Problems with adding "Gadgets" Back into Windows 8

Format _C:

Jun 12, 2001
I am actually liking Windows 8 except the fact that Microsoft removed the Windows Gadgets "AKA" Windows Sidebar. I have downloaded a couple of the All in one installers that claim to get the gadgets back while some gadgets work the majority of them say "Load Library Fail" I have reinstalled/uninstalled/restarted the computer so many times that I am pretty sure there is another problem that I don't know about
I have tried 8GadgetPackSetup.msi and

So has anyone experenced this problem? and if so what was the solution?


Here is a screenshot of my Windows 7 Gadgets in Windows 7 of course!

All of the gadgets work on 8 except the SageTV, and CoreTemp, and the GPU Temp one
The clocks and calendars work fine
Gadgets were removed for a good reason - they're a huge security risk. If you really want something like this, get Rainmeter or something.
MS Kool-Aid: Gadgets are a security risk.

Truth: MS stole the technology to do them, lost a patent case and they dropped them for the same reason they dropped DVD support...they didn't want to pay the royalties.
Microsoft stole the technology to do gadgets and lost a potent case over them? Got any links? Never heard this before. Thanks.
So there is no way to get them to work properly in Windows 8?

Yeah I heard they were a security risk, But I trust where the gadgets came from so I should be fine (At least from what I heard about the security risk, as untrusted gadgets can steal information and take control of the computer)

Though I have never heard that Microsoft stole the technology to do them (Though anything is possible with a big company such as Microsoft)
Gadgets were written in CSS/HTML/JS, with all of the security issues associated with that. Any gadget that was written less than flawlessly could be exploited - not just a specific malicious gadget. The entire design was flawed, which is why they were shut down. Let them die.
Is there any similar alternatives out there? I remember back when I used Windows XP I used Yahoo Widgets but I don't know if that is still around or even if it will work with Windows 8.
OK I am now going to ditch the idea of trying to add the gadgets back into W8 because I am liking Rainmeter but I now have another question about Windows 8

How do I get my hard drive to stop showing as a removable drive? The motherboard is an old Intel DG33TL/Core 2 Duo E6400 and the SATA controller is set to AHCI
