Problem with F.E.A.R demo, help please...


Jun 16, 2004
OK heres the deal. FEAR the game is awesome! I played the Multi player demo and now IM playing the Single player demo. Heres my problem. I have a 3500+ overclocked to 3800+ speeds (2.4 ghz) I have 1 gig of corsair XMS memory 2-4-4-7 at 440 mhz. I also have an AGP 6800 ultra overclocked to 445/1150 on an ASUS A8V motherboard.

The problem IM having is with stuttering in the game. I am running everything maxed out in the game at 1280x960 res with 8x af and 2 x aa. I get great frame rates but when I go to turn a corner in the game the game will pause framerate drops to 0 stays for about a second or so then goes back to normal. The game is very playable before these stutters. I guess im trying to find out what would be causing this? do I not have enough ram for the settings im using? any help or a solution on this would be greatly appricated. Thanks.
Well, I have the same damn problem on my 7800 GTX, so I would guess that it's a memory issue. The general concensus in the gaming forum is that the code is poorly optimized.

This game also made my 24/7 GPU overclock unstable... I can only run at stock speeds now :-(

I've been thinking about upgrading to 2 gigabytes because the latest games seem to be loving the extra RAM, but I don't know for sure if it would help in this case.
I have that exact problem. I'm wondering, with games like BF2 and this game (both stutter if textures are on high for me), if 1GB is not enough anymore?
Actually, I get it very mildly in BF2 just FYI... I think way back when it happend in Doom 3 too, but never had it happen in HL2.
It seems to me that the FEAR demo is poorly optimized, and full of memory issues. I'm running it on an A64 FX-53, 1GB of RAM, and an X800XT, and it stutters pretty badly above 1024x768. I'm sure that 2GB of RAM would help, but I really don't think it should be necessary with decently-tweaked engines.
pr0nasaurus rex said:
It seems to me that the FEAR demo is poorly optimized, and full of memory issues. I'm running it on an A64 FX-53, 1GB of RAM, and an X800XT, and it stutters pretty badly above 1024x768. I'm sure that 2GB of RAM would help, but I really don't think it should be necessary with decently-tweaked engines.

Part of that games issues, are simply the way the engine is designed. There was alot of information on that on the FEAR Beta Forums. I like many others, did the beta for that game. I can tell you that the game engines designed weird. During the beta they told us that the game should be run at 1024x768 and at the time no card on the market could do anything else very fast. Also, I forget how the engine worked, but as I recall they designed it to operate very differently than most of the other game engines.

I remember the beta ran poorly compared to other games that looked as good or better on my A64 3800+ with 1GB of ram and two 6800GT's OC'ed to Ultra speeds in SLi.
pr0nasaurus rex said:
It seems to me that the FEAR demo is poorly optimized, and full of memory issues. I'm running it on an A64 FX-53, 1GB of RAM, and an X800XT, and it stutters pretty badly above 1024x768. I'm sure that 2GB of RAM would help, but I really don't think it should be necessary with decently-tweaked engines.
So I assume the full retail version doesn't have this problem then? Anyone have the full version?
this problem come out from the memory you must have 2gb of memory to run this game in full graphica mode with maxiumum in cpu and ram performance i have 2gb with geforce 6800 gt and the game runs like horse
FWIW, I have a 3200+ with a BFG6800NU (16x6, 400/800) and 2 GB of ram and no stuttering. I run at 1680x1050 with mediocre frame rates, but they are consistently mediocre. I have to attribute the non-stuttering to the 2 GB of ram.
Alot of the systems forum members have with one GB of ram seem to have this issue with BF2 and now with FEAR.

I'd say the day has finally come where 1GB is no longer the recommended for a high end gaming system.

Time to go for more memory guys. I know I did, and I don't have issues with BF2 stuttering anymore or with FEAR doing it either.
yeah - 1gb is not enough for smooth gameplay... DOH! Isn't that just disgusting?? I just upgraded from 512mb in January. lol. ...Plus, this one really works the GPU(s) hard also... great looking and "feeling" game though. wow... I am going to have to get a 2gb kit soon though... *sigh* :rolleyes: