Problems with PNY 6800GT


Feb 9, 2004
I received my PNY 6800GT and i was ecstatic to say the least. I was on a Hercules GF2 Pro, so this was quite an upgrade for me. I have been waiting for doom3 to drop for about 2 years, and i was jumping for joy when pieces of my system started coming in. So i put in my new card to test it out on my system. It gives about a 1 second beep, and doesnt recognize any monitors - through DVI or Analog. So i think to myself - could be my older system, who knows? I bring the card over to my friends house who owns a BFG 6800GT(he actually was going to trade me cards until we found out this problem). His BFG works flawlessly in his new Athlon 64 3200+ system I built him. We swap the cards out, and nothing. It wont pick up a monitor. I am extremely frustrated as RMA's take time, and I was really hoping to be dooming it up on August 3rd. Its not looking likely. To top that off, my Samsung 710t comes in with a nice large scratch on the front. What a great week.
Any ideas on what is wrong with the 6800 would be greatly appreciated.
My point? Go to hell PNY - buy BFG. :(
Well sounds like that card is D.O.A. ..which sucks ..personally i have heard nothing but bad things from PNY 6800 owners .. lots of RMAin .. i have a EVGA 6800 GT and it works fine check this site .. they ship on the 2nd of august (day before doom 3) the staff is great and they will ship when they say they will i highly suggest them.

Hope this helps :)
yeah, i was thinking about going with eVGA, but i got my PNY for 347 to my door. I guess you can't skimp on quality, or thats what you get.
naw ya can't me just pay the extra ..send back the PNY and get a EVGA you won't be sorry.
I have a PNY and have been happy as hell with it. Good overclocker right out of the box with some room to spare (see sig :cool: ). Looks like you just got one of the bad ones. It happens now and then.
list your hardware...

which mainboard? psu, etc... which line from the psu to the GT?

what agp spec is your motherboard? the volt issue...