Problem with Mikebrown

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Aug 13, 2005
On 8/5/08 I put up a wanted ad for a 17" LCD monitor, as seen here

I got an offer for a 17" HP 1740 for $65 from Mikebrown. Here is his profile

and heat

I figured that this was pretty safe deal. He has 64-0-0 heat and has been registered for 2.7 years, with 1000 posts.

On 8/7/08 I sent the money and he requested that I PM him my address as well. That was the last time I heard from him.

On 8/12/08 I sent him a PM asking if he had received the money or sent it yet. He had logged on that day but never replied.

On 8/16/08 I sent a e-mail to his heatware address asking if he had sent it yet and I have received no replies to that.

The last time he logged on was 8/15/08.

It has been 10 days now since I sent the money, should I start to try to get it back through paypal or should I just wait longer?

I did notice that in his for sale thread, he said he was a "motivated seller" which leads me to believe that he needed the money for something important.
I JUST sold him a mobo/cpu/ram/hsf combo here recently, shipped it friday actually

he was in constant communication with me and when we struck a deal he paid quite fast....

i say send him another PM and see what happens. (put a read receit on it if anything, so you know if he read it or not :) )

From my dealings with him so far, hes a pretty good guy!
I pmed him just now but he hasnt been on since the 15th
woah woah. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I sold just about everything I posted on that thread. Everything has been shipped. I have not sent any notification of shipments yet, but I got em out. I've been packed with work (even weekends) trying to get my campus (Dalton State College, Dalton, GA) up and running for classes (today). Things are settling down, but I'm still at work. All PM's will be replied to SOMETIME TODAY for sure.

I apologize for the delay of information! All packages were shipped last week through Dalton State College (as I work and attend school there).

Should anyone feel the need to contact me directly:

Email - [email protected]
Cell - 706-767-2268
AIM - mikelbrown21

Like I said, not going anywhere! And still plan to keep my awesome Heatware. Sorry for the lateness!!! Been busy and will reply to any and all messages received as fast as I can!

Will compensate for anyone who does not receive packages in the near future if I have to!!
Will find out exactly what day they got shipped and all that as well ASAP.

Mike Brown
Okay, thanks for the reply. I was just getting a bit worried with 10 days and no contact.

Can't wait for the monitor to show up! :)
Yeah man. Sorry for the worry. Should have it by now/any day. Sorry I havent been around that much. Never meant to ignore your PM's or anything!

Also, gonna send you a PM right now :)
This thread is a great example of why you should be a MOTIVATED BUYER and get more contact information about the seller. If communication is not working for some reason, don't assume, pick up the phone and call.
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