Problems with Raptor 150??


Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2005
I picked up a Raptor 150 about a week and a half ago and been having nothing but problems. I replace a 2x80GB SATA Seagate 7200.7 RAID 0 array which I had running for about 2 years. Never had a problem with them. Then go to the single Raptor and things started acting up.

First problem I had was I couldn't shut SATA channels 3&4 down or the raptor would format, but wouldnt load the windows files after. Figured that out and then windows went on fine. Then I would install Windows and drivers fine, but after the DMI Pool it would go to the Windows bars and you could hear the drive dropping the spindle rotation and spin back up with a loud click in between. Add the occational IRQ not less than equal BSOD and three hosed Windows installations and you got an upset guy.

I tried the WD diagnostic program and all is well according to that, but I have to disagree.

Should I try an exchange for the retailer, or should I phone WD? I am out of ideas.

Any help would be appreciated.
hmmm strange

mine has been working great....its fast and quiet.....10Xs better then the 74GB raptor IMO. You may want to return it to where u bought it or have it serviced thru WD.
I've had serious issues with installing windows on my Expert board on both of my drives (SATA). It locks up through the entire process at some point (formating, copying files, setup). I just keep installing over and over until I can get to windows and everything is fine. I got alot of cyclic redundancy errors saying my windows cd is damaged. It's a freshly burned cd... But my raptor died within a week. At first the WD software reported no errors but after another fresh windows install it was smoked (error 0123). I RMA'd it to the retailer.
alkoholik said:
hmmm strange

mine has been working great....its fast and quiet.....10Xs better then the 74GB raptor IMO. You may want to return it to where u bought it or have it serviced thru WD.

I love it too. I used to have a 74GB RAID 0 and I like this better, and I get to forget about the whole RAID delema. I am going to try NF4 ports 3+4 and if a no-go I will return it to the retailer.

Just so I can rule it out, there are no real incompatabilites with the DFI NF4 Ultra/SLI Chipsets?

Thanks for your opinion guys:)
You check the DFI board? I know its about impossible to navigate and littered with old info, but it might help. I read somewhere to use ports 3/4 also, whenever my raptor returns that will be the first thing I try.

It was fine when I just did a disk clone from my old drive to the Raptor, no install bullshit. But of course the drive had to crash, so much for the fresh clone...

I thought I read somwhere on the DFI forums to never to disable the sata controllers before an install. But I never searched for the reason not to.
I used to hang on the DFI board allot. Got sick of them giving attitude or degrading answers. Plus having people telling you the rules even when you havent broken any gave me the pukes. I even got attitde from A_G when doing him a favor :rolleyes:

But, without the help of Attitude_Games I figured out it was channels 1+2. You would think running a RAID on them for as long as I did would mean they were ok. But I guess the RAID controller is another part of the Chipset. On 3+4 and the start-up bars dont make it across twice and boot times are really good.

Thanks guys!!

No problems with the Raptor 150 here. Worked prefectly the 1st time. Perhaps the problem is mobo dependant like everyone else is guessing?
Can anyone who is running a single Raptor 150 test the drive in HD Tach 3.0 and post the result please?
With the drive as my boot drive and swapfile it hits 139.1MB/s burst and average of 78.0MB/s. CPU util. is 4% with a random access of 8.1ms.

Got all the problems sorted out. Working well now. Funny thing is my freind also had a hell of a time getting his 150 RAID 0 to work. Found out it was his USB 2.0 HD that was screwing him. Weird stuff, but worth the work.