Problems with Win2k3 site


[H]F Junkie
Sep 27, 2003
Well, here's my problem. Somehow I monkeyed up my permissions in one of the Sites on my Win2k3 SBS server. No problem, I think, I'll just delete the site, and recreate it. Well I did just that, and now here's what I get.

Click that link, and then click another one of the links, see how you get a 404 from the server? How the fuck do I fix this? All my other sites work fine.
Oh, and all the images and files in the root directory of the site are being served. The folder structure is intact, cause I don't use virtuall dirs on this site.

I just created a virtual directory pointing to one of my folders, and I get the same thing. I am stumped here!
Is that the actual directory structure of your files, or did you have some virtual directories?

Edit: you outran me.
Langford said:
Is that the actual directory structure of your files, or did you have some virtual directories?

Edit: you outran me.

lol, np, man. I had some virt's, but they are unimportant at this time.
How about your default page filenames? Have you tried reaching the pages with the full filenames?
Langford said:
How about your default page filenames? Have you tried reaching the pages with the full filenames?

Ok, that fixed one problem, I didnt have my PHP "reinstalled" on that site, and I had to fix my default files. I could reach files by full filename.
I have narrowed down the problem to this: When I go to, It is displaying index.php. It asks for a username and pass, and even my domain admin user doesnt work. If I rename that file, the server gives me a dir list. So somewhere there's a permission messed up, no?
AMD[H]unter said:
The PHP services? What account would they be running under?
It is probably being called by whatever account the web services are running under. By default, probably system, in which case it would have full access.
Langford said:
It is probably being called by whatever account the web services are running under. By default, probably system, in which case it would have full access.

Well, the internet guest account is what I thought actually needed permission to execute the php scripts. It is IUS_COMPUTERNAME.....
Just a guess, maybe turn off directory browsing? (if its turned on/enabled) and then make sure the filename.PHP is in the list of the home/default page to serve...
dbwillis said:
Just a guess, maybe turn off directory browsing? (if its turned on/enabled) and then make sure the filename.PHP is in the list of the home/default page to serve...

It is enabled, and index.php is in the default file list.