Problem with Photoshop CS "Replace Color" Tool

Synful Serenity

Jun 4, 2004
I am pulling my hair out over getting this tool to work. Specifically, I am printing out a .BMP file that has text in parts of it that I want to change the color of. Since the text is the only black part of the picture, I want to replace the black with something else, like red for instance. Yet no matter how many times I use the "Replace Color" tool under "Image", "Adjustments", the text part of the picture remains black. I use the medicine dropper as instructed to select the black color, I change the fuzziness settings, and still get the same result. I have done some searching where people have used this tool to change complex objects like shirts on people to different colors, yet it amazes me how a simple one-to-one color reassignment just doesn't work, no matter how many times I follow the directions to the letter. Why isn't the black being changed?
Im not 100% clear but if you used the TEXT tool and typed the text your self it should be no problem to press "T" then highlight the text then change the color from the "Characters" tab (Windows>Characters or Pharagaph i forgot)

If the text is already part of the picture you might have a tougher time lassowing each letter by holding (Ctrl). Then you can do a color change from Image>adjustments>color change. I think thats where it is i dont feel like opening PS.

good luck.
Tony Montana, since it's a BMP file, I'm pretty sure the text has already been rendered.

Synful Serenity, I'm still on Photoshop 7.0, but it sounds like you're making this more complicated than it needs to be. The first thing I would try is the Magic Wand tool. Set the tolerance to something small, possibly zero if the text is not anti-aliased, and set it to be non-contiguous. Click anywhere inside the text, and it will select all of it. Now just use the Paint Bucket tool or Edit->Fill and choose a color, whichever is easier.

If that doesn't work so well, try using menu Select->Color range. Turn the threshold down fairly low and click (eyedropper) the text. Adjust the threshold until it looks like you've got pretty much just the text selected. Then try one of the fill methods I mentioned above.