problem with Paypal... now with USPS?


Jun 6, 2005
We all know Paypal suck and many of us try to avoid using Paypal by making use of money order. I don't think the problem will end there. Take a look what someone at USPS may do to your money order. Thanks god I'm saved on this one as the buyer double wrapped the money order.

My advise, always wrap the money order with thick dull paper. :)
I thought you always was suppost to double if not triple wrap M/O's or Checks...?
personally i would still take paypal over money orders any day.

but i thought i was common sense to double wrap checks, money orders etc.
for one thing
saved is a misnomer
the MO is made out to you
if its stolen it will be replaced

number 2
why are you convinced someone tried to steal it?
if it was to be stolen the whole envelope would be gone
it looks like it got caught and tore

number 3
whats wrong with paypal?

this is not a forum to bitch in
its for advice and trolls

please delete this thread
it does no one any good
except for someone who likes to bitch [o yeh thats you] ;)
ok everyone is saying the samething.
If you got something original to post then post it, stop with the "double wrap, Common sence" posts
I use MO extensively, though not exclusively.
I don't send nor will I accept an MO other than one issued by the USPS...the PO gets doubly PO'ed if one not only fraudulently uses the mails but one of the PO's own financial instruments ;)
LutaWicasa said:
I use MO extensively, though not exclusively.
I don't send nor will I accept an MO other than one issued by the USPS...the PO gets doubly PO'ed if one not only fraudulently uses the mails but one of the PO's own financial instruments ;)

Also you can tell they aren't fake pretty easy, and if you can't tell your local PO will check for you. Another plus is for another 1$ you get to find out who exactly cashed the MO and where it was cashed.
looks like it got damaged in processing to me... that's not unusual... my business processes tens of thousands of pieces of mail a year... you'd be surprised what the sorter machines can dish out to envelopes...

the "double-wrap/triple-wrap" thing is ludicrous... :rolleyes: do you do this when you pay bills???
In this case, for such a small MO it wouldn't have made sense, but when I send a money order through the mail I just use a USPS money order shipped certified mail with return receipt. That way I'm triple covered.

Its a USPS money order, so tampering is a federal offense and USPS will investigate for you (from what I hear)

Its Certified mail, so someone will have to sign for it to receive it. The seller can't claim they didn't get the payment.

And with return receipt, in the event that something goes wrong you have a legal document (the receipt) saying that they received, or didn't receive the payment.

ccotenj said:
the "double-wrap/triple-wrap" thing is ludicrous... :rolleyes: do you do this when you pay bills???

I normaly pay bills with my debit card or in person, and when I do pay billsthat I send through the mail I wrap them up the same.

But yes those sorting machines can dish out a load of abuse to letters, its why using cheapo envlopes is also a no-no, but again another its another common sense thing.
For what it is worth, I'm an employee of USPS [letter carrier], and there is no "someone at USPS" anymore...Over 85% of the Clerk Craft have been replaced by Bar Code Scanners and Optical Character Readers...From the time you drop your letter into a collection box until you pull it out of your mailbox, it is entirely uread and untouched by human hands (except me!)...

There is also the misconception that USPS has mail in its control...Not so...No USPS employee is allowed to load mail on airplanes, must be airport cargo handlers, mostly un-investigated laborers who are rushed and anxious to get that plane loaded any way they can [read- stamp mail/boxes into any available space]...And the truck drivers who lug mail to and from the out-offices are privately contracted haulers...Not USPS employees, who are investigated and background checked very thoroughly and regularly...

And all equipment must be submitted to the "lowest bidder" process mandated by Federal regulations, so it is very susceptible to malfunctions...

Plus we must pickup and deliver in adverse conditions (rain, snow= wet mail) as well as pickup mail from people who insist on jamming it into cracks of their mailbox, closing the door of cluster boxes on envelopes (gets cut in half when carrier tries to pull it out), or ...

ack...What's the use! Go ahead, blame the USPS! The Bastards!
Sarkee said:
For what it is worth, I'm an employee of USPS [letter carrier], and there is no "someone at USPS" anymore...Over 85% of the Clerk Craft have been replaced by Bar Code Scanners and Optical Character Readers...From the time you drop your letter into a collection box until you pull it out of your mailbox, it is entirely uread and untouched by human hands (except me!)...

There is also the misconception that USPS has mail in its control...Not so...No USPS employee is allowed to load mail on airplanes, must be airport cargo handlers, mostly un-investigated laborers who are rushed and anxious to get that plane loaded any way they can [read- stamp mail/boxes into any available space]...And the truck drivers who lug mail to and from the out-offices are privately contracted haulers...Not USPS employees, who are investigated and background checked very thoroughly and regularly...

And all equipment must be submitted to the "lowest bidder" process mandated by Federal regulations, so it is very susceptible to malfunctions...

Plus we must pickup and deliver in adverse conditions (rain, snow= wet mail) as well as pickup mail from people who insist on jamming it into cracks of their mailbox, closing the door of cluster boxes on envelopes (gets cut in half when carrier tries to pull it out), or ...

ack...What's the use! Go ahead, blame the USPS! The Bastards!

I also work at usps. I've never double wrapped a check, I really don't see the need or the point. I'm not pretending that theft doesn't occur, but it really is VERY rare. Heck, they accused me of stealing a piece of mail. I went through 6 hours of questioning by 5 postal inspectors and endured 6 polygraphs. They still didn't believe me and I was booted out of the door pending further investigation. If it wasnt for my union and some level-headed management, it could have easily taken a year to get my job back.

although, billpay is even worse. We posted a credit card payment on the first of the month. The credit card company didn't recieve the payment until the 16th. As a result, we were late with the payment and went from 0% interest to 26%!! The CS I talked to said she averages 3-4 calls a day from people having similar experiences.
Filter said:
personally i would still take paypal over money orders any day.

but i thought i was common sense to double wrap checks, money orders etc.

I believe either way there is a risk it happen to me with paypal where I gave my info away to a scam email, specially since I haven't done any business with paypal in a long time I totally forgot about this scam. :( At least am glad my wife cought it a minute after I did it and I called inmediatly,so you know sometimes you forget things.
I've never known a fully honest person to get burned by paypal when it wasn't coming to them. The only complaint I have is that their canada/us transactions are 45 days to file a complaint and when some )(#$#@$ ships something boat it takes longer than that.....I lost $15. I can't complain with all the cash I've saved online and when people ask for MO's I look for another interesting place to blow my money. I don't want to blow my cash and work for it too...and one last thing. I just sent a regular check in the mail....just dropped it in the envelope to pay off one of my school loans. If it never makes it...then it's useless. If somebody other than the receiver cashes it then I guess Chase can cover that one... Have some faith, don't be blind but have *some faith.