Problems with new iMac and DGL 4300

Jul 21, 2005
My parents just got a new iMac and I'm trying to have it connect wirelessly to the internet via the DGL 4300. It sees our network, will connect (though its a bit fussy), and gets a great signal at first. BUT after an hour or so the signal just keeps going down until nothing works or works very slow. I dont get it. How can the signal be strong for a while and everything loads fast, and then for no reason get worse. I've tried messing with different wireless security modes and different channels with no luck. Thanks
i have a macbook and dgl 4300 i have no problems wth mine. but im using tiger..maybe since its new has something to do with leopard ?
panzerbox b: no. we had this old crappy laptop before and from the same location, the internet was stable. it wouldnt start off strong and then gradually get weaker after an hour+

antok86: actually, i'm pretty sure that our imac is still running tiger. its new, but it seems as thought they just included a leopard upgrade disc in the box for us to do ourselves...
You'll more than likely have to hold out until Apple gets their s#$% together and applies some much needed fixes for both Leopard and Tiger in terms of wireless compatibility, among many other much needed fixes.

Personally, I have been using my 3rd Gen Macbook C2D 2.16 with OK results when connected to my DGL-4300 and when using only WPA, TKIP cypher, and downgrading the DGL-4300's firmware to 1.7 (down from 1.8). I am currently running 10.5.1 on my Macbook.

Oh, I also disabled IPv6 in the Network Preference panel when connected wirelessly. This seemed to increase connection time between the Macbook and DGL-4300 before the occasional connection dropout.

Hopefully this gives you some options to try!