry 2 different 9800pros. because of a dirty power lead. also most if not all 939 pin motherboards have problems with antec powersupplies. So your answer is go enermax, fortron, pc p&c, or whatever...

ok back to the vid card thing... the reason the ultra needs more power is that it runs faster.... duh... yeah well what happens when you flash the bios that add's .1 vcore... well you are drawing near if not more power then the ultra because you have crap ram that takes more power to get to the same speeds. Hence... Why the ultra has 2 power connectors. Does a gt... no... So we now come back to the fact that you still have a great card running on a crap powersupply that is letting the voltage deviate too much. To fix this you have added more vcore to the gpu so that it deviates and holds the card at a voltage that is a little too high so that when it dips it stays stable. But you have forgotten that you dont have 2 power leads and because of this you are going to damage your card.

Do I have any lab tested proof.... No... but take the fact that we have all seen the your 6800gt thread will die and im sure we all personally know some one that has a gt that is flaking out.. and "yeah they only ran ultra speeds for like a week." right.

So to summ things up... if you get a card and you cant run it at stock speeds and a bios flash fixes your problem... maybe you should take a look at some of your other components because that doest make sence.
Dude I have a very nice Thermaltake 480W power supply. My problems sure as hell aren't from the power supply. As for my bios I have the earliest existing GT bios, the Nvidia reference design one [pre-Rev1].

The problem isn't power, it's running the memory out of sync 24/7.
well i encourage you to take a look around at some forums like for example ocforums... and then come back and give me your opinion of antec powersupplies... again i would never hook up one of the antec true blue crapheaps up to my a64 and my 6800gt.... if not now maybe a year down the road you will see the light and think back to this post... as for now i encourge you before you spend tons of cash on something else or go flashing bios's of perfectly good cards... at least test it. :rolleyes:

antec's ratings are bunk... usually inflated dramatically by unreasonable testing conditions such as rating their wattage at 20 degrees celcius... well think what you want... It isn't my computer so I don't particularly care... but how confident are you of your answer... are you willing to bet your mobo, and vid card on it? i guess that is the question btw
I would really like some info on how Antec PSU are so faulty at supplying the needed voltage for the VCs. So far you gave me a nice link on AMD/Intel power consumptions, something I already knew. It would be nice if evidence was provided when making statements such as yours. Anyone else have any suggestions here?