Problem with new HTPC and integrated graphics


Nov 30, 2006
I just assembled a HTPC from various parts I had or picked up and I am having issues with the onboard graphics. I keep getting a message that the Intel Graphics has stopped responding and recovered. This happens probably every 30 seconds.

G.SKILL 2x2gb F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ
Corsair TX650W CMPSU-650TX
Corsair Storm Sniper case
LG DVD burner
WD 640GB Black
Win 7 32 bit Ultimate
Panasonic 58V10
Well I have narrowed it down to Windows Media Center. Whenever I start WMC, I get errors and it eventually locks up the PC. Once I shut down WMC, I don't get a single error.
I think I finally got it working. I reran all the installs off the MB disk. Upon doing that things seem to be working for the most part. I have sound in WMC but none in Windows for some reason though so I am not sure why that is.
Is the drivers correctly installed?
Try going into playback devices and see your defaults setup correctly.
When I check audio devices it shows my TV as default, but also shows a HDMI connection with nothing connected so I wonder if there is a conflict. It is weird that it works fine in 7MC though. I guess I will uninstall the audio drivers and see what happens.
update your graphics drivers. My friend was having the same problem with windows 7 Media center on the same graphics as you. We updated the drivers and all the problem are gone.