Problems with mighty mouse in Windows

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Ok, so just recently I helped my uncle install Bootcamp on his new Intel based Mac. I installed Windows XP Pro. After the installation complete, I installed all the drivers needed from the burned cd that Bootcamp assistant told me to burn. Now my problem is with the wired Mighty Mouse. After realizing that the bluetooth mouse doesn't work with Windows, my uncle made a trip to the Apple store to pick up the $50 wired mouse. First off, for the love of god, I can't get this thing to right click in either OS X or in Windows. Second, in Windows, when I'm browsing the internet with IE (Haven't had a chance to download Firefox yet). The thing keeps "hitting the back button" whichever button that might be, because when I try to find a button on the mouse that goes back, nothing works, but randomly it will make a wierd click sound and all the sudden it will start flipping backwards, even when I'm not touching it. I litterally have to unplug the mouse in order for it to stay on the site I want, otherwise it will keep flipping back untill the home page.

My aunt is kinda wierd and won't stand for anything other then an Apple mouse and keyboard with her new Apple computer. So even as much as I suggest a new mouse, she won't buy it. Has anyone else had this kind of expirience or at least know how to fix it?
Also, I should mention the problem that I have where it will randomly click somewhere on the screen so that I loose window focus. I'll be browsing through the control panal, or any other windows for that matter, and all the sudden it will loose focus and no matter what, I can't regain focus until I Alt+CTRL+DLT several times until window focus comes back.
Ok, so after realizing that the wireless mouse does in fact work with Windows, I'm having no problems with the simple one button mouse, but it's when I connect the wired Mighty Mouse is when I begin having the problems. They can settle with the one button mouse if there is a way to do a right click with some button combination.
Apple has a special driver for the Mighty Mouse under Windows. Did you install it yet? Also, remember that Boot Camp is still a beta.
In OSX you need to go through the mouse preferences and set it to right click. Both buttons are set to left click by default
synergyo1 said:
In OSX you need to go through the mouse preferences and set it to right click. Both buttons are set to left click by default

I know this and have done this. The mouse works fine in OSX but it's Windows that I'm having problems with. With Bootcamp, Windows sees absolutely nothing from the Mac side of things. It doesn't even recognize that it's on another partition. Anything that you set in OSX will NOT transfer to Windows.
Silent Assasin said:
I know this and have done this. The mouse works fine in OSX but it's Windows that I'm having problems with. With Bootcamp, Windows sees absolutely nothing from the Mac side of things. It doesn't even recognize that it's on another partition. Anything that you set in OSX will NOT transfer to Windows.


I read "First off, for the love of god, I can't get this thing to right click in either OS X or in Windows." Hence the response I gave.

Hmm I didn't have these kind of problems when I had my iMac. Have you tried connecting the mouse to different USB ports?
Oh btw. The Might Mouse doesn't require special drivers since its a HID-compliant mouse. Try plugging it into a PC and see if it exhibits the same behaviors. If it does then its a bad mouse.