Problems with AMD

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Ive done alot of mind expanding drugs in my day (which is basically now), sometimes even combining them (for effect), but I don't want to touch w/e he's got going over there, I don't want to start writing essays on how hynix is enslaving the human race one graphics board at a time.

I really hope this is randomly generated, Because if not... well I don't want to think about if not, maybe this will start to make sense to me and if it starts making sense to me im screwed.

Edit. o god dammit, I was two minutes off from his last post.
Ive done alot of mind expanding drugs in my day (which is basically now), sometimes even combining them (for effect), but I don't want to touch w/e he's got going over there, I don't want to start writing essays on how hynix is enslaving the human race one graphics board at a time.

I really hope this is randomly generated, Because if not... well I don't want to think about if not, maybe this will start to make sense to me and if it starts making sense to me im screwed.

Edit. o god dammit, I was two minutes off from his last post.

Yeah the essays are just a whole lot of nothing. They sound smart but really mean nothing.
Scott Pakin's Automatic Complaint-Letter Generator is intended to be funny. But just in case you don't get the joke:


I am not responsible for the use or abuse of the automatic complaint-letter generator. I am not liable to you or anyone else for damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the program. Use at your own risk.

The fact that I have to include the above text is a sad comment on our society.

Thats what I thought when I saw some of the responses here.This is why I laughed. :)

BTW, cupholder2.0 thanks for giving me so many great belly laughs today ! :D
I thought April Fool's was still a couple of months away, LOL...
BTW, cupholder2.0 thanks for giving me so many great belly laughs today ! :D


I think I gave myself away by responding too quickly. No one can write those essays in like 20 mins lol. Funny how some people take this stuff so seriously, like that guy who was bragging about his ACTs and SATs.

I think I gave myself away by responding too quickly. No one can write those essays in like 20 mins lol. Funny how some people take this stuff so seriously, like that guy who was bragging about his ACTs and SATs.

Hey, it's not my fault you started posting computer generated BS the same night I decided to get rid of all the beer in my fridge. Bah, I've been had. ;)
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